We get a lot of questions about what type of gun we use or what gun is best for predator hunting. The answer we always give is any high velocity round that runs through a Remington Model 700 action. There are so many great predator hunting calibers out there, so we just recommend to pick your poison. However, we highly suggest it is using the Model 700 platform. Why? One simple reason; the ability to upgrade the trigger to a Jewell. At first, without knowing or experiencing the pure awesomeness of this component, the price will shock most. This isn’t a cheap upgrade but as they say, you get what you pay for. We just picked one up from Midway for $232.99 and with the cheapest Remington Model 700 Varmint SPS model coming in around $750 it can be a hard bullet to bite for most…no pun intended. However, when you light off your first round with the squeeze of Jewell, you will share our same obsession. When you decide to splurge for this gem of a Jewell let this article guide you through the install. One last thing, don’t buy this trigger if you ever want to fire another gun without a Jewell..you will be spoiled for life.
This install is being done on a Remington Model 700 Varmint SF chambered in 22-250. Not that the caliber matters, but we are just trying to nail home our favorite coyote cartridge. This gun is a BDL (Better Deluxe) version that has a bottom floor plate that allows for easy unloading by opening the floor plate which will drop the rounds in the magazine. This model version is worth noting because there are other models that have different action screw configurations. The BDL has two actions screws that secure the floor plate to the action. Also, since this is a Model 700 with top mounted safety, we needed the Jewell Trigger HVR (Hunting/Varmint) model. As opposed to the BR (Benchrest) model, the HVR model includes the top mounted safety.
Before we get started let me go through the safety/legal stuff…
Check the chamber and magazine to make sure there are no cartridges in the firearm.
Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
Tools Needed
- 5/32” Allen Wrench
- 3/32” Punch
- 3/16” Punch
- #4 Roll Pin Starter
- Hammer
Step 1
Once again, check your firearm to make sure it is unloaded and your safety is on. Remove the bolt by pressing the bolt release located directly in front of the trigger. Turn the rifle upside down revealing the bottom metal and the two action screws. Every Model 700 I have worked on has had 5/32” allen screws but I know there are slotted action screws out there. Take out the screws using your 5/32” allen wrench and separate the stock from the action.
Step 2
Now to get rid of that stock trigger. It’s a good idea to take pictures of the bottom of the action to make note of how the bolt stop and spring are configured or use the below picture. There are two pins securing the trigger to the action. First, we want to remove the rear trigger pin with the 3/32” punch. By removing the rear pin we will allow the trigger to swing down freeing the bolt stop and the bolt stop spring. Be aware that when you remove the rear pin it will also free the stock sear and sear spring, be careful this spring does not fly away. You won’t need this spring or the sear for the Jewell. Finally you can float out the front trigger pin which will remove the stock trigger assembly. You will need to keep the two trigger pins, bolt stop, and bolt stop spring for the Jewell trigger.
Step 3
Take the shortest of the trigger pins and float it in the action using a 3/16” punch. To make your life a little easier you can use a #4 roll pin punch to start the pin. Slowly tap it in to give yourself time to align the front trigger assembly hole with the pin. TIP: When inserting the trigger pins insert the slanted end first, this makes it easier to align the holes on the trigger.
Step 4
This is the trickiest part of the installation; installing the bolt stop and bolt stop spring. I have found it is easiest to first assemble the rear trigger pin (longest pin), bolt stop, and bolt stop spring as a separate unit. Trying to line up the holes while attempting to drift in the trigger pin is damn near impossible. Once the bolt stop and spring are secured into the action you can drop the trigger down and float the pin the rest of the way.
Step 5
Now for the most important step, test that action. Insuring that there is not a round in the action and the barrel is pointed in a safe direction, cycle the weapon. Test both the safety and trigger operation. Make sure no matter how hard you jam that trigger while it is on safe it does not fire.
Step 6 (If Needed)
It has been a while since I have installed a Jewell and I don’t remember doing this to my H-S Precision stocks but the factory stock on this gun requires some trimming. In order to allow the safety lever to flow smoothly you need to remove a section of the stock. Don’t worry, this won’t affect the stock or ruin accuracy…whatever accuracy the factory stock provides. I used a Dremel tool and the sanding was quick and easy.
Step 7
To make your life a lot easier first install the magazine box with the front being the section with the large notch and rounded front. Insert the stock onto the the action. With the floor plate closed press the bottom metal onto the stock. Insert your action screws. The rear action screw is the longest. Remington recommends to adhere to the following torque specifications: front screw – 55 to 60 inch pounds and rear screw – 15 to 20 inch pounds of torque. As I like to call it – hand tight.
Step 8
Test that trigger and safety again. Make sure that you have trimmed enough of the stock to allow the safety to function correctly.
Hopefully, this article has been helpful and I have covered every step needed to install the best upgrade for your Remington Model 700.
Hopefully, this article has been helpful and I have covered every step needed to install the best upgrade for your Remington Model 700.