2 Kings 5
Berean Study Bible

Naaman Cured of Leprosy

Now Naaman, the commander of the army of the king of Aram
Naaman was a prominent military leader in Aram, known today as Syria. Aram was a significant power in the region, often in conflict with Israel. As commander, Naaman held a position of great authority and influence, reflecting the importance of military prowess in ancient Near Eastern societies. His role is comparable to other military leaders in the Bible, such as Joshua or Joab, who were instrumental in their nations' military successes.

was a great man in his master’s sight and highly regarded
Naaman's status as a "great man" indicates his favor with the king of Aram, likely due to his military successes. This phrase suggests a relationship of trust and respect between Naaman and the king, highlighting the importance of loyalty and competence in leadership roles. In the ancient world, military leaders often held significant political power, and Naaman's esteem would have extended beyond the battlefield.

for through him the LORD had given victory to Aram
This phrase acknowledges the sovereignty of God over all nations, not just Israel. It suggests that God can use anyone, even those outside His chosen people, to accomplish His purposes. This is a recurring theme in the Bible, where God uses foreign nations to discipline or deliver Israel (e.g., Cyrus in Isaiah 45:1). It also foreshadows the New Testament message of salvation being available to all nations.

And he was a mighty man of valor
The term "mighty man of valor" is used throughout the Old Testament to describe warriors of exceptional bravery and skill, such as Gideon (Judges 6:12) and David's mighty men (2 Samuel 23). This designation underscores Naaman's reputation as a formidable and respected warrior, emphasizing his strength and courage despite his affliction.

but he was a leper
Leprosy in the Bible often symbolizes sin and impurity, as it rendered individuals ceremonially unclean and isolated them from society (Leviticus 13-14). Naaman's leprosy presents a stark contrast to his military achievements and social standing, highlighting the limitations of human power and the universal need for divine intervention. This condition sets the stage for his encounter with the prophet Elisha, which ultimately points to themes of humility, faith, and God's power to heal and restore. Naaman's healing can be seen as a type of Christ's redemptive work, offering cleansing and restoration to all who come to Him in faith.

At this time
This phrase sets the historical context during the period of the divided kingdom, specifically the time of the prophet Elisha. It was a time of frequent conflict between Israel and its neighboring nations, including Aram (modern-day Syria).

the Arameans had gone out in bands
The Arameans, or Syrians, were a significant power in the region. These bands were likely raiding parties, a common military tactic used to weaken enemy territories and capture resources or people. This reflects the ongoing hostilities and border skirmishes between Israel and Aram.

and had taken a young girl from the land of Israel
The capture of a young girl highlights the personal and human cost of these raids. It was common for captives to be taken as slaves or servants. This girl's presence in Naaman's household is pivotal, as she becomes a key figure in the narrative of Naaman's healing.

and she was serving Naaman’s wife
Naaman was a commander of the army of the king of Aram, a man of high status and influence. The young girl's role as a servant to Naaman's wife places her in a position to influence the events that follow. Her faith and knowledge of the prophet Elisha in Israel become instrumental in Naaman's eventual healing from leprosy, demonstrating God's sovereignty and the unexpected ways He can work through individuals, regardless of their status or circumstances.

She said to her mistress
This phrase introduces a young Israelite girl who had been taken captive by the Arameans and now serves Naaman's wife. Her position as a servant in a foreign land highlights the historical context of frequent conflicts between Israel and Aram (modern-day Syria). Despite her circumstances, she shows compassion and faith, which is significant given her status and the cultural norms of the time. Her boldness in speaking to her mistress reflects a deep trust in God's power and the prophets of Israel.

If only my master would go to the prophet
The young girl refers to the prophet Elisha, who was known for performing miracles and serving as a mouthpiece for God in Israel. Her statement underscores the belief in the power of God's prophets to perform acts of healing and deliverance. This reflects the broader biblical theme of God using prophets to demonstrate His power and communicate His will. The girl's faith in the prophet's ability to heal Naaman is a testament to the reputation Elisha had in Israel.

who is in Samaria
Samaria was the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel during this period. It was a significant city both politically and religiously. The mention of Samaria situates the narrative geographically and highlights the division between Israel and Aram. This division is important in understanding the miraculous nature of the events that follow, as it involves interaction between two often-hostile nations. The reference to Samaria also emphasizes the centrality of Israel as the place where God's power is manifested through His prophets.

he would cure him of his leprosy
Leprosy in biblical times was a term used for various skin diseases, often seen as a sign of impurity and divine judgment. The girl's confidence that the prophet could cure Naaman indicates a belief in God's power to heal and restore, transcending human limitations and societal boundaries. This foreshadows the New Testament accounts of Jesus healing lepers, drawing a parallel between Elisha's ministry and the ministry of Christ. The healing of Naaman serves as a type of Christ's redemptive work, offering cleansing and restoration to those who seek Him in faith.

And Naaman went and told his master
Naaman, a commander of the army of the king of Aram, demonstrates his position and influence by directly communicating with his master, the king. This reflects the hierarchical structure of ancient Near Eastern societies, where military leaders had direct access to royalty. Naaman's willingness to seek help from a foreign source indicates his desperation due to his leprosy, a condition that was socially and religiously isolating. This action also shows his trust in the information provided by his wife's servant girl, highlighting the importance of faith and humility.

what the girl from the land of Israel had said
The servant girl, taken captive from Israel, plays a pivotal role in Naaman's story. Her faith in the prophet Elisha's ability to heal is a testament to the power and reputation of the God of Israel, even among captives. This reflects the biblical theme of God using the lowly and unexpected to fulfill His purposes. Her mention of a prophet in Israel points to the broader narrative of God's prophets being instruments of His power and mercy. This also foreshadows the New Testament theme of faith transcending cultural and national boundaries, as seen in Jesus' interactions with Gentiles.

