Crosstimbers Annual Meeting

Crosstimbers Annual Meeting

Loyd Park, Grand Prairie

September 22, 2017

11 AM


Make plans to join us for our annual membership meeting.  Everyone is invited to have lunch, review the year that was and vote on a new Executive Committee.   After the business meeting, you can enjoy the hiking trails, rent a kayak or canoe, or make an evening of it by reserving a cabin or campsite.  Loyd Park is located on the western shore of Joe Pool Lake in south Grand Prairie. Admission if free just say you are with Cross Timbers, everyone will meet in Loyd Lodge.  Click on the map for more information about Loyd Park.

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Let us know you are coming by registering on Eventbrite

Its A Trees Life

Its A Trees Life


by Cheryl Bourne Netto – copyright  © June 2017

Have you ever given thought

To the benefits that are brought

By those majestic living statues that are trees?

We may take them for granted

Not knowing how they were planted,

Decorating outdoor space with such grace.

Summer landscapes would be boring

Without these giants with limbs soaring

Displaying a palette of magnificent hues.

Some stand like honor guards

On either side of great, long yards

Leading to grand estates and stately mansions.

A welcome haven for our feathered friends

Many a bough and branch surely lends

A cosy roosting place at the end of day.

Leafy crowns reach out to the sky

As if to touch clouds passing by

While oxygenating the air for our well-being.

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Are some types of trees that we may find

Are used for crafting beautiful furniture pieces.

For Christmas trees the fir is preferred

And by children even perhaps revered

When sparkling with fairy lights and colored balls.

Graceful palms tower protectively over a tropical scene,

Evergreens persevere through the winter in green

Wispy willows weep until the autumn, it seems.

Paper, firewood, planks and housing material too

Are some other uses trees are put to,

Not least of all providing necessary shelter and shade.

There are so many useful purposes that trees serve

And for that much appreciation they deserve.

They are a natural resource which redounds to our benefit.

Providing food and employment while preventing soil erosion,

Shielding ultra-violet rays and cutting down noise pollution,

Without this vital natural resource what would we do?





In July 2016, Congressman Don Young introduced HR 5650, entitled “Recovering America’s Wildlife Act of 2016.”  The bill, which is the result of a three-year process by wildlife and industry representatives (the “Blue Ribbon Panel”), says that diverse fish and wildlife populations are vital to our nation’s infrastructure and economy.  It is in the interest of our country “to retain for present and future generations… a wide variety of fish and wildlife, to recover species of fish and wildlife…and to prevent fish and wildlife species from declining to the point of requiring Federal protection.”

The Blue Ribbon Panel represents the outdoor recreation retail and manufacturing sector, the energy and automotive industries, private landowners, educational institutions, conservation organizations, sportsmen’s groups, and state fish and wildlife agencies.  The panel recommend funding solutions and Congressional policy options for delivering sustained conservation funding to help maintain a balance between natural resource diversity and natural resource-based enterprise.

HR 5650 was introduced as a “marker bill” designed to start conversations, begin planning, assemble partners in the Congress and in the nation, and create a placeholder for similar legislation to be introduced in the next session of Congress.   When the new session of Congress reconvenes, Mr. Young will reintroduce this legislation, and a member of the U.S. Senate will do the same.  After the reintroduction, expected in the spring of 2017, the legislature will have about 20-22 months to consider and vote on the bill.

What does the bill say?  There is a current fee that is paid by energy corporations that explore or produce energy (fossil fuels and renewables) on offshore and federally- owned land.  That fund generates about $12 billion annually, which goes into the general treasury.  HR 5650, if passed, would dedicate $1.3 billion from that revenue source towards sustaining our most imperiled species.  The money would be required to be spent on Species of Greatest Conservation Need and mandates that state fish and wildlife agencies are the appropriate stewards of those funds.  These agencies would work with the conservation community in their states to implement the Wildlife Action Plan.  In Texas, that plan is called the Texas Conservation Action Plan (TCAP), and was developed by Texas Parks and Wildlife.

But what can it be used for?  These funds can only be used to implement the Texas Conservation Action Plan, which provides a roadmap to recover more than 1,300 imperiled species in Texas.  It includes both imperiled species and sensitive habitats, and lists the major threats to each of these.  These funds, if passed, could also be used for education, outreach, technical guidance, land management, land acquisition, conservation easements, research, and wildlife-based recreation, as long as these activities benefit Species of Greatest Conservation Need.

Organizations that would like to bring this message to their members can request newsletter articles and in-person presentations from the True to Texas Wildlife Coalition.  Contact Karly Robinson at [email protected].

from an article by Richard  Heilbrun, Certified Wildlife Biologist, TPWD, San Antonio, TX

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