
For many years, researchers have been debating whether the Information Systems discipline is generating knowledge, which is actually transferred to practice. Still, empirical studies, which could confirm or reject assertions about missing practical relevance in the rigor vs. relevance debate are lacking. We followed the research call of MIS Quarterly’s editors of 2011 and address the issue by analyzing two academic-practitioner journals, MISQ Executive and Sloan Management Review, which are potential channels for knowledge transfer to practice. Following a scientometric approach we performed a comprehensive quantitative citation analysis on journal-level. By this, we identified core knowledge sources of academic-practitioner journals and found a respectable amount of scientific publications referenced in such outlets with a mixed audience. Our research extends the scarce scientometric studies about knowledge transfer and practical relevance in terms of a comprehensive citation database and the performed categorization.


Aug 10th, 12:00 AM

Assessing the Knowledge Transfer of IS Research to Practice

For many years, researchers have been debating whether the Information Systems discipline is generating knowledge, which is actually transferred to practice. Still, empirical studies, which could confirm or reject assertions about missing practical relevance in the rigor vs. relevance debate are lacking. We followed the research call of MIS Quarterly’s editors of 2011 and address the issue by analyzing two academic-practitioner journals, MISQ Executive and Sloan Management Review, which are potential channels for knowledge transfer to practice. Following a scientometric approach we performed a comprehensive quantitative citation analysis on journal-level. By this, we identified core knowledge sources of academic-practitioner journals and found a respectable amount of scientific publications referenced in such outlets with a mixed audience. Our research extends the scarce scientometric studies about knowledge transfer and practical relevance in terms of a comprehensive citation database and the performed categorization.