Paper Towel Tube Craft: Crowns

Day 1

Decorate paper towel tube. We used tissue paper, glue & glitter. Let Dry.

Day 2

Flatten tube. Make slits in tube, alternating sides approximately a half inch apart. Make sure you don't cut all the way across.

Puff up tube again. Slowly fold back rings. They will alternate as you go.

Pretty cool! But don't stop there!

Measure around child's head with garland. Trim and tape into crown. Give to child to decorate. Pom poms, feathers, gems, sequins and lots of glue. Let dry.

Just beautiful!

The girls want to do this again but use the garlands to decorate the doorways for Halloween. So we are saving our paper towel tubes! Enjoy crafting with your kids ;-) Mama King


a Tonggu Momma said...

The Tongginator would love this craft! Crowns and scepters and all things royal are *sigh* still right up her alley. Thanks for the idea!

Beach Mama said...

Love it! Thanks for the idea!

M for Short said...

OK. I am seriously channeling your craft energy. Honestly, this morning I cut two (toilet) tubes into circles FOR NO REASON. Very strange. We have a ton of crowns from previous bday parties, but I definitely like the idea to make Halloween garlands. Will probably paint a single tube black, another orange, (possibly add glitter) then cut into them.

MaryAnne said...

Very cool!

Kristin said...

coolest paper tube craft yet!

[email protected] said...

This is so, so creative! I love your crowns! Thanks so much for the great idea, I'll be linking.

Abbie said...

okay, I had NO idea WHERE you were going with this. In my reader I can only see the tube...I was thinking, HOW is that going to turn into a crown?
And then you did your crafty thing, and presto...a crown. So cool. Really cool!

izzy said...

Soooooo innovative!! Especially perfect for girls who love role playing as princesses.. =D On top of that, it will further enhance their creativity!

mermaid said...

Oh, very lovely idea!

Nicole said...

Great idea, I want my classes to do this for sure. Have you seen any good craft ideas for Chuseok?

Katie said...

I LOVE the picture of Em holding it way up. The expression on her face is so full of wonder. And is it just me or does Lu suddenly look at lot older. It's like her face has lost some of it's baby fat and's all big girl now.


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