Featuring my first pet rabbit Bobépine (pronounced “bob-ey-peen”, literally bobbie pin), Bob or Bobo for short, who only lived a year and a half, the poor thing. She was all cute and cuddly and liked to steal food from us. I miss her :C
You also get to see one of my numerous hairdos in there. A while ago (before starting this webcomic), I made a timeline of how I looked through the years, and what happens to my ‘do is most interesting:

Also: please check back here tomorrow! It’s the first Boumeries All Day Comics Day, where I’ll be uploading twenty strips which subjects were chosen by readers! It ought to be interesting!
I’m really excited for your all day comics…day. The time warp is also excellent!
Thanks Josh! I hope I won’t disappoint!
Yay All Day Comics Day! I can’t wait to see which titles you picked … :P
Ça a été difficile :C
You were an awesome 19-year-old.
I love the timing in this comic.
Thanks :)
awwww bunny, i want one of those pigmey bunnies that never grows and stays baby size, theyre so cute. gotta love your time warp, it makes me think i havent changed much in style or actitude since age 9 \m/
Both my rabbits were dwarf rabbit, but “real” dwarves stay baby size indeed. My current rabbit can touch my thigh if she stands up. Not too dwarven I guess. (Dwarfy?)
“wha-HEY!” Perfect! x3 I can relate… only replace the bunny with a cat… and the cookie with cheese. O.o; My cat likes cheese =w=
OHMAHGAWD, I wish/hope my hair looked/will look that cool as I got/get older! (I’m in my late “teens” so there’s still hope xD) So many different styles, and the mismatch actually looks good! It’s funny, though, I like your current style the best. :3 Very unique, as far as I can see.
I’m glad you like the current style the best haha! Now I’m all curly though, as you know. I could update this time warp. :P
That’s right! I nearly forgot. xD
And I think the curls look really cute.
wow im 14 and i dress kind of like you when you were 15. only thing missing is the band shirt
Awww cute I know how hilarious it is when animal steal stuff. I have these 2 ferrets Samson and Princess. Samson is healthier then his sister sadly cause she has adrenal cancer. But he likes to steal my mom’s lighter. one time I kid you not when she was out of smokes,he called under our ottoman and pulled one out XD
;~; Bunbun…