“Go now,” said the king of Aram,
The king of Aram, likely Ben-Hadad II, demonstrates his authority and willingness to assist Naaman, his commander. This reflects the political dynamics between Aram (modern-day Syria) and Israel, often marked by conflict and uneasy alliances. The king's directive underscores the high regard in which Naaman is held, as well as the desperation to find a cure for his leprosy.

“and I will send you with a letter to the king of Israel.”
The letter signifies a formal diplomatic request, indicating the seriousness of Naaman's condition and the respect for the prophet Elisha's reputation in Israel. This reflects the ancient Near Eastern practice of kings communicating through letters for political and personal matters. The king of Israel at this time is likely Jehoram, who would have been wary of Aram due to their history of hostilities.

So Naaman departed,
Naaman's departure marks the beginning of his journey of faith and healing. His willingness to seek help from a foreign prophet highlights his desperation and the limitations of his own resources and gods. This journey can be seen as a metaphor for spiritual seeking and humility.

taking with him ten talents of silver,
A talent was a large unit of weight, approximately 75 pounds or 34 kilograms. Ten talents of silver represent a significant amount of wealth, indicating the value placed on Naaman's healing. This wealth also reflects the common practice of offering gifts to prophets or healers, as seen in other biblical accounts.

six thousand shekels of gold,
A shekel was a unit of weight, roughly 11 grams or 0.4 ounces. Six thousand shekels of gold further emphasize the immense wealth Naaman carried, underscoring the seriousness of his condition and the high stakes involved. This wealth is a testament to Naaman's status and the resources of the Aramean kingdom.

and ten sets of clothing.
Clothing in the ancient Near East was a valuable commodity, often used as a form of currency or gift. The ten sets of clothing symbolize honor and respect, as well as the intention to secure favor. This practice is seen in other biblical narratives, where clothing is given as a sign of esteem or covenant.

And the letter that he took to the king of Israel stated:
In the ancient Near East, letters were often used for official communication between kings and dignitaries. This letter signifies a formal request and highlights the diplomatic relations between Aram (Syria) and Israel. The use of a letter indicates the seriousness of the request and the respect for protocol. Historically, such letters were often written on papyrus or clay tablets, and their delivery was a matter of great importance.

With this letter I am sending my servant Naaman,
Naaman was a commander of the army of the king of Aram, a position of high status and influence. His being referred to as a "servant" underscores the hierarchical nature of ancient societies, where even high-ranking officials were considered servants of the king. Naaman's journey to Israel reflects the desperation and hope for healing, as leprosy was a debilitating and socially isolating disease. This also shows the king's favor towards Naaman, willing to send him to a foreign land for healing.

so that you may cure him of his leprosy.
Leprosy in biblical times was a term used for various skin diseases, often leading to social exclusion. The expectation that the king of Israel could cure leprosy indicates a misunderstanding of the king's role and power, as healing was typically associated with prophets or divine intervention. This sets the stage for the involvement of the prophet Elisha, who ultimately points to God's power as the source of healing. The request foreshadows the miraculous healing that will occur, serving as a type of Christ's healing ministry, where physical healing often pointed to spiritual truths.

When the king of Israel read the letter
The king of Israel at this time was likely Jehoram, son of Ahab. Letters were a common form of communication between rulers, often carried by messengers. The letter in question was from the king of Aram (Syria), requesting the healing of Naaman, a commander in his army. This reflects the diplomatic relations and tensions between Israel and Aram during this period.

he tore his clothes
Tearing one's clothes was a traditional expression of distress, mourning, or horror in ancient Israel. It signified the king's alarm and despair at receiving such a request, which he perceived as impossible to fulfill. This act underscores the gravity of the situation and the king's sense of helplessness.

and asked, “Am I God, killing and giving life
The king's rhetorical question highlights his recognition of human limitations compared to divine power. In the ancient Near East, only God was believed to have control over life and death. This statement reflects the king's understanding of his own inability to perform miracles, such as healing leprosy, which was considered a divine prerogative.

that this man expects me to cure a leper?
Leprosy in biblical times was a term for various skin diseases, often seen as a sign of divine judgment. The king's incredulity at being asked to cure a leper underscores the perceived impossibility of the task. Healing leprosy was beyond human capability and required divine intervention, as seen in other biblical accounts of miraculous healings.

Surely you can see that he is seeking a quarrel with me!”
The king interpreted the request as a pretext for conflict, suspecting that the king of Aram was setting him up for failure to justify aggression. This reflects the political tensions and mistrust between Israel and Aram. The king's reaction reveals his fear of war and his perception of the request as a diplomatic trap.

Now when Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had torn his clothes
Elisha, recognized as a "man of God," signifies his role as a prophet and intermediary between God and the people. The tearing of clothes by the king of Israel is a traditional expression of distress or mourning, often seen in the Old Testament (e.g., Genesis 37:34, Job 1:20). This act indicates the king's despair over his inability to heal Naaman, the Syrian commander, highlighting the limitations of earthly power compared to divine intervention.

he sent a message to the king
Elisha's proactive response demonstrates his confidence in God's power and his role as God's representative. Prophets often communicated God's will to kings, as seen throughout the books of Kings and Chronicles. This action underscores the importance of seeking divine guidance in times of crisis.

“Why have you torn your clothes?
Elisha's question challenges the king's lack of faith and understanding of God's presence and power in Israel. It serves as a reminder that God is sovereign and capable of performing miracles, even when human solutions seem impossible. This rhetorical question emphasizes the need for reliance on God rather than despair.

