Wasp is an ASP solver handling disjunctive logic programs under the stable model semantics. Wasp implements techniques originally introduced for SAT solving combined with optimization methods that have been specifically designed for ASP computation, such as source pointers enhancing unfounded sets computation and efficient techniques for stable model checking.
Wasp takes as input logic programs in the gringo format and SAT/MaxSAT formulas in DIMACS format.
In order to compile wasp boost (http://www.boost.org/) and g++-4.6 (or more recent) are required.
If all libraries have been installed just type:
and pray!
Other compiling options are also available:
enables the usage of statistics -
enables more statistics (this may have deteriorate the performance) -
enables the possibility to trace the internal behavior of wasp -
compiles wasp for debugging -
enables python2.7 interface -
enables python3 interface (version of python <= 3.7) -
enables python3 interface (version of python >= 3.8) -
enables perl interface -
enables python2.7 and perl interfaces
In order to use Wasp you need a grounder. You can use either gringo (http://potassco.sourceforge.net/) or i-dlv (https://github.com/DeMaCS-UNICAL/I-DLV/wiki).
If the grounder has been downloaded just type:
./gringo filename | ./wasp
./i-dlv filename | ./wasp
- M. Alviano, C. Dodaro, N. Leone, and Francesco Ricca: Advances in WASP. Proceedings of LPNMR (2015). Download Reference
- M. Alviano, C. Dodaro, J. Marques-Silva, and F. Ricca: Optimal Stable Model Search: Algorithms and Implementation. Journal of Logic and Computation (In Press 2015). Download Reference
- M. Alviano, C. Dodaro, and Francesco Ricca: Anytime Computation of Cautious Consequences in Answer Set Programming. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (2014). Download Reference
- M. Alviano, C. Dodaro, W. Faber, N. Leone, and Francesco Ricca: WASP: A Native ASP Solver Based on Constraint Learning. Proceedings of LPNMR (2013). Download Reference
- M. Alviano, C. Dodaro, and Francesco Ricca: Comparing Alternative Solutions for Unfounded Set Propagation in ASP. Proceedings of AI*IA (2013). Download Reference
A preliminary documentation of the python interface is available here!Team
- Mario Alviano, University of Calabria
- Carmine Dodaro, University of Calabria (main developer)
- Francesco Ricca, University of Calabria