Ben Blamey
About Me
| Publications
| Supervision
| Teaching
| Code
About Me
I am senior lecturer at Malmö University.
For my research I study problems related to workflows and pipelines for handling streams, scientific datasets, and big data in the cloud,
associated optimization problems, especially cloud-edge communication and storage of large matrix streams, with applications in microscopy and systems biology. I teach topics related to programming, big data and cloud computing. I am originally from Cornwall, UK.
Some previous roles:
- Senior Lecturer (Universitetslektor) at the Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University (Sweden).
- Full-stack developer at Springworks building an enterprise-grade connected-car platform,
mainly node.js, android, iOS. The Android app.
Lecturer at the Cardiff School of Computer Science, helping to establish the
National Software Academy. We developed a hands-on Software Engineering Degree launched in 2015,
taught in the style of a coding camp, with students working on projects for real customers (the BBC reported on us).
PhD from Cardiff Metropolitan University, with a focus on social media preservation with data mining, NLP, and distributional semantics.
Concurrently, I worked at the social-media startup Loccit (developing for the LAMP stack).
Developer Cosworth / Pi Research, writing mostly C#/WPF.
BA in Mathematics from Cambridge University.
Most of the open-source code I've written is for the HASTE Project, with some odds and ends on my GitHub page.
Google Scholar has an up to date publication list.
[email protected]
Malmö University Profile |
Google Scholar |
GitHub |
dblp | |
ResearchGate |
Publons |
Semantic Scholar |
dockerhub |