About Courage

Courage can be seen in many different ways throughout our day. Whether it is choosing to get our of bed in the morning, standing up for your beliefs, overcoming illness, or admitting you were wrong, all of these actions posses courage in their own special way. Metaphorically courage comes in many different shapes and sizes and can be seen in all different aspects of our lives. Over two-thousand years ago Plato admitted to struggling to define courage. Since that time countless research is done every year in hopes of defining courage, but such a complex virtue cannot simply be defined by a sentence or two.

Throughout the hundreds of definitions of courage there remains a strong consensus among scholars that courage requires three distinct components: fear or threat, a noble purpose or goal, and volition.

Each possessing these components, there are three main types of courage which include physical, moral, and personal courage, each of which have more than one aspect.

Physical courage, or the courage to endure can be seen as a mother with cancer fights for her life.

Moral courage, or the courage to take a stand, and to forgive, is often seen when people stand up for those who are being bullied.

Personal courage, or the courage to be or change, can be seen when someone admits they need help.

When is the last time you showed courage?

The courage to wake up in the morning, The courage to make the ultimate sacrifice, The courage to live your truth, The courage to choose the harder right, The courage to ask for help, The courage to believe in yourself, The courage to stand up for what is right, The courage to move on… big, small, recognizable or not, you show courage more than you realize. Share your courage by commenting in our discussion section or email us privately on the home page!

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For more information about the Apogee Scholars program, please contact studentengagement@widener.edu

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