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54 - Keighley, Yorkshire - West, England

Bullet points seem to be the way to go here • I make things. all sorts of things. • I repair things. • I take...


63 - Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England

I like the outdoors. I row in a mixed 4 and scull. Enjoy cycling and walking. I was in the RAF so travelled a...


59 - Stockport, Greater Manchester, England

Because I’m someone who values genuine connections and enjoys learning from others. I’m easygoing, open-minded,...


75 - Chelmsford, Essex, England

Genuine guy, young healthy 75 year old family man who enjoys reading, listening to music, and socialising with...


55 - Hanley Swan, Worcestershire, England

I believe i'm considerate,compassi onate, cheerful, kind, a positive thinker, a deep thinker. I'm definately old...


57 - Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England

Vibrant, energetic, passionate. Keen to enjoy new experiences. Takes pride in her appearance. Great fun - will...

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Feedback from members we've helped in the past.

I just wanted to say thank you. I managed to sort the problem out following your advice and learned something along the way.
Tanya, 08 April 2024
That's great, that's what I thought! Impressed by your quick reply, thank you
Ian, 01 April 2024
Thanks for the advice. I'll go along with your suggestions.
John, 15 July 2024