Please let the man come to me
Elisha invites Naaman to come to him, indicating his willingness to be used by God to demonstrate His power. This invitation reflects the biblical theme of God's openness to all who seek Him, regardless of nationality or status. It also foreshadows the healing and conversion of Naaman, a Gentile, which prefigures the inclusion of Gentiles in God's plan of salvation (Acts 10:34-35).

and he will know that there is a prophet in Israel.”
This statement asserts the presence and authority of God's prophets in Israel, serving as a testament to God's active involvement with His people. It also highlights the role of prophets in revealing God's power and truth to the nations. The acknowledgment of a prophet in Israel points to the greater reality of God's sovereignty and foreshadows the ultimate revelation of God through Jesus Christ, the greatest prophet (Hebrews 1:1-2).

So Naaman came with his horses and chariots
Naaman was a commander of the army of the king of Aram, a position of high status and power. His arrival with horses and chariots signifies his wealth, authority, and the seriousness of his condition, as he was seeking healing from leprosy. Horses and chariots were symbols of military might and prestige in ancient Near Eastern cultures, indicating Naaman's importance and the resources at his disposal. This scene contrasts with the humble means of the prophet Elisha, highlighting the difference between worldly power and spiritual authority.

and stood at the door of Elisha’s house
Elisha was a prophet in Israel, known for his miracles and as a successor to Elijah. Naaman's standing at the door signifies a moment of humility and expectation, as he seeks help from a foreign prophet despite his high status. This act of standing at the door can be seen as a metaphor for seeking divine intervention and guidance. The location, Elisha's house, suggests simplicity and a departure from the grandeur associated with Naaman's position. This setting emphasizes the theme of God's power working through humble means, a recurring motif in the Bible.

Then Elisha sent him a messenger
Elisha, the prophet, chooses not to meet Naaman directly, which emphasizes the humility required for healing and the power of God's word over personal presence. This act can be seen as a test of Naaman's faith and obedience. In biblical times, prophets often used intermediaries to convey messages, highlighting the authority of God's word regardless of the messenger. This also prefigures the New Testament concept of faith in the unseen Christ (John 20:29).

who said, “Go and wash yourself seven times in the Jordan
The Jordan River holds significant biblical importance, being the site where the Israelites crossed into the Promised Land (Joshua 3:14-17) and where Jesus was later baptized (Matthew 3:13-17). The number seven symbolizes completeness and divine perfection in Scripture, seen in the creation week (Genesis 2:2-3) and the seven churches in Revelation (Revelation 1:4). Naaman's washing in the Jordan signifies a complete cleansing and a step of faith, paralleling the spiritual cleansing through baptism in the New Testament.

and your flesh will be restored
The promise of restoration is a recurring theme in the Bible, often associated with God's covenant faithfulness and mercy. Naaman's leprosy, a disease that rendered individuals ceremonially unclean, symbolizes sin and separation from God. The restoration of his flesh prefigures the spiritual restoration available through Christ, who heals and reconciles humanity to God (2 Corinthians 5:17-19).

and you will be clean.”
Cleansing in the biblical context often refers to both physical and spiritual purification. Levitical laws required cleansing rituals for those healed of leprosy (Leviticus 14), pointing to the need for holiness before God. Naaman's cleansing foreshadows the ultimate cleansing from sin through Jesus' sacrifice (1 John 1:7). This act also demonstrates God's grace extending beyond Israel to the Gentiles, a theme further developed in the New Testament (Acts 10:34-35).

But Naaman went away angry
Naaman, a commander of the army of the king of Aram, was a man of great importance and valor, yet he suffered from leprosy. His anger reflects his pride and expectations of how he should be treated, especially given his status. This reaction highlights the human tendency to rely on personal expectations rather than divine instructions. Naaman's anger can be compared to Jonah's anger in Jonah 4:1, where personal expectations clash with God's plans.

saying, “I thought that he would surely come out
Naaman expected Elisha, the prophet, to personally attend to him, reflecting the cultural norms of honor and respect for high-ranking individuals. This expectation shows a misunderstanding of how God often works through humility and simplicity, rather than through grand gestures. It also underscores the theme of God's ways being higher than human ways, as seen in Isaiah 55:8-9.

stand and call on the name of the LORD his God
Naaman anticipated a dramatic, ritualistic healing, which was common in pagan practices. This expectation reveals his lack of understanding of the God of Israel, who does not require elaborate rituals to act. The phrase "call on the name of the LORD" is significant throughout Scripture, indicating reliance on God's power and presence, as seen in Genesis 4:26 and Joel 2:32.

and wave his hand over the spot
This expectation of a physical gesture for healing reflects the influence of magical practices common in ancient Near Eastern cultures. Naaman's assumption shows his unfamiliarity with the prophetic tradition in Israel, where God's power is not dependent on human actions or rituals. This contrasts with Jesus' healing ministry, where physical touch or gestures were sometimes used, but always as a demonstration of divine authority (e.g., Mark 7:32-35).

to cure my leprosy
Leprosy in the Bible often symbolizes sin and impurity, requiring divine intervention for cleansing. Naaman's desire for healing is not just physical but also carries a deeper spiritual significance. The cleansing of leprosy is a type of the cleansing from sin that Jesus offers, as seen in the healing of lepers in the Gospels (e.g., Luke 5:12-13). Naaman's eventual healing foreshadows the inclusivity of God's grace, extending beyond Israel to the Gentiles, as prophesied in Isaiah 49:6.

Are not the Abanah and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel?
Naaman, a commander of the Syrian army, expresses his disdain for the Jordan River by comparing it to the rivers of his homeland. The Abanah (also known as the Barada) and Pharpar are significant rivers in Damascus, known for their clear and abundant waters. This reflects a common human tendency to value what is familiar and esteemed in one's own culture over what is foreign or seemingly inferior. The rivers of Damascus were vital to the region's agriculture and economy, making them highly valued. This comparison highlights Naaman's pride and misunderstanding of God's ways, which often use the humble and unexpected to accomplish His purposes. The Jordan River, though not as impressive, holds significant biblical importance, being the site of Israel's crossing into the Promised Land (Joshua 3) and later, the baptism of Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17).

