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HomeBritishnessThe Fiver – Five Unusual British Races

The Fiver – Five Unusual British Races

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When warmer weather hits, you can bet that race season is on.  5Ks, 10Ks, Half-Marathon, and full-Marathon races go on all over the world.  The UK has several notable races of its own, including the famous London Marathon.  There are also some pretty lesser-known, though infinitely more fascinating, races that take place across the country.  From a simulated prison break to a marathon run in reverse, we have identified five of these unusual races that take place all over Britain.  If you feel up for the challenge, maybe you’ll race in one?  You can also add some of your own favorite odd races in the comments. 

Dartmoor Prison Break

This “ultra event” race raises money to support the Dartmoor Search & Rescue Team Plymouth and gets its name because it starts at HMP Dartmoor.  In the spirit of a real prison break, teams are encouraged to take their own route from the prison and get as far as they can within a given time.  The time periods for the race are broken down into 12 hours (“Delinquent”) and 24 hours (“Felon”).  For 2022, the race is introducing a new element as the teams can compete against the “wardens” to see who can get further. 

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If you’ve already figured this one out from reading backwards, the name of this race is “The London Marathon” in reverse.  Also known as the Reverse London Marathon or Backwards London Marathon, this race was started by a group that didn’t qualify for the marathon proper, so they decided to run their own.  Starting at 2 AM the day of the marathon, the participants run the London Marathon course in reverse, starting at the course’s end and finishing at the beginning.  The runners wrap up their race before the 8AM start time of the London Marathon. 

Man vs Horse

Originating in Llanwrytd Wells, Wales in 1980, this race is exactly what it sounds like.  Run the distance of a normal marathon, runners race against a rider on horseback on roads, through trails, and over mountainous terrain.  The race started all because a local landlord overheard a pub argument over which of the two would be faster and decided to put it to the test for real.  Over the more than forty years that the race has been held, humans have beaten the horse a handful of times, winning a cash prize in the process. 

The Sumo Run

While it doesn’t appear to be an active race anymore, the Sumo Suit Run was a 5K that saw participants run for 3.1 miles through London’s Battersea Park wearing inflatable sumo suits.  During its history, the Sumo Run actually set a Guinness World Record for the largest gathering of runners in sumo suits, proving if you come up with a wacky enough concept, you can get a world record for it.  Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing this event revived with T-Rex suits, but maybe that’s just me (“Must go faster, must go faster”). 

The Spooky Sprint

Currently a virtual event, this Halloween-themed race offers courses in 5K, 10K, Half-Marathon, and Full-Marathon distances.  Runners are encouraged to participate in costume, though it doesn’t seem any award is given for the best dressed.  The race will return to Peterstow Manor for 2023 but also continue offering virtual events.  We can guarantee that if you run in one of the races either in person or virtually, you’ll be *dead* on your feet afterwards (*maniacal laugh*).  Regardless of how you choose to race, all funds go to support Parkinson’s research in the UK, so you’ll be contributing to a great cause. 

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John Rabon
John Rabon
The Hitchhiker's Guide has this to say about John Rabon: When not pretending to travel in time and space, eating bananas, and claiming that things are "fantastic", John lives in North Carolina. There he works and writes, eagerly awaiting the next episodes of Doctor Who and Top Gear. He also enjoys good movies, good craft beer, and fighting dragons. Lots of dragons.

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