Photo restoration services > Restore photograph > Retouching old photographs
Photo enhancement service of the highest quality
Photography has become an indispensible part of our modern reality. All those amounts of cameras, mobile phones and other photo making equipment seem quite familiar and not unusual for us. We are used for them and that lowers the value of pictures for every person. So, what are photos exactly for you? Are they just captured movements on special paper or maybe they are something more for you? In case you stick to the second point of view, you are more likely to realize the importance of digital photo enhancement. It is quite obvious that things, which are precious for us, should look quite alluring. And pictures are the brightest example of this fact.

Photo enhancement services may be used to images of various kinds. They may have been done recently or decades ago. In both case of choosing digital photography enhancement clients expect to be totally impressed with outcomes. But still in case of modern photo editing people realize that mistakes in digital photo enhancement are no so crucial, as professional photo equipment enables to create hundreds image copies. Thus, photo manipulators can apply all creative tools and experiment with modern retouching techniques without fears that an original variant is unique and can be easily spoilt.
Unfortunately situation with old photo enhancement is impressively different. Often people have only an original variant of antique image. This photo may have visible scratches or even be complete destroyed. Moreover, in many cases such photos may be damaged by mold, water or even fire. Sometimes it may seem that antique photo restoration is impossible, but modern digital enhancement of old photos proves that there is nothing impossible for really skillful and enthusiastic photo manipulators.
What is the main task of enhancing old photographs? Definitely it is to give them a new and modern life. Unlike endless amounts of contemporary pictures, antique images have a special charm and unique captured atmosphere. Just imagine that decades ago an average person had an opportunity to make not more than 10 photos during the whole life. So, the value of every old image is hard to be described. Just think how people got ready to those photo shootings. That was a definite special occasion. In comparison an average modern person takes at least 5 shots per day. Is this difference impressive?
For these reasons, our editing company has collected a professional team of exceptional photo manipulators that can enhance old photos in a breath-taking way. We are quite ready to devote as much time as possible to fix old photos and make our customers happier. What is better than an ability to save antique images that are indispensible parts of someone`s life? This feeling of old photo enhancement cannot be described in simple words. You must feel it.
Digital photography enhancement agency that will impress you
We hope that you have understood what role picture restoration plays in our life. But in order for you to realize how it works and decide whether it is worth devoted time and efforts or not, we will describe all possible photo enhancement services that can be in using to save antique images. Every photo enhancement service contains some certain steps that are always applied, no matter what age problems photo editors need to mask.
As soon as you outsource an old picture that needs digital photo enhancement, we use up-to-date scanners to make copies of an image in a high resolution only. That helps us to see all problems that must be eliminated. After it our photo manipulators assess the degree of destruction and visible imperfects. They plan what photo enhancement service and restoration tools will suit the best for repairing a proper photo. And only after this digital enhancement of old photos begins. So, what steps are essential in photo repair services?
The most common problem, but still not less disappointing is tears or scratchers caused by age or improper keeping conditions. Fortunately, this type of imperfect is the most straightforward to be eliminated. There is an impressive number of repairing options that help to enhance old photos with these problems. But still the most used are Photoshop tools, which are healing brush and clone brush. Both of them are quite effective in masking tears, although they are different in applying. After removing these issues the whole photo looks like modern one. In case of more serious damages or even in photo reconstruction these options are also in using.

The next step in digital photography enhancement is improving photo colors. Here we may offer you three types of colorizing. As the main part of antique photos is black and white, we are often asked to improve contrast and shadows. That helps us to achieve deep photo colors in monochrome image. Sometimes, people may have a wish to make colorful pictures out of B&W images. In this case our photo manipulators are always ready to colorize old photos online. After this type of digital enhancement of old photos your images will be appealing again. Modern editing techniques will make photo colors bright and at the same time not artificial. And the third kind of color editing is saturation. If your photos are colorful, but still a little bit faded, we will make picture colors bright and saturated. Definitely you will be raptures with the quality of this old photo enhancement.
Mainly all antique pictures are portraits, as that is believed to be the most widely-spread genre of old photography. So, portrait editing is also a common step in enhancing old photographs. The choice of used retouching options is the same as in modern appearance enhancing service. This laborious photo enhancement service contains natural hair retouching, effective skin smoothing, impressive imperfects deleting and so on. Still there are slight differences, for instance adding make-up is not in the list of popular options in digital enhancement of old photos. But there are some exceptions in every rule.
Photo manipulators from our professional photo repairing agency are also asked to enlarge old photos. It is a quite useful technique when customers order digital photo enhancement with the aim to present relatives or friends with restored pictures. Often such images are framed, thus this technique is inevitable. We may also enlarge old black and white photo in case our clients do not want to have colorized images after old photo enhancement. All tastes differ, but we may satisfy both customers` wishes.
Antique pictures are known for having really boring and one-color background. Thus almost every digital photography enhancement of old images contains backdrop editing or even complete changing. Many of us think that photo background is something of little importance. But still that is a mistaken point of view. Sometimes it can become crucial for photography, as after this step of enhancing old photographs images stop being old-fashioned and boring. They start to feed the eyes due to their modern and definitely unusual look. So, do not be afraid to try this service if you ask for retouching old photos. Be open to creative ideas!
Enhancing old photographs by our company is the best choice
We hope that the list of described techniques that are applied to enhance old photos will be impressive for you. Remember that all of them are provided on the highest level only. In our editing work we do not have any exceptions concerning quality of picture outcomes. That makes our photo restoration examples to be the subject of our certain proudness. So, devote at least a minute and assess them to make sure in our exceptional professionalism.
Every time we are ordered to restore damaged photos, we face a little challenge. To achieve amazing results in this advanced sphere is not an easy and quick task. Planning the whole process, choosing proper repairing options and deep understanding of every custom`s wish often take much time. All these enable to name old photo enhancement as the most laborious and time-taking process. It requires great patience and passion for work. Without them, our photo manipulators will not be able to restore photograph on such a professional level.
Such a long list of used repairing techniques makes antique image editing to be quite expensive. But still awesome quality always has its certain rate. We try to find that golden middle between reasonable picture restoration prices and decent payments for our picture editors. Be sure that for your money you will be presented with brilliant results and pleasant co-operation.