Tarot cards are another way of helping people through spiritual guidance. These are used to tell about recent events, near future and a specific situation. On the basis of the current situation, tarot cards help person to know about past, present and future events. Tarot cards reading is the best method to utilize your inner wisdom. It allows person to know more about the situation and tell the best possible solution depend on what cards represent.
• Tarot Deck contains total of 78 cards. • These are divided into two parts: Major & Minor Arcana. • Major Arcana includes 22 cards. • Minor Arcana includes 56 cards. • Each tarot card presents in a form of images and symbols.
First of all, tarot cards are not for those people who think that it is one more activity for spending time. Learning tarot means to enhance your inner wisdom and follow your intuitions. It is perfect for making choices, inner growth, self-discovery, and guiding others. It is a quick way to clear your doubts and get the answers you need.
This Professional tarot Cards Reading course contains 2 level – Basic Tarot Cards Reading Course and Advanced Tarot Cards Reading Course. All the details regarding requirement, content, fees, etc., are given below:
Major Arcana Detailed Study (keywords and Description)- (0-21 Cards) The Fool, The Magician, The High Priestess, The Empress, The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Lovers, The Chariot, Strength, The Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Justice, The Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, The Devil, The Tower, The Star, The Moon, The Sun, Judgement and The World.
Minor Arcana Detailed Study (keywords and Description) Suits of Pentacles Suits of Cups Suits of Wands Suits of Swords
Basics Spreads One Card Prediction 3 cards Prediction Storytelling through Basic Spreads 3 Months Prediction Past, Present, and Future Prediction
Reverse Card Reading through Tarot if Necessary or Not
A student must have learnt a basic level and those who aspire to master their skills in tarot Cards. They also want to make a profession in this field.