OpenSim OAR – Epic Castle

Leora Jacobus has a copy of her castle on a region named “Medieval Castle” running on the Craft World grid ( The AiLand grid and OSGrid Castle regions are not normally running in a form accessible to the public from 2023.

“Epic Castle” is a nice demonstration of a complex mesh model that can be imported into OpenSim, and saved as an OpenSim Archive (OAR) file that others can load and use. In this instance the Epic Citadel was created and freely released by Epic Games to demonstrate the Unreal Engine.

It was imported to OpenSim and provided as an OAR for others to enjoy by Cuteulala Artis. Leora Jacobus scaled the castle up 1.5 times to allow avatars to use doors and rooms realistically and fitted it to single 256x256m region. She also added building interiors and other contents.

Cuteulala’s original Epic Castle OAR file loaded onto a region in Sim-on-a-Stick is shown in the images below…

2014-11-14-OpenSim-Epic-Castle_005 2014-11-14-OpenSim-Epic-Castle_006

Leora Jacobus’s enhancements as on Metropolis grid are shown in the images below…


The Castle on OSGrid

Leora Jacobus’s modified Epic Castle OAR, rescaled up 1.5 times and with building interior enhancements, convenient teleport “Magic Stones” and her medieval avatars has been mounted with her support and involvement on OSgrid at

2014-11-24-AiLand-Castle-Ai-and-Leora-4 Leora-Jacobus-on-AiLand-2

The Castle on OSgrid – The Seasons

AiLand-Epic-Castle-Leora-Jacobus-Winter AiLand-Epic-Castle-Leora-Jacobus-Winter-Snow

The Castle on OSGrid – Times of Day

Epic Castle in OpenSim – Credits

Epic Castle along with the reflected interior of the cathedral was created and freely released by Epic Games to demonstrate the Unreal Engine. It was imported to OpenSim and provided as an OAR for others to enjoy by Cuteulala Artis. Leora Jacobus rescaled the castle and cathedral by 1.5 time to be more realistic and so that avatars can get through the doors, downsized the mesh terrain to 0.7 times to fit on a single 256m X 256m region, and added various building interiors and othercontent. The cathedral organ was made by Arcadia Asylum.

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