Could I not have washed in them and been cleansed?”
Naaman's question reveals his expectation that healing should come through grand or familiar means, rather than through the simple act of faith and obedience. This reflects a broader biblical theme where God's power is often demonstrated through humble means, such as Moses striking a rock to bring forth water (Exodus 17:6) or Jesus using mud to heal a blind man (John 9:6-7). Naaman's focus on the physical attributes of the rivers misses the spiritual lesson of obedience and faith. His statement also underscores a common human struggle with pride and the need for humility to receive God's grace.

So he turned and went away in a rage.
Naaman's reaction is one of anger and disappointment, illustrating the struggle between human pride and divine instruction. His rage is a barrier to receiving the healing he seeks, symbolizing how pride can obstruct spiritual growth and blessings. This moment is pivotal, as it sets the stage for Naaman's eventual submission and healing, which occurs only after he humbles himself and follows the prophet Elisha's instructions. This narrative echoes the biblical principle that God's ways are higher than human ways (Isaiah 55:8-9) and that humility is essential for receiving God's grace (James 4:6). Naaman's initial rejection and subsequent acceptance of God's method of healing serve as a type of conversion experience, foreshadowing the transformative power of faith and obedience in Christ.

Naaman’s servants, however, approached him and said,
Naaman, a commander of the army of the king of Aram, was a man of great status and power, yet he suffered from leprosy. His servants play a crucial role in this narrative, demonstrating the importance of humility and listening to wise counsel, regardless of social status. Servants in ancient Near Eastern cultures often had close relationships with their masters, sometimes acting as advisors. This reflects the biblical theme of God using the humble and lowly to convey His messages, as seen in other scriptures like 1 Samuel 3 with young Samuel.

“My father,
The term "my father" is a respectful and affectionate address, indicating the close relationship between Naaman and his servants. It reflects the cultural practice of using familial terms to express respect and loyalty. This phrase also highlights the humility required to accept guidance from those considered socially inferior, a recurring biblical theme seen in Proverbs 12:15, which emphasizes the wisdom of heeding advice.

if the prophet had told you to do some great thing,
This phrase underscores human nature's tendency to value grand gestures over simple acts. Naaman, a man of valor, might have expected a dramatic or difficult task to match his status. The reference to "the prophet" is to Elisha, who, like other prophets, often delivered God's messages in unexpected ways. This reflects the biblical principle that God's ways are not man's ways, as seen in Isaiah 55:8-9.

would you not have done it?
This rhetorical question challenges Naaman's pride and assumptions, prompting self-reflection. It suggests that Naaman would have been willing to undertake a significant challenge, highlighting the irony that he hesitates at a simple command. This mirrors the biblical theme of faith and obedience, as seen in the story of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac (Genesis 22).

How much more, then, when he tells you,
The phrase "how much more" is a common biblical rhetorical device used to emphasize a point by comparison. It invites Naaman to reconsider the simplicity of the prophet's command. This reflects the biblical teaching that God's instructions, though sometimes simple, require faith and trust, as seen in the healing of the blind man in John 9:7.

‘Wash and be cleansed’?”
The command to "wash and be cleansed" is both literal and symbolic. Geographically, the Jordan River, where Naaman was instructed to wash, holds significant biblical importance, being the site of Israel's crossing into the Promised Land (Joshua 3) and later, the baptism of Jesus (Matthew 3:13-17). The act of washing symbolizes purification and obedience, prefiguring Christian baptism as a sign of spiritual cleansing and renewal. This reflects the biblical theme of faith leading to healing and salvation, as seen in the story of the ten lepers in Luke 17:11-19.

So Naaman went down
Naaman, a commander of the army of the king of Aram, was a man of great status and valor but suffered from leprosy. His journey to Israel reflects humility and obedience, as he initially resisted the prophet Elisha's instructions. This act of going down symbolizes a descent from pride to submission, a necessary step for spiritual and physical healing.

and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times
The Jordan River holds significant biblical importance, being the site where the Israelites crossed into the Promised Land and where Jesus was later baptized. The act of dipping seven times signifies completeness and perfection in biblical numerology. Naaman's obedience to this specific instruction demonstrates faith in God's power and the prophet's word, despite his initial skepticism.

according to the word of the man of God
Elisha, the prophet, represents God's voice and authority. Naaman's healing depended on his adherence to the divine instruction given through Elisha. This highlights the importance of faith and obedience to God's word, as mediated through His prophets.

and his flesh was restored
The restoration of Naaman's flesh signifies not only physical healing but also spiritual renewal. In biblical terms, leprosy often symbolizes sin and impurity. Naaman's healing is a testament to God's power to cleanse and restore, prefiguring the spiritual cleansing available through Christ.

and became like that of a little child
This phrase emphasizes the complete transformation and renewal Naaman experienced. In the Bible, children often symbolize purity and innocence. Naaman's skin becoming like that of a child signifies a new beginning and a return to a state of purity, akin to the spiritual rebirth Jesus speaks of in the New Testament.

and he was clean
The declaration of Naaman's cleanliness is significant both physically and spiritually. In the Levitical law, leprosy rendered a person ceremonially unclean, barring them from community and worship. Naaman's cleansing allowed him to be reintegrated into society and symbolizes the comprehensive cleansing from sin that God offers, foreshadowing the ultimate cleansing through Jesus Christ.

