Level 6 Achievements

Mt Saint Helens

6-8 ES3D
Earth has been shaped by many natural catastrophes, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, glaciers, floods, storms, tsunami, and the impacts of asteroids.
What you need to know to get the badge: Volcanoes - explain how the five different volcano types are formed from the four different lava types.
Mt Saint Helens - describe how the 1980 eruption changed the land and how the topography of the area affected the blast and the pyroclastic mudflows. Describe how the volcano destroys yet makes it so that life can return. Also be able to describe how the eruptions after the main 1980 eruption are shaping the mountain. |
Interpret current landforms of the Pacific Northwest as evidence of past geologic events (e.g., Mount St. Helens and Crater Lake provide evidence of volcanism, the Channeled Scablands provides evidence of floods that resulted from melting of glaciers). |
Cispus Badge!
If you went to Cispus you can put this badge on your blog! |

6-8 PS3A |
Energy exists in many forms which include: heat, light, chemical, electrical, motion of objects,
and sound. Energy can be transformed from one form to
another and transferred from one place to another. |
List different forms of energy (e.g., thermal, light, chemical, electrical, kinetic, and sound energy).
Describe ways in which energy is transformed from
one form to another and transferred from one place to another
(e.g., chemical to electrical energy in a battery, electrical to light energy in a bulb). |
Energy Transformations

6-8 PS3E |
Energy from a variety of sources can be transformed into
electrical energy, and then to almost any other form of energy.
Electricity can also be distributed quickly to distant locations. |
Illustrate the transformations of energy in an electric circuit when heat, light,
and sound are produced. Describe the transformation of energy in a battery within an electric circuit. |

6-8 PS1B |
Friction is a force that can help objects start
moving, stop moving, slow down or can change the direction of the object’s motion. |
Demonstrate and explain the frictional force acting on an object with the use of a physical model. |
Unbalanced Forces

6-8 PS1C |
Unbalanced forces will
cause changes in the speed or direction of an object's motion.
The motion of an object will stay the same when forces are balanced. |
Determine whether forces on
an object are balanced or unbalanced and justify with observational evidence.
Given a description of forces on an object, predict the object’s motion. |
Unbalanced Forces on Objects with Different Masses

6-8 PS1D |
The same unbalanced force will
change the motion of an object with more mass more slowly than
an object with less mass. |
Given two different masses that receive the same unbalanced force, predict which will
move more quickly. |
Water Cycle

6-8 ES2C |
In the water cycle, water
evaporates from Earth’s surface, rises and cools, condenses to form clouds
and falls as rain or snow and collects in bodies of water. |
Describe the water cycle and give local examples of where
parts of the water cycle can be seen. |

6-8 SