(*------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- NOTATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* -- Core notations -- *) Notation "⊤" := True. Notation "⊥" := False. Notation "_⟨⊎⟩_" := sum (only parsing). Infix "⟨⊎⟩" := sum (at level 25, left associativity). Infix "⟨×⟩" := prod (at level 20, left associativity). Notation "_⟨×⟩_" := prod (only parsing). (** Force coercion to Type (used with program) **) Notation "‵ T ′" := (T : Type) (only parsing). (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* -- Category notations - --*) Reserved Notation "A ⇒ B" (at level 30, right associativity). Reserved Notation "f ∘ g" (at level 40, left associativity). Reserved Notation "⟨ f , g ⟩" (at level 0, no associativity). (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)