American Legion Riders
American Legion Riders
Downriver Post 217
To promote motorcycle safety and riding enjoyment through programs and activities that is in keeping with the aims and purpose of the American Legion. To support program events, parades, and other ceremonies of the American Legion Members and their families who share these same interests. The American Legion Riders is not a Motorcycle Club, and does not practice Motorcycle club rules or regulations. The American Legion Riders is family-oriented, just as is its parent organization: The American Legion!
Membership requirements are as follows:
Member in good standing in one of the following
The American Legion
The American Legion Auxiliary
The Sons of the American Legion
You must own a motorcycle of at least 650cc in size or be the legal spouse of an owner who is in the American Legion Riders (ALR) chapter. Dues are $1.00 a month or $12.00 a year.
The Downriver ALR is proud to say we donated over $6,000.00 last year helping our local Veterans.
We “Ride for a cause”, for every mile each rides of 3 or more vested riders, they donate a penny per mile (v0luntarily) last year we rode approximately 110,000 miles and we are always looking for sponsors to help our local Veterans in need.

We hold a annual Comedy night event every October that has helped us each year with our “Boots on the ground” program, with this money we are able to purchase boots,socks,hats,gloves,t-shirts for our homeless Vets through the Michigan Veterans Foundations. We also are able to donate money to Downriver for Veterans (DFV) who assures us all funds to stay to local downriver Veterans in need, we adopt families at Christmas to make their holiday a lot brighter.

If you’re a Veteran or eligible to join one of our families SAL, Auxiliary and interested in becoming a Rider, stop in at our post anytime or come join us on Tuesday evenings for Bike night at Post 217 located at Bishop Park in Wyandotte.