Though you could make a very good case for enforcing signage guidelines in the name of cohesive streetscapes and that...
Ghost sign (Lennox Chemicals), 3/4 Leinster Street South, Dublin 2+
Among Dublin’s many wonderful ghost signs, the ones from the former Lennox Chemicals premises on South Leinster Street might be...
Government Publications Sales Office sign, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2+
In February 1983, the Government Publications Sales Office moved from the GPO Arcade (between Prince’s Street and Henry Street) to...
Former shop, Upper Dominick Street, Dublin 1+
The three-storey domestic building to the side of the main bulk of the former Hendrons factory looks like it predated...
Signage, Cork Street, Dublin 8+
The patchwork of tiling on the Donnelly Centre was probably the first part to catch my eye, but the signs...
Factory sign, 15 Summer Street South, Dublin 8+
Slightly overshadowed by the ‘SOLD’ sign at the time I visited, the former Henry White Ltd. premises on Summer Street...
Sign box, Mander’s Terrace/Ranelagh Road, Dublin 6+
The path leading from Ranelagh Road to Mander’s Terrace looks a bit like an entrance in need of a destination....
An interview with Concrete Collar (& the Grand Canal Docks sign)+
An early post on Concrete Collar, which is a blog about “the cross-pollination between fashion and architecture”, used the Grand Canal...
Joe Byrne Bets Here, signage, 142 Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4+
Turning from Upper Leeson Street onto Sussex Road, it’s almost impossible to read the sign in front of you as...