CEFE 2017

CEFE 2018

The third year of the international scientific conference named CEFE 2018 was held from 4th to 5th September 2018 at the premises of the TUKE classroom and training facility in Herľany under the supervision of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of the Technical University od Košice assoc. prof. Ing. Michal Šoltés, PhD.

Proceedings 2018 Gallery 2018 Continue reading...

CEFE 2017

"Very nice conference in a beautiful and peaceful place with a lot of foreign speakers".
"A good opportunity for the development of scientific relations".
"The place where culture and science blend in."

These are the words, that participants have described the 2nd Conference of the Central European Conference in Finance and Economics - CEFE 2017, held on 20-21 September, 2017 that was organized by TUKE, Faculty of Economics in the premises of the training facility in Herľany.

The conference, organized at the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Economics, has provided to its participants the opportunity to present, analyze and discuss a wide range of current issues in finance, economics and regional sciences, while at the same time enabling them to celebrate the quarter century of the Faculty of Economics in an unique and peaceful environment one of the world's unique geyser in Herľany. The second year was exceptional thanks to the rich participation of prominent foreign experts in academic, political and public life. Over two days, more than 110 participants have met, from the Czech Republic, Poland, Italy, Germany, Turkey, or even Morocco and Serbia, Ukraine, Romania, France and Slovakia.

Proceedings 2017 Gallery 2017 Continue reading...

CEFE 2015

"Inspire, Inform, Activate".
In this nature of these three objectives was also the last 1st Central Europen Conference in Finance and Economics - CEFE 2015 held on 30.09.–01.10.2015 in the Teaching and Training Facility of the Technical University in Herľany.

The conference provided to the scientists, academics, practioners and many other profesionals in the field of finance, economics and regional sciences a space for presentation, analysis and discussion of a wide spectrum of of theoretical and practical actual problems, current trends and future challenges in the economic development of the EU countries.

Proceedings 2015 Gallery 2015 Continue reading...

CEFE 2015

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