We accept donations of objects and archival materials that are of particular significance to the history of aviation and spaceflight. While we appreciate the personal value placed on these items, we must give special consideration to such gifts before we can accept them to ensure they meet our specific collection goals and rationale.

In determining whether items should be acquired, we use the following criteria:

  1. The object is consistent with the Museum's goals.
  2. It is appropriate for exhibition purposes and proves useful as an educational tool within an exhibit.
  3. The object was associated with a notable, historical event related to aviation and/or spaceflight or depict such an event.
  4. The object was owned by, associated with or created by a notable person associated with the history of aviation and/or spaceflight.
  5. The object has significant intrinsic value because it is the best of its type or one of a kind.
  6. The object will contribute to research and scholarship in disciplines related to the history of aviation and/or spaceflight.
  7. The object represents a technological innovation or invention associated with the history of aviation and/or spaceflight.

Donate a Personal Item

The National Air and Space Museum does not accept unsolicited donations either by mail or delivered in person. Unsolicited donations may be disposed of, returned, or retained at the sole discretion of the National Air and Space Museum.