Pastoral Care

Pastoral support across 4U churches

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give the same comfort God has given us.

(2 Corinthians 1, v3-4)

There is so much friendship, loving care and support already given and received within our churches and congregations. We all have our part to play.

The Pastoral Ministry Team…

works in partnership with the clergy team, providing pastoral support to those in need, which may include listening, encouraging, supporting, befriending, visiting, practical help and prayer.

All members of the Pastoral Ministry Team have received training, are DBS-checked and are careful to observe confidentiality.

We offer care and support to one another and those who come to the team’s churches through …

  • Welcome
  • Bereavement support
  • Visiting those who are unwell / hospital visiting
  • Home communion
  • Lifts to church
  • Providing meals in times of need, and for specific events
  • Befriending and supporting young families
  • Supporting elderly people
  • Baby-sitting – to enable attendance at church activities
  • Small groups and home groups, which also give opportunity for fellowship and prayer support
  • Baptism preparation and support
  • Marriage preparation

In each of our team churches there are named people who can help to find you the support you need – for yourself, or for another member of the church or congregation.

The Pastoral Coordinators and Pastoral Leaders for the 4U team churches and congregations are:

All Saints’ Church, Bisham

Pastoral Coordinator: Pam Harper (01628 624677)

St John the Baptist Church, Little Marlow

Pastoral Coordinator: Liz Payne (01628 476641)

All Saints’ Church, Marlow

Pastoral Coordinator: Sue Glyn-Woods (01628 483168)
Pastoral Leaders:
Sunday 9.15am service: Anne Morse (01628 486537)
Sunday 10.59 service: Sandy Powell (07941 521577) and Ruth Scott (07725 940877)

St Mary’s Church, Marlow Bottom

Pastoral Coordinator: Rosemary Lewis (01628 440686)

Can you help?

Could you offer to help with the pastoral ministry of the church – either as a ‘once-off’ or occasionally or by being available more often?

If you are able to help in any way, please do give your name to the Pastoral Coordinator of your church or to the Pastoral Leader of your congregation.

We can only give support to one another and to those who come into our churches with the resources that we have.

Appropriate training and support will be given where needed.

If you have any queries, please Parish Office by phone on 01628 481806 or by email at [email protected].