JULY 2015
Benchmark Food Solutions is pleased to announce the addition of Jarritos – Mexico’s Number 1 Soda to its portfolio
The story of Jarritos
Jarritos sodas were created by Francisco “El Güero” Hill in Mexico in 1950 in his dining room. He used fresh fruits and real sugar for his new creation. He liked it. His kids liked it. His wife liked it too… but she mostly wanted her dining room table back.
Jarritos soon expanded to 11 unique and colorful flavors, working closely with local growers in Mexico to use only the best fruits for our flavors. We even have our very own secret mandarin groves located somewhere in the Yucatán. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone.
Most flavors are made from fruits you’ve heard of, some are very exotic and all are from Mexico—nothing fake or made up. Our limes come from Colima, our grapefruit from the Gulf, our hibiscus from Guerrero, our tamarind from Oaxaca, our guava from Calvillo, our pineapple from Tabasco, our mangos from Chiapas—and I already told you about the mandarins. Or did I? That is our little secret.
Those natural flavors made Jarritos very popular in Mexico. Actually, much more than popular—cherished. And by 1960, Jarritos was the best-selling soft drink in Mexico.
And guess what? Jarritos only uses real sugar, never corn syrup. Why? Because real sugar tastes like sugar. High fructose corn syrup…just doesn’t taste right.
Speaking of doing things right, we helped create a second income for coffee farmers who were using tamarind plants for shade by buying their tamarind fruits for our yummy Tamarind sodas. You see? Even a little brown seed pod thing can do great things.
When Jarritos decided to share its deliciousness with the World, we didn’t change a thing- the same exotic flavors, the same original recipes, all in the same authentic glass bottles. You’re welcome!
Of course, to try Jarritos is to love Jarritos, so we started giving out samples like crazy. In fact, we’ve given away 180 million ounces over the last 10 years. That’s a lot of happy mouths. Besides, who doesn’t like free soda? Especially when it’s Jarritos.
Today, more people than ever thirst for our flavorful flavors, with thousands of bottles leaving Mexico daily. We’re proud of our success . And we’re even more proud that we’ve been making real Mexican soda the same way since 1950. Because we’re Jarritos. And we’re not from here..