Gehazi’s Greed and Leprosy

Then Naaman and all his attendants went back to the man of God
Naaman, a commander of the army of the king of Aram, had been healed of leprosy after following the instructions of the prophet Elisha. This return to Elisha signifies a transformation in Naaman's understanding and belief. In the ancient Near Eastern context, a military leader like Naaman would have been accompanied by a retinue, indicating his high status. His return to Elisha, the "man of God," shows humility and gratitude, as well as a recognition of the true source of his healing.

stood before him
Standing before Elisha symbolizes respect and acknowledgment of Elisha's authority as a prophet. In biblical times, standing before someone was a posture of submission and readiness to listen or serve. This act also reflects Naaman's acknowledgment of the power of the God of Israel, as represented by His prophet.

and declared, “Now I know for sure that there is no God in all the earth except in Israel.
Naaman's declaration is a profound confession of faith, especially coming from a Gentile. It highlights the exclusivity of the God of Israel, contrasting with the polytheistic beliefs prevalent in Aram and other surrounding nations. This statement echoes the monotheistic theme found throughout the Old Testament, such as in Deuteronomy 6:4, "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one." Naaman's acknowledgment serves as a foreshadowing of the inclusion of Gentiles in God's plan of salvation, a theme further developed in the New Testament.

So please accept a gift from your servant.”
Offering a gift was a customary way to show gratitude and honor in the ancient Near East. Naaman's use of "your servant" indicates his humility and recognition of Elisha's higher spiritual authority. However, Elisha's refusal to accept the gift (as seen in the following verses) underscores the principle that God's grace and miracles cannot be bought or repaid, emphasizing the free and sovereign nature of divine grace. This act prefigures the New Testament teaching of salvation as a free gift from God, not earned by human effort or wealth.

But Elisha replied
Elisha, the prophet and successor of Elijah, is central to this narrative. His role as a prophet is to convey God's messages and perform miracles, demonstrating God's power and authority. Elisha's response is significant as it reflects his commitment to God's will and his role as a servant of the Lord.

“As surely as the LORD lives
This phrase is an oath, emphasizing the certainty and seriousness of Elisha's statement. It reflects the Hebrew understanding of God as the living God, contrasting with the lifeless idols worshiped by surrounding nations. This expression is used frequently in the Old Testament to affirm the truthfulness of a statement (e.g., 1 Samuel 14:39, Jeremiah 4:2).

before whom I stand
This indicates Elisha's position as a servant and representative of God. The phrase suggests a posture of readiness and obedience, similar to a courtier standing before a king. It underscores the prophet's direct accountability to God, as seen in other prophetic contexts (e.g., 1 Kings 17:1).

I will not accept it.”
Elisha's refusal to accept gifts from Naaman highlights the principle that God's grace and healing cannot be bought. This act distinguishes the God of Israel from pagan deities, whose favor was often thought to be purchased. It also prefigures the New Testament teaching of salvation as a free gift (Ephesians 2:8-9).

And although Naaman urged him to accept it
Naaman's insistence reflects the cultural norm of offering gifts in gratitude, especially after receiving a significant favor. In the ancient Near East, it was customary to reward those who performed miraculous deeds. Naaman's persistence also shows his misunderstanding of the nature of God's grace.

he refused.
Elisha's steadfast refusal serves as a testimony to the integrity of God's servants and the purity of God's work. It reinforces the message that divine blessings are not commodities to be traded. This act of refusal can be seen as a type of Christ, who also offered grace freely and without cost (Matthew 10:8).

“If you will not,” said Naaman,
Naaman, a commander of the army of the king of Aram, had been healed of leprosy by following the prophet Elisha's instructions to wash in the Jordan River. His statement here follows Elisha's refusal to accept gifts for the healing. This reflects the cultural practice of offering gifts in gratitude for divine or prophetic intervention, which Elisha declines to emphasize that God's grace cannot be bought.

“please let me, your servant, be given as much soil as a pair of mules can carry.”
Naaman requests soil from Israel, which indicates his desire to worship the God of Israel on holy ground. In ancient Near Eastern culture, gods were often associated with specific lands, and taking soil from Israel symbolized bringing a piece of the land where the true God was worshiped back to Aram. This act signifies Naaman's conversion and commitment to the God of Israel, acknowledging His sovereignty beyond geographical boundaries.

“For your servant will never again make a burnt offering or a sacrifice to any other god but the LORD.”
Naaman's declaration marks a significant shift from polytheism to monotheism, recognizing the LORD as the one true God. This aligns with the First Commandment (Exodus 20:3) and reflects a profound transformation in Naaman's faith. His commitment to exclusive worship of the LORD is a testament to the power of God’s miracles to bring about spiritual change. This also prefigures the New Testament theme of Gentiles coming to faith in the God of Israel, as seen in the ministry of Jesus and the apostles.

Yet may the LORD forgive your servant this one thing:
Naaman, a commander of the Syrian army, has just been healed of leprosy by the prophet Elisha. His request for forgiveness indicates his newfound faith in the God of Israel. The phrase highlights the tension between his duties and his faith. It reflects the struggle of maintaining faith in a polytheistic society, where allegiance to the God of Israel might conflict with civic duties. This plea for forgiveness shows Naaman's understanding of God's grace and mercy, which is a recurring theme throughout the Bible.

