Thank you for visiting the website of the University of the Philippines Manila, College of Pharmacy.
The College of Pharmacy is one of the constituent units of the University of the Philippines Manila, the Health Sciences Center. Its beginning was as a degree of Graduate in Pharmacy (PhG) under the College of Liberal Arts on June 5, 1911. The School of Pharmacy was established later in February 12, 1914 under the administrative control of the College of Medicine, with Dr. Andrew Grover Dumez as its first Director.
The B.S. Pharmacy program was first offered as a four-year course in 1913, but it was in 1935 that the School of Pharmacy was made into an autonomous College. In 1951, the five-year B.S. Industrial Pharmacy program was created by the university in response to the need for graduates for the growing pharmaceutical industry.
The B.S. Pharmacy, B.S. Industrial Pharmacy, and M.S. Pharmacy curricula have undergone various changes since then. Those changes whose implementation started in 2005 were in response to the call for competency-based education. The latest revision of the curricula was made in 2018 to meet the requirement for outcomes-based education. The revised B.S. Pharmacy curriculum has been made more distinctly patient-oriented focused to clinical pharmacy practice, while the B.S. Industrial Pharmacy was replaced by the B.S. Pharmaceutical Sciences to align the program towards drug discovery and product development while maintaining its industry orientation. These programs are Level III accredited by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, College and Universities (PAASCU).
After more than a century of history, the College of Pharmacy has contributed to research in the extraction, isolation, and characterization of Philippine medicinal plants. It has played a major role in the technology transfer and eventual commercialization of herbal medicines from Lagundi (Vitex negundo) and Sambong (Blumea balsamifera). The College has produced two national scientist, respected leaders in local and international pharmacists’ organizations, and thousands of alumni who have contributed to the growth and development of the practice of the profession in the industry, in hospital setting, in the community, in government regulatory agencies, in non-government organizations, in the field of research and the academe.
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