Want to know what truly separates those who are healthy from those who aren’t? Hint: It’s in the little things.
We are a product of our actions. What we’ve done each and every day has shaped and molded us into who we are today, and we are continually able to be sculpted. It may be harder to break lifelong habits, but if there’s a desire to change, it only takes small, daily actions to make all the difference.
Being healthy truly isn’t just a check in a box or a goal to be accomplished. Being healthy is a way of life that’s achieved by establishing strong, daily habits.
So, what are are these magical habits of healthy people? Well, they’re 11 small things that can make a HUGE difference over time. And conveniently for you, they’re things you can do too! So let’s jump into it.
1. They go to bed around the same time each night.
The old saying of “early to bed, early to rise, keeps a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” had at least one of the three right. I can’t promise you’ll have wealth or wisdom. But I can promise going to bed at a consistent time and getting adequate sleep will help you live a healthier life. Your body needs that time to recover, refresh, and prep for the next day, so don’t skimp on your sleep. Your body will thank you.
2. They cook at home.
Cooking at home in general will save you 30–50% in your calorie budget. Even the restaurant foods that appear to be “healthy” are often misleading. Restaurant salads can pack between 800–1200 calories, so be sure to look up the menu nutrition facts if you’re eating out. That way, you can make more educated decisions. If you cook at home, you have complete control of what you’re putting in your body, and you can omit many of the overly processed or unhealthy ingredients that are not necessary. Take time with your food. What you put in your body should absolutely be a priority, and meal prep can make the idea of cooking every night a little less daunting.
3. They set action-based goals.
General goals like weight loss are great for the big picture, but it’s important to also set specific action-based goals that will help you reach your long-term vision. So rather than setting a goal to lose 10 pounds, set a goal to eat 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day. It’s a goal that’s easily measurable, and something you have complete control over. Action-based goals not only help you reach your long-term goals, but they also help establish good, healthy habits.
4. They surround themselves with a support system.
Making major life changes is hard work and no one is discounting that. But with proper support, it can be so much easier. Surround yourself with people who share the same goals as you. Whether those people are friends, family members, coworkers, or neighbors, find individuals who will be there to cheer you on. Plus, it’s much more fun going on a morning walk or doing meal prep with someone who is on the same page as you.
5. They make hydration a priority.
Meet your new best friend: Mr. Water Bottle. He’s the perfect companion who gives and gives and all he asks is that you refill him on a regular basis. Personally, I never sit at my desk without my tall bottle of water. I basically feel naked without it. As soon as I go to take a drink and discover my bottle is empty, I hit the faucet right away. Healthy people know that water is basically the nectar of life. It’s essential to healthy living, and people often don’t even realize they’re lacking it. The best way to check hydration without any tests is just a simple urine color check. It should be the color of pale lemonade at all times, except in the early morning (everyone is slightly dehydrated when they wake up).
6. They eat breakfast.
No, Pop-Tarts don’t count as a well-rounded breakfast. Most people eat only a handful of different foods for breakfast, so try to find a few quick and easy options that get you the nutrition you need. I love a simple veggie egg scramble (try pre-chopping your veggies ahead of time to cut down on prep), or a healthy muffin and a protein shake (try making one batch of muffins and freezing the rest), or my all-time favorite: refrigerator oatmeal. Eating a well-rounded and protein-rich breakfast can help ward off cravings and binging later in the day.
7. They exercise portion control.
In my opinion, the number one best way to approach weight loss or weight maintenance is through portion control. We’re so used to being served superfluous amounts of foods, that it’s somehow become an expectation. Studies have shown that decreasing the size of your plates and bowls can help you stick to the recommended serving sizes, and help you consume less calories overall. Even healthy foods can lead to weight gain if they’re consumed in excess, so just be aware of your body and what it’s telling you.
8. They are involved.
It’s far easier to stay healthy if you’re also happy. Surround yourself with positive activities and positive people. Try a fitness class, join a book club, or start playing a city league sport. Not only will you be more active and involved, but you’ll generally be surrounded by people who are also striving for a healthy lifestyle.
9. They monitor their progress.
If you’re not seeing progress, it can be hard to stay motivated. Be sure to look at both meaningful and measurable quantities. Inches are a great measurable quantity, and even something like blood pressure or cholesterol levels if you struggle with either. Sometimes picking multiple measurable quantities will allow you to see more change than you would with just one. With my clients, we usually do measurements, weight, and body fat percentage, then as long as there’s change in one, progress can be monitored.
10. They live an overall active lifestyle.
I love going to the gym, but that isn’t the only place for active living. Every weekend try to do something active. Whether that be hiking, gardening, yard work, going for a run, or catching a game of pickup basketball, find something to break up your routine. The best activities are those that don’t feel like a chore. Ideally find activities that are enjoyable for you, since you’ll stick with those the longest. I enjoy a good hike every Sunday, but just find what works for you.
11. They never break a habit more than twice in a row.
Life happens. Odds are that you won’t make it to the gym every day, but in order to not break the habits you’ve established, make it a personal goal to never miss three days in a row. If your weekend eating was rough, make it a goal to rock it on Monday. Don’t call it quits because you had one bad day. There’s always tomorrow.
And as they say in the Princess Bride, “If you haven’t got your health, then you haven’t got anything.”
Truer words may never have been spoken.
This list might seem overwhelming, but just start with one or two habits and go from there. Once you have those down, start working on another. It won’t be a perfectly smooth road, but I promise it’ll get easier. Are you ready to be your healthiest self possible? You’ve got this!
Good luck and stay fit!
Becca Capell
iFit Head Trainer
WARNING: This post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. iFit assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article.