When my master goes into the temple of Rimmon to worship there,
Rimmon was a Syrian deity, likely associated with storms or thunder. The temple of Rimmon was a place of significant cultural and religious importance in Syria. Naaman's master, the king of Syria, would have participated in state rituals there, which were integral to maintaining political and social order. This context underscores the challenge Naaman faces as a believer in the God of Israel while serving in a pagan environment. The situation is reminiscent of other biblical figures like Daniel, who also navigated faithfulness to God while serving in foreign courts.

and he leans on my arm,
This phrase indicates Naaman's role as a close and trusted aide to the king, possibly even a ceremonial role during worship. It suggests a position of honor and responsibility, which complicates his ability to abstain from participating in pagan rituals. The physical act of leaning implies support and assistance, highlighting Naaman's dilemma of being physically present in a place of idol worship while spiritually committed to the God of Israel.

and I bow down in the temple of Rimmon,
Bowing down in the temple signifies an act of worship or reverence, which Naaman is concerned about because it could be seen as compromising his faith. This act is not voluntary but rather a part of his duty, reflecting the complex interplay between personal faith and public duty. The Bible often addresses the issue of idolatry, and Naaman's concern here is about maintaining purity of worship, a theme echoed in the Ten Commandments and throughout the prophetic writings.

may the LORD forgive your servant in this matter.”
Naaman's request for forgiveness acknowledges his understanding of God's holiness and the seriousness of idolatry. It also reflects his desire to remain faithful despite unavoidable circumstances. This plea is an early example of the concept of grace, where God's forgiveness is sought for actions that are not aligned with His will. It parallels the New Testament teachings on grace and forgiveness through Jesus Christ, who provides a way for believers to be reconciled to God despite their shortcomings.

“Go in peace,” said Elisha.
Elisha's words, "Go in peace," signify a blessing and a release from any obligation or guilt. This phrase is often used in the Bible to convey a sense of divine approval and reconciliation. In the context of Naaman, a Syrian commander who was healed of leprosy, it indicates that Elisha acknowledges Naaman's newfound faith in the God of Israel. The peace Elisha refers to is not just physical or political but spiritual, reflecting the Hebrew concept of "shalom," which encompasses wholeness and harmony with God. This blessing is reminiscent of Jesus' words in the New Testament, where He often tells individuals to go in peace after healing them (e.g., Mark 5:34).

But after Naaman had traveled a short distance,
Naaman's journey back to Syria after his healing is significant. The "short distance" suggests that he had not gone far when the events that follow begin to unfold. This detail sets the stage for the subsequent actions of Gehazi, Elisha's servant, who pursues Naaman. The geographical context here is important; Naaman is returning from the Jordan River area, where he was instructed to wash and be cleansed. This area is rich in biblical history, being the site of many significant events, including the crossing of the Israelites into the Promised Land (Joshua 3-4). Naaman's journey symbolizes a transition from his old life of idolatry to a new life acknowledging the God of Israel. The short distance also implies that Naaman's heart and mind are still fresh with the experience of his healing and conversion, making the subsequent events more poignant.

Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said
Gehazi is introduced as the servant of Elisha, who is recognized as a prophet and a man of God. Elisha succeeded Elijah and performed many miracles, demonstrating God's power and presence in Israel. Gehazi's role as a servant implies a close relationship with Elisha, providing him with unique insights into the workings of God through the prophet. This context sets the stage for Gehazi's actions, highlighting the contrast between his behavior and Elisha's integrity.

Look, my master has spared this Aramean, Naaman
Naaman was a commander of the army of the king of Aram (modern-day Syria), a nation often at odds with Israel. Despite being a foreigner and an enemy, Naaman was healed of leprosy by Elisha, which demonstrated God's grace and power extending beyond Israel. Gehazi's reference to Naaman as "this Aramean" reflects a possible disdain or prejudice, emphasizing the tension between Israel and Aram. The healing of Naaman serves as a precursor to the New Testament theme of God's salvation being available to all nations.

by not accepting what he brought
Naaman offered gifts to Elisha as a token of gratitude for his healing, but Elisha refused them, illustrating the principle that God's gifts and miracles cannot be bought or earned. This refusal underscores the prophet's commitment to God's glory and the purity of his ministry. Gehazi's focus on the material wealth Naaman brought reveals his greed and misunderstanding of the nature of God's work through Elisha.

As surely as the LORD lives
This phrase is an oath, invoking the name of the LORD, which is a serious matter in biblical times. It reflects a common expression used to affirm the truthfulness or seriousness of a statement. However, Gehazi's use of this oath is ironic and hypocritical, as his intentions are deceitful and self-serving, contrasting with the sincerity typically associated with such declarations.

I will run after him and get something from him
Gehazi's decision to pursue Naaman and obtain something from him reveals his greed and lack of spiritual discernment. This action directly contradicts Elisha's earlier refusal and demonstrates Gehazi's failure to grasp the lesson of God's grace and provision. Gehazi's pursuit of material gain at the expense of integrity serves as a warning against the dangers of covetousness and the temptation to exploit spiritual authority for personal benefit.

So Gehazi pursued Naaman.
Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, takes action driven by greed and deceit. This pursuit marks a significant departure from the integrity expected of a prophet's servant. Gehazi's actions contrast with Elisha's earlier refusal of Naaman's gifts, highlighting a moral and spiritual decline. The pursuit itself is symbolic of Gehazi's internal chase after material wealth, which ultimately leads to his downfall. This moment foreshadows the consequences of covetousness, as seen in other biblical narratives such as Achan's sin in Joshua 7.

And when Naaman saw him running toward him,
Naaman, a Syrian commander, had just experienced a miraculous healing from leprosy after following Elisha's instructions to wash in the Jordan River. His willingness to stop and engage with Gehazi reflects his gratitude and respect for the prophet's household. The act of running indicates urgency, which may have led Naaman to believe there was an important message or need. This scene underscores the cultural importance of hospitality and communication in ancient Near Eastern societies.

he got down from the chariot to meet him
Naaman's descent from the chariot is a gesture of respect and humility, especially significant given his high status. In the ancient world, chariots were symbols of power and prestige, and stepping down from one to meet someone on foot demonstrated a willingness to engage on equal terms. This act can be seen as a continuation of Naaman's transformation, not just physically but spiritually, as he had acknowledged the God of Israel after his healing.

and asked, “Is everything all right?”
Naaman's inquiry reflects concern and a readiness to assist, indicating a change in his character post-healing. This question is a common greeting in the biblical text, often used to express genuine interest in another's well-being. It also sets the stage for Gehazi's deceitful response, contrasting Naaman's sincerity with Gehazi's duplicity. The question echoes the biblical theme of seeking peace and well-being, as seen in other scriptures like Jeremiah 29:7, where seeking the peace of the city is encouraged.

“Everything is all right,” Gehazi replied.
Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, begins with a reassuring statement. This phrase is deceptive, as Gehazi is about to lie to Naaman. In biblical narratives, servants often play crucial roles, and their actions can reflect the moral and spiritual state of the people they serve. Gehazi's lie contrasts with Elisha's integrity and foreshadows the consequences of deceit. The phrase also highlights the theme of peace and security, which is disrupted by Gehazi's actions.

“My master has sent me to say,”
Gehazi falsely claims to be acting on Elisha's behalf. This misuse of authority is significant in biblical texts, where prophets are seen as direct representatives of God. Gehazi's lie is not just a personal failing but an affront to the divine authority Elisha represents. This act of deception can be compared to other biblical figures who misused their positions, such as Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5.

“Look, two young men from the sons of the prophets have just now come to me”
The "sons of the prophets" were groups of prophetic disciples or communities that existed during the time of Elijah and Elisha. They were dedicated to learning and living out the prophetic tradition. Gehazi's mention of them adds a layer of credibility to his story, as these groups were known for their piety and dedication. The reference to "two young men" suggests a plausible need, as hospitality and provision for fellow believers were important cultural values.

“from the hill country of Ephraim.”
Ephraim was a significant region in the northern kingdom of Israel, known for its rugged terrain and historical importance. It was the territory of one of the prominent tribes of Israel, often associated with strength and leadership. The mention of Ephraim may evoke the idea of a legitimate and urgent need, as travelers from this area would have faced a long journey. This geographical detail adds realism to Gehazi's fabricated story.

“Please give them a talent of silver and two sets of clothing.”
A talent of silver was a substantial amount of money, indicating the seriousness of Gehazi's greed. In ancient times, clothing was a valuable commodity, often used as a form of wealth or status symbol. Gehazi's request for two sets of clothing further emphasizes his deceitful intentions, as he seeks to enrich himself under the guise of helping others. This request contrasts with the biblical teaching of contentment and reliance on God's provision, as seen in passages like 1 Timothy 6:6-10. The act of asking for silver and clothing also reflects the material temptations that can lead individuals away from spiritual truth.

But Naaman insisted, “Please, take two talents.”
Naaman, a commander of the Syrian army, had just been healed of leprosy by following the prophet Elisha's instructions to wash in the Jordan River. His insistence on giving a gift reflects the cultural norm of offering a reward for services rendered, especially for miraculous healing. A talent was a significant amount of money, indicating Naaman's wealth and gratitude. This act also highlights the contrast between Naaman's generosity and Gehazi's greed, which is later revealed.

And he urged Gehazi to accept them.
Gehazi, Elisha's servant, initially refused the gift on behalf of Elisha, who had declined any reward to demonstrate that God's grace cannot be bought. Naaman's urging shows his earnest desire to express gratitude, but it also sets the stage for Gehazi's moral failure. This moment foreshadows Gehazi's succumbing to temptation, which is a recurring theme in Scripture, illustrating the human struggle with sin.

Then he tied up two talents of silver in two bags along with two sets of clothing
The act of tying up the silver and clothing signifies preparation and intention. Clothing in ancient times was a valuable commodity, often used as a form of wealth. The two sets of clothing may symbolize Naaman's respect and acknowledgment of Gehazi's service. This detail also emphasizes the substantial nature of the gift, which Gehazi later deceitfully acquires.

and gave them to two of his servants, who carried them ahead of Gehazi.
Naaman's servants carrying the gifts ahead of Gehazi indicates the importance and weight of the offering. It also reflects the hierarchical social structure of the time, where servants played a crucial role in executing the will of their masters. This action foreshadows Gehazi's deceitful plan to take the gifts for himself, contrasting with the integrity expected of a servant of a prophet. The narrative serves as a moral lesson on the consequences of greed and dishonesty.

When Gehazi came to the hill
Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, is central to this narrative. The "hill" likely refers to a secluded place near the city, possibly a location where Gehazi could discreetly manage the gifts he had deceitfully acquired. Hills often served as places of significance in biblical narratives, symbolizing moments of decision or revelation. This setting underscores Gehazi's attempt to conceal his actions from Elisha, highlighting the theme of hidden sin.

he took the gifts from the servants
Gehazi's actions here are a direct result of his greed and deception. He had pursued Naaman, the Syrian commander, under false pretenses to obtain gifts that Elisha had refused. This act of taking the gifts signifies a breach of trust and integrity, contrasting with Elisha's earlier refusal to accept any reward for the healing of Naaman. The gifts, which included silver and garments, symbolize the material temptation that led Gehazi astray.

and stored them in the house
By storing the gifts in the house, Gehazi attempts to hide his wrongdoing. This act of concealment is reminiscent of Achan's sin in Joshua 7, where hidden spoils led to dire consequences. The house represents a place of supposed safety and secrecy, yet it becomes a witness to Gehazi's sin. This phrase highlights the futility of trying to hide sin from God, who sees all.

Then he dismissed the men
Gehazi's dismissal of the servants indicates his desire to cover up his actions completely. By sending them away, he removes any witnesses to his deceit. This action reflects a common biblical theme where individuals attempt to manage the consequences of their sin through further deception. It also underscores Gehazi's isolation in his sin, as he distances himself from others who might hold him accountable.

and they departed
The departure of the men signifies the temporary success of Gehazi's scheme. However, it also foreshadows the impending judgment and exposure of his sin. This moment of departure is a turning point, as Gehazi believes he has successfully hidden his actions. Yet, it serves as a reminder that human plans cannot thwart divine justice, as Gehazi's sin will soon be revealed by Elisha, illustrating the biblical principle that sin will ultimately be brought to light.

When Gehazi went in and stood before his master
Gehazi, the servant of Elisha, returns to his master after deceitfully acquiring gifts from Naaman. This act of standing before his master signifies a position of accountability and service. In biblical times, a servant standing before a master was a common practice, indicating readiness to serve or report. Gehazi's role as a servant is reminiscent of other biblical figures who served prophets, such as Elisha himself who served Elijah (1 Kings 19:21). This setting underscores the hierarchical relationship and the expectation of honesty and integrity in service.

Elisha asked him, “Gehazi, where have you been?”
Elisha's question is direct and probing, reflecting his role as a prophet who discerns truth. This inquiry is similar to God's question to Adam in Genesis 3:9, "Where are you?" which seeks to reveal the truth of one's actions and heart. Elisha's prophetic insight likely already knows Gehazi's actions, and the question serves to give Gehazi an opportunity to confess. This moment highlights the theme of accountability before God and His representatives.

“Your servant did not go anywhere,” he replied.
Gehazi's response is a blatant lie, demonstrating his attempt to conceal his wrongdoing. This lie is significant as it contrasts with the expected truthfulness of a servant of a prophet. The act of lying is condemned throughout Scripture, as seen in Proverbs 12:22, "Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD." Gehazi's deceit is a moral failure that leads to severe consequences, illustrating the biblical principle that sin often leads to further sin and eventual judgment. This moment foreshadows Gehazi's punishment and serves as a warning against dishonesty and greed.

But Elisha questioned him
Elisha, the prophet and successor of Elijah, often served as God's mouthpiece to the people of Israel. His questioning of Gehazi, his servant, indicates a moment of divine insight and authority. Prophets in the Old Testament were known for their ability to discern truth and expose wrongdoing, as seen in other instances like Nathan confronting David (2 Samuel 12:1-7).

“Did not my spirit go with you
This phrase suggests a supernatural awareness or discernment granted to Elisha by God. It reflects the close relationship between the prophet and God, where Elisha is able to perceive events beyond his physical presence. This mirrors the New Testament gift of discernment (1 Corinthians 12:10) and foreshadows the omniscience of Christ (John 1:48).

when the man got down from his chariot to meet you?
The man referred to is Naaman, a Syrian commander who was healed of leprosy by Elisha. The act of getting down from a chariot signifies respect and urgency. In ancient Near Eastern culture, chariots were symbols of power and status, and dismounting from one was a gesture of humility or deference.

Is this the time to accept money and clothing,
Elisha's rhetorical question highlights the inappropriateness of Gehazi's actions. Prophets were expected to serve without seeking personal gain, emphasizing reliance on God rather than material wealth. This principle is echoed in the New Testament, where Jesus instructs His disciples to freely give as they have received (Matthew 10:8).

olive groves and vineyards,
These items represent wealth and prosperity in ancient Israelite society. Olive oil and wine were staples of the economy and daily life, often used in trade and religious rituals. The mention of these goods underscores the gravity of Gehazi's greed and the temptation to prioritize earthly riches over spiritual integrity.

sheep and oxen,
Livestock were valuable assets in agrarian societies, symbolizing wealth and sustenance. The inclusion of sheep and oxen in Elisha's rebuke points to the comprehensive nature of Gehazi's covetousness, as he sought to amass a wide range of possessions.

menservants and maidservants?
Servants were considered part of one's household wealth and status. The desire for servants indicates a longing for power and control, contrasting with the servant leadership exemplified by Jesus Christ (Mark 10:45). Elisha's question serves as a reminder of the prophet's role to serve God and others selflessly, without succumbing to the allure of power and materialism.

Therefore, the leprosy of Naaman will cling to you and your descendants forever!
This phrase marks the culmination of Gehazi's deceit and greed. Naaman, a Syrian commander, had been healed of leprosy by following the prophet Elisha's instructions to wash in the Jordan River. Gehazi, Elisha's servant, pursued Naaman to deceitfully obtain gifts, directly disobeying Elisha's refusal of any reward. The punishment reflects the seriousness of Gehazi's actions, as leprosy was a feared and isolating disease in ancient Israel, often seen as a divine judgment. The phrase "cling to you and your descendants forever" indicates a generational curse, emphasizing the long-lasting consequences of sin. This echoes the biblical principle that the sins of the fathers can affect future generations, as seen in Exodus 20:5.

And as Gehazi left his presence, he was leprous—
The immediacy of Gehazi's punishment underscores the gravity of his sin. Leprosy in biblical times was not only a physical ailment but also a social and spiritual stigma, rendering the afflicted ceremonially unclean and excluded from the community (Leviticus 13-14). Gehazi's leprosy serves as a physical manifestation of his inner corruption and deceit. This moment also highlights the authority of Elisha as a prophet of God, whose words carry divine power and judgment.

as white as snow.
The description "as white as snow" emphasizes the severity of Gehazi's condition. In biblical symbolism, whiteness often represents purity and holiness (Isaiah 1:18), but here it starkly contrasts with Gehazi's moral impurity. The phrase also vividly illustrates the transformation from health to disease, serving as a visual representation of Gehazi's spiritual state. This imagery is echoed in other biblical accounts, such as Miriam's leprosy in Numbers 12:10, reinforcing the idea that divine judgment can be both immediate and visible.

This is a draft of the Berean Study Bible. Please send all comments and recommendations to [email protected].

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