- California poppy
- Wild geranium
- Salsify
- Mountain aster
- x
- Bitterroot
- Mariposa lily
- Prickly poppy
- Sierra Nevada Sunflowers
- Monarch butterfly
- Mule ears
- Mule ears
- Sierra wallflower
- Monkey flower
- Yellow mallow
- Mule ears
- Mule ears Paintbrush Lupines
- Milkweed
- Browns or wild peony
- Yellow heads
- Buckwheat
- Buckwheat
- Pussy paws
- x
- Freckled milkvetch
- Freckled milkvetch
- Crimson columbine
- Mountain paintbrush
- Larkspur
- Penstemon
- Penstemon
- Blue penstemon
- Spreading phlox
- Spreading phlox
- Spreading phlox
- Spreading phlox
- Blue eyed Mary
- Water crowfoot
- Yellow pond lily
- Yellow pond lilly
- x
- Marsh Marigold
- Munz’s iris
- Indian rhubarb
- x
- Skunk cabbage
- Skunk cabbage
- Manzanita
- Dandelion
- Red headed thistle
- Red headed thistle
- Red headed thistle
- Red headed thistle
- Snowplant
- Snowplant
- Snowplant Indian pipes forest
- Snowplant Indian pipes forest
- Horsemint
- Giant reed
- Manzanita
- Water birch trees
- Water birch trees
- Acorn triplet
- Pine cone
- Sugar pine cone
- Pine tree
- Sierra pine forest
- Mossy pine forest
- Sierra forest
- Pine tree
- Pine trees
- Pine tree
- Pine tree
- Pine tree
- Pine tree
- Pine trees campfire
The flora and fauna chapters name species where available. If you want to help me with the unknown (x-marked), please refer to the picture# and e-mail me to [email protected].