Little Angels
Little Angels Uganda
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Building Complete

Nearly Complete

New Classroom

Close to Completion

Nearly Painted

Plenty of Helpers

Furniture and Matresses Arrive

Roof On!!

New Entrance

Large Project

Old Roof Removed

New Kitchen

Toilet Completed

New Flushing Toilets

Sceptic Tank

Retaining Wall Completed

Safe For Children

Retaining Wall - Hand Dug

Foundations in Place

6 Metres of Digging

New Classroom Block

Great Teaching Environment

School block - much work needed

New Classrooms Start - Oct 2016

Steelwork being Installed

Building at Roof Level

Roof Nearing Completion
June 2020
The building is 99% complete with some minor works to be undertaken by the builders once Covid restrictions are lifted. We are delighted with the standard of building and know the new facilities will be a huge asset to the school.
March 2020
Most work now complete with it hoped full occupation will occur in April.
February 2020
2 new floors built and the roof is on. The ground floor classrooms are in operation, having been cleaned and repainted for the return of the children for their new school year.
It is hoped by end February the building works will be completed.
November 2019
Work commenced on the largest construction project we have undertaken in Uganda.
It had long been recognised that additional classrooms were required at Little Angels School as well as modern dormitories for both girls and boys.
When the original classrooms were built in 2016, the foundations were made sufficiently strong for two additional floors to be subsequently built.
The two additional floors will, on the first level provide 5 additional classrooms, sick room and a staffroom.
On the top floor separate dormitories for girls and boys will be built, together with modern sanitation facilities. A bedroom for a full-time matron is also included.
The accommodation provided will be fitted out with modern furniture and also mosquito nets provided for all children.
This project is being managed by Kabale Rotary, an organisation who have done a fantastic job in assisting us in other build projects in Uganda. They ensure projects are managed in a manner where full visibility on all expenditure is available, build quality is maintained and importantly, projects are delivered on time and on budget. Approximately one third of the building costs are funded by Rotary Clubs in the North East of Scotland.
The end result will be transformational in providing additional education facilities for HIV orphans and the very poor.
April 2018
The children's and staff toilets were completed in late March, with work beginning immediately thereafter on the building of a new kitchen. Excellent progress has been made with the building of this new facility, which should see all construction works completed by late April.
February 2018
The new retaining wall has been completed in time for the children to return and begin their new school year.
The construction of the wall has been a major piece of work, the outside of the wall being over 5 metres in height.
The wall has been built sufficiently high to ensure, from the inside, no person can possible fall down the sheer drop which exists at the boundary of the school with one of its neighbours.
Other construction work going on at the school has seen the building of new flushing toilets, connected to a sceptic tank. The previous sanitation arrangements at the school were amongst the worst climb we’ve seen in Africa, however the new arrangement will see enhanced hygiene standards which safeguards the health of all pupils.
Going forward, the next phase of works will see new kitchens built together with additional toilet facilities for staff members.
Staff retention is of paramount importance to ensure continuity of high teaching standards.
Financial inducements are now in place where staff know continuous service to Little Angels School will be beneficial. In addition, a Credit Union has been established where staff can
borrow money at low interest rates.
December 2017
Work has now commenced on removing the old retaining wall which separated the new school block from an immediate neighbour. This new wall is vital to maintain the integrity of the existing building and also to allow progression to the next phase of the building programme. Although difficult to see from the photographs, the height from the top of the pile of earth to foundation level, is about 6 metres. As everything is done by hand, you can imagine the huge amount of physical labour required, prior to laying the foundations.
June 2017
This school is achieving the almost impossible. The compassion shown to all pupils from the staff and huge desire that levels of achievements will be the highest possible is a potent mix. This school is now the achieving the highest scores in examinations in the area of Uganda it operates which is amazing when you see the limited resources available.
Nearly one third of the school's role are orphans however, the headmistress and headmaster are amongst the most compassionate people you could meet and provide education to those in society most badly affected by adversity.
Due to the improved teaching facilities and also the school achieving to such high levels, we are now seeing parents choosing this school, as their one of choice, to send their children to be educated. The new classrooms offer a far better learning environment, however there is much work still required to be done.
The retaining wall below the school building is in danger of collapse. Urgent tenders are being obtained to enable work to commence to rectify this problem. The sanitation is of a very poor standard as is the case with the kitchen. There is also a need to build one/two floors about the new classroom block for dormitories for children.
A building upgrade plan is being produced by a project team of Rotarians which will ensure, as tenders are awarded and works progress, all monies which are spend will be in an accountable manner and the construction will be of the highest standard.
March 2017
We are delighted the classrooms are now complete. The children are now occupying these great classrooms which are in complete contrast to where they were previously educated. A fantastic job has been done by the builders working on this very restricted site. Kabale Rotary Club have managed this project and brought it in on time and on budget and we very much acknowledge their unstinting support in managing our projects in Uganda on a totally professional basis.
January 2017
With the children being on holiday until early February 2017, excellent progress is being made towards making the new construction wind and water tight
December 2016
Good progress is being made with 2 of the classrooms now at roof level. As can be seen from the photographs, everything is done manually. It is hoped the building programme will be completed by early Spring 2017.
October 2016
It had been originally planned to build an additional floor on to the existing building.
After inspection of the building, by structural engineers, it was found that the integrity of the structure would not allow this to happen.
The construction of a new 4 classroom, 2 small offices + storage provision has now commenced. The new classrooms will be bright, airy and most importantly wind and water tight. This is in stark contrast to the conditions in which the children are currently educated.
This construction project is the largest one to date undertaken by the Foundation. We are delighted to assist this school where the dedication, selflessness and compassion shown by the staff towards the pupils is simply superb.
May 2015
Little Angels is a wonderful school with a huge social responsibility caring for the children of AIDS victims, a number of whom carry the HIV virus, as well as providing education for children in the local community.
The founder of the school, Betty Muzanira, is an incredible person who is determined to provide an education to those from very difficult backgrounds.
The Budge Foundation funded the repayment of an outstanding loan Betty had taken to meet the building costs for her school enabling her to stop worrying where money could be found to repay the bank and allow her to concentrate on what she loves to do, teach children.
The headmaster, Kenneth Turyasingura, is a true humanitarian who shows amazing compassion to all his pupils.
The Budge Foundation and generous supporters of our work, currently sponsor the education of 12 children at this school.
We have no doubt that the Budge Foundation will have a long term relationship with this school.