Picture Slideshows
Columbia County WI, We Energies Project (31)
These photos were taken by Jim Bembinster in the fall of 2011. They show the fragmentation of farm fields by access roads to turbines which don't follow fence lines, trenching for power lines. What they don't show is the severe soil compaction from heavy machinery. -
Wind Turbines In Place and Being Constructed (66)
CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO THE LEFT TO SEE THE PHOTOS> We're collecting photos of Industrial Wind Turbines in every stage of development, from construction to abandonment. -
Wind Turbine Construction on Farm Fields in Fond du Lac County, WI (61)
Turbine construction in Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin -
Maps high ground and historical (13)
Here are detailed maps showing the high ground in our community where turbines would most likely go. There are enlarged sections and also some historical maps of our area showing locations of farms and residences over the last 100 years. -
Pictures & Flyers (23)