Center Middle School cheerleaders for the 2016-2017 school year recently
attended cheer camp and came away with several awards and recognitions.
All American awards went to Skylar Causey, Mekaiya Hubbard, Laney Parker,
Tatum Mettauer, Taylor Horton, Calizjah Johnson. Camper of the Week -
Kaitlin Williams; Cheer Game Winners - Skylar Causey, Jayla Moore, Jayla
Caraway and Ally Jones; Leadership Award - Baili Profitt, Kaitlin Williams
and Mekaiya Hubbard; Sportsmanship - Baili Profitt; Most Improved and Save
the Day (stunt) - Jayla Moore; Dancing Diva - Skylar Causey; Top Girl of
the Day (stunt) - Breanna Castillo; Sharpness Award - Ashlyn Creech; Jump
Off Champion - Mekaiya Hubbard; Baha Barbie (stunt) - Laney Parker; Most
St. Jude addresses returned - Avery Snell, Mekaiya Hubbard.
Both 7th and 8th grade squads received spirit sticks for being "Spirited
Awards". Both squads are credentialed, meaning they are certified in their
safety credentials and know the rules of safety. Squads received Gold and
Blue superior ribbons for their evaluations of cheer, extreme routine, and
game day. Cheer sponsors are Jessica Gurley and Stephnie Helton.