Hey everyone, so awhile ago I made a top 10 list of my favorite Synchro monsters, so I figured that if you're going to make list about that, you've got to make a list for the monsters that help bring them out, the Tuner monsters.

This list will include both main deck Tuner monsters, and the Synchro Tuner monsters. Keep in mind, this is my list and my opinion, not everyone else's. This list will be a bit biased since I'm a Synchron player. Anyway, let's get into it.
Number 10. Unknown Synchron

This guy was amazing back in the day. He allowed you to special summon himself while your opponent controlled a monster and you control no monsters. He's also a target for Road Warrior, and being a level 1 tuner meant we could go into our lower level Synchro monsters. Sadly, he doesn't see much play these days, but he's still awesome. I've used him a lot back in the day, so I had to put him on this list.
Number 9. Quickdraw Synchron

He's not one of the best tuner monster, but I really love this guy. He's easy to summon out, and can go into any synchro monster that requires a Synchron tuner monster. If you play a Synchron deck, you'll understand how important he is.
Number 8. Phonon Pulse Dragon

When I first saw this guy, I was amazed. He could change his level down to level 3, 2, or 1. Sadly though, by doing that you couldn't special summon for the rest of this turn unless it involved using him in a synchro summon. Still, being a generic level 4 Synchro Tuner monster was really good.
He was an amazing help to a lot of Synchro decks, so he deserves a spot on this list.
Number 7. Glow-up Bulb

One of the best level 1 tuner monsters you can run. This guy was used so much back in the day when Plant Synchro decks were one of the top 3 meta decks. You could easily summon this guy out from your graveyard by using its effect to mill the top card of your deck. Sadly his effect is only once per duel, but that didn't stop other duelist from abusing this guy, which ultimately got him banned on the banlist for a while.
Number 6. Tatsunoko

We've only had this guy for a year, but I've been loving this guy since the day I got him. This was something many synchro decks needed. Before he existed, the only synchro deck that could synchro summon using a monster in your hand was the T.G. archetype. Now any synchro deck can do it, provided they're running at least 1 copy of this guy. He's been such a big help to me in my Synchron, he earned a spot on this list.
I'm looking forward to getting Tatsunoko's adult version, Coral Dragon.
Number 5. Accel Synchron

This guy is like the Synchron version of Phonon Pulse Dragon. First off, he can change his level by sending a Synchron monster from your deck to the graveyard (it doesn't have to be a tuner monster). Then, you can either increase or decrease his level by the level of the sent monster. Meaning you can use him for both Synchro and XYZ plays. He can even become level 1, which is really helpful. Also, being able to synchro summon during your opponent's main phase is really nice.
Number 4. Effect Veiler

Practically one of everyone's favorite little hand trap monster. I originally was going to put Accel at number 4, but then I remembered Effect Veiler and he had to be put on one of the top 5 spots. He's so good, he can be used in any deck. Something about negating one of your opponent's monster's effect during their main phase makes him that great.
Number 3. Jet Synchron

I really love this guy. Mainly because he's a Synchron version of Glow-up Bulb. However, instead of the top card of your deck, it's a card in your hand, which can really help setup some graveyard plays. Another amazing level 1 tuner monster. Plus, just like Unknown Synchron, he's a target for Road Warrior and Accel Synchron. He helped open up so many new plays.
Number 2. Formula Synchron

One of the best Synchro Tuner monsters in this game. Being a generic level 2 synchro monster that allows you to draw a card when he's summoned and can let you synchro summon during your opponent's main phase. He's your main Synchro Tuner monster to go into when you're wanting to go into certain Synchro monsters like Quasar, Shooting Star, etc. Plus, he combos really well with T.G. Hyper Librarian (as one of the reasons why Formula got limited before, in the past).
Number 1. Junk Synchron

He's my favorite tuner monster. Similar to Stardust Dragon, he's one of my first tuner monsters ever. He's so iconic. Ever time you hear the word "tuner", he's probably one of the first ones to pop into your mind. He helped introduced us to Synchro monsters, so I had to put him at number 1 on this list. I love this guy too much.

Hope you guys enjoyed it.
Let me know what's your favorite tuner monster. With every great Synchro monster, there is always a great tuner monster(s).
I'll see you guys in the next one. Hope you have/had an awesome day today. :grin: :+1:
Comments (5)
Mine Is Shaddoll Falco :D
Really? I wonder why. :wink:
Awesome list man. My favourite tuner?? Jiaotu, fokn Infernity Archfiend of the Yang Zing. Looping that thing and spamming out guys on the board is just something.
Awesome list man, I'd put most of these choices in my own top 10 aswell.
My favorite tuner is not only my favorite tuner, but also my favorite card ever: Junk Synchron. Just like you he was one of, if not the first tuner I ever owned, he's the main tuner of my favorite deck Junk Doppel/Synchron, and I just love his design and effect. He's been with me for so long, has helped me in a pinch countless times, and it's always fun to play this guy~ c:
Agreed man. Junk Synchron is one of the most iconic Tuner monsters in the game. I love that guy.