AW Series
Wall-Mount Speaker
Wall-Mount Speaker

SPL transformed: Meet the AW 5.2T+ & AW 8.2T+
A lot of smaller wall mount speakers in distributed systems never get to challenging sound levels.
We assumed that would be the case with our popular AW 8.2T and AW 5.2T. But their sound quality is so good and their dispersion so complete that they were getting cranked up in bars, brew houses and clubs where mid-level SPLs from a distributed system came in handy.
So we redesigned the AW 8.2T and AW 5.2T into the new AW 8.2T+ and AW 5.2T+ with beefier transformers. Nobody talks much about the transformers inside their 70-100V speakers (they’re hidden and they are “background” speakers after all). We are proud to.
AW 8.2T+ and AW 5.2T+ use audio-grade laminations.
All windings use heavy, high-insulated wire.
Cores are grain-oriented steel.
What’s the benefit? Higher power handling with minimal insertion loss — as low as wall mount speakers costing twice as much. That leads to almost TWICE the power, and increased SPL without additional distortion.
AW 8.2T+ and AW 5.2T+ can be trusted in applications where a distributed system needs more output (think bar during happy hour…or when home team football is up on the screens.
We designed our AW Series to meet or match the performance of more expensive on-wall speakers… yet at a price point that can contribute to a winning bid — and a satisfied customer. Here’s how.
For this type of speaker, music and speech are equally important. Both rely on a large “sweet spot” and off-axis intelligibility. Many speakers strive only for ON-axis frequency response and pay too little attention to OFF-axis system response.
Directivity Optimization, a new, proprietary approach to crossover design, significantly improves vertical axis response. More listeners on the extreme left and right can hear the spoken word better. Music in a restaurant or bar is more immersive and less directional. DOC avoids the lock-step “studio monitor” configuration that is less than optimal for longer-throw applications and creates a noticeably wider sweet spot that is perfect for speech throughout a room, patio or bar area.
While AW speakers provide ample performance on their own, Ashly’s powerful, easy-to-use Protēa and AquaControl™ DSP systems give you the opportunity to apply advanced EQ, FIRs, further X-over refinements, and delay to AW speakers, providing a wider, flatter frequency response across the coverage angle. These free downloadable presets give Ashly DSP processor units and processor-equipped amps the ability to realize the best possible sound without needing to manually adjust for any frequency response anomalies that might otherwise produce less than optimal results.
The world doesn’t need another brand of ordinary wall-mount speakers. That’s why we developed a line with unique features and performance. Now you can spec an all-Ashly system with quality speakers that make beautiful music with our amplifiers and processors that feature Protēa and AquaControl™…and of course a range of wall controllers.
One order. One delivery. One satisfied customer!
Restaurants & Bars • Hearing Rooms • Exhibits • Schools • Auditorium Fill

Restaurants don’t have to suffer from substandard sound when they use AW’s. Chose from four sizes: inconspicuous AW 2.1P’s to impressive AW 8.2T’s that can pump up the volume in a bar or lounge area. Each is attractively designed to fit any decor.

Convenience stores, clothing boutiques, hair and nail salons…AW’s delivers high-fidelity sound to them all. AW 5.2T+’s and AW 8.2T’+’s are constant voltage capable for larger retail areas with the need for lots of speakers.

AW’s have HOTEL LOBBY written all over them. Also public spaces such as museums, aquariums, college common areas, and terminals. They’re part of an Ashly amp/processor ecosystem that provides a full range of DSP including noise masking.