I found these “La Catrina” skeleton art dolls at Perpetualplum – she does a lot of great art with recycled materials. The skeletons in these dolls are from dollar store garlands. The bodies were made from recycled table legs, and the clothing and other adornments are repurposed materials of other sorts. I wasn’t previously familiar with La Catrina dolls, but they are based on a 1913 etching by Mexican printmaker Jose Guadalupe Posada, and have become a popular motif in celebrations of Day of the Dead. [link to Perpetualplum’s blog]
From Wikipedia:
The word catrina is the feminine form of the word catrín, which means “elegant“. The figure, depicted in an ornate hat fashionable at the time, is intended to show that the rich and fashionable, despite their pretensions to importance, are just as susceptible to death as anyone else is.
Project Estimate:
- Skeleton garland, $1
- Scrap fabric or clothing, on hand
- Body base, use recycled materials
- Glue, sewing stuff, etc.
Total: $1

LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!! my 5yo wants to be a fashion designer…this would be a perfect project for her!!! So fun!!!
Thanks for all the fab ideas Heather!!!
Lydia, Clueless Crafter
These dolls are so eerie. Halloween is at its best when the beautiful, like these dolls, are made to be grotesque. Such a jarring visual!
How would I display them for the best affect?
I am NOT a huge fan of skeletons and for that reason refrain from adding “The Day of the dead” to my holiday celebrations. But THESE skeletons I just love! Very well done!
@Lydia Hmm, hopefully some of our decor-genius readers will chime in with display ideas!
Wendy T. Gibson
I had just returned from the dollar store when I read about these yesterday. I am not usually inspired by the Day of the Dead theme but I had JUST SEEN these skeletons minutes before! I was possesed and returned today to purchase the 3 skeleton garland. However, when I entered the dollar store, I was struck by a display of ‘velvet’ bowlers. Instantly, an entire skeleton, hat, day of the dead, steampunky kinda thing came together in my head. I shall report anon with photos. Way to inspire me like anything!
Thank you!
@pam – how can you not be a huge fan of skeletons? Doesn’t one hold you up?
how do you get the clothing
and could you just put them barbie clothing