Celebrity Eclipse Cruise Ship Cancels Visit
The Celebrity Eclipse cruise ship was scheduled to arrive in Bermuda tomorrow [Nov 19], however has cancelled their planned visit to Bermuda due to “unfavourable trans-Atlantic weather” delaying the departure from Southampton, U.K.
According to this year’s cruise ship schedule, the Celebrity Eclipse was scheduled to make two calls to Bermuda — in April and November — carrying a projected 3182 passengers and 1210 crew.
The island is now coming to the end of this year’s cruise season, with five more visits scheduled this year; three in November and two in December.
bad news travels fast ! should Bermuda continue voting green all will see is red Numbers!
Green just manages to get us other more profitable ‘Eclipses’ http://bernews.com/2014/11/eclipse-super-yacht-back-in-bermuda/
and your point? i doubt the Green party had anything to do with the visit from the eclipse and if so please do tell! either or?
oh yeah ! more profitable how ? a one time registration fee or continued thousands in head tax? both are great welcome all!
That was a satirical comment by me as I think it’s hilarious to try and politicize the weather. Sorry for upsetting you.
However, I do think mega yachts are a much better fit for Bermuda than cruises. There is good documented data regarding the economic input of yachts versus cruise ships and yachts make a lot more sense
1) Mega yachts are not as self sufficient as cruise ships and therefore tend to stay longer and require local provisioning as compared to cruise ships that come and go independently.
2) The expenditure on the island from mega-yacht passengers and crew is massive compared to that of a cruise ship passenger. You can get the same financial benefit from a handful of those folks that you could from hundreds of cruise passengers without the negative impacts of strained infrastructure and environmental degradation
thank you for your response! I, never looked at it as such!
we just lost over 4000 people fron coming to our shores in an instant! – thats adds up to several million dollars
not coming to Bermuda.— let me make it more clear -several million Dollars we won’t get!
How could you make this political!
While I recognise the legitimate reasons for cancellations, I would be interested in knowing from the BTA what the terms of agreement are with the cruise lines with occasions of cancellations.
Act of god ie bad weather very simple
I wonder why the red party didn’t calm the seas for their visit…since our political system has so much influence on the weather. LMAO (Hilarious talking heads)
Port cancellations due to “acts of god” like weather are covered in the cruise contract and neither the passenger nor the port can claim damages as far as I know. (Incidentally aircraft only pay landing fees when they land, not if they make it here but turn back due to weather, although we are looking at charging for using our airspace in the future)
The cancellation of the eclipse was a decision made several weeks ago.
My wife and I plus six other residents boarded the ship in Southampton on novrmber 9. At check in we were told the itinerary had been changed that morning because a hurricane was due to hit bermuda around the time of our arrival on November 18. Madeira was chosen as an alternative.
On board the captain announced that the route had been changed because of current stotms in the North Atlantic. Funny thing was that printed brochures advertised shore excursions in Madeira and this obviously required planning and arranging. There is no way celebrity intended to visit bermuda and they told a pack of lied in the process. We even had to beg them for an sir date from NYC to bermuda.
The ship could have called in to bermuda on the way north east , either before or after NYC.
Clebrity even had the nerve to tell the RG the bermuda visit was cancelled because the ship left Southampton late.
I believe celebrity cancelled the bermuda visit n the aftermath of the two recent hurricanes and did not have the courtesy of advising 2859 passengers. People were furious. Bermuda was the prime port of call.
Shame on celebrity for this sham of so cruise.