We are moving in a couple of months. When we move, we won’t take most of our furniture as it can take up a lot of our weight allowance for shipment. We’ll send some to a storage, but there are things we won’t need by the time we come back to live here again i.e. changing table. Thus, we’re getting rid of some pieces of furniture in the kids’ room. Their room is going to look different soon. This is the phase I don’t enjoy so much as I have to see clutter in our apartment, but sometimes it has to be done.
I usually don’t paint where we live. When I think about painting our rooms back to white, I can’t make myself do it to begin with. There is enough to think about before our move overseas. It helps that I love white walls.
Since we moved from Senegal (West Africa) where we lived for two years when our first child was 10 months old, I didn’t pick a theme for our girl’s room (or nursery) until we moved to Okinawa, Japan, our onward assignment. By the time we arrived in Okinawa, our first child reached 15 months. I wanted something atypical for her room. She started to show her favoritism in pink around 12 months and pink items started to invade our home. I was surrounded by pink all of the sudden. In order to avoid the overdose of pink, I picked red for her room. I thought the red color would add a sprinkle of whimsy to the room.
Kids rooms evolve as kids grow up. I haven’t decided how I will decorate our kids room in our next house as we have no idea what kind of housing we’ll be provided with at the new post in Jakarta. I have been brainstorming how I would like to arrange our kids room and had a lot of fun thinking about it. One mission I have before we leave here is to go to IKEA and get stuff I need before we move because there is no IKEA in Jakarta. Sob, sob. I hope I’ll have enough time to go there before we pack out. I feel like we’re coming down the homestretch of our stay here. You think you have lots of time, then in a blink of an eye, you’ll be dealing with the movers. I’ve got to get my act together!
Right there with you. The sorting, weeding out, organizing is such a pain.
Love the pictures in the girls’ rooms. I know whatever house you are assigned, you will make into a wonderful home for your family.
And, yes, IKEA is great, isn’t it?
It is… I just sold some stuff at a garage sale at my friend’s today, so I feel a bit better about our move! One fewer thing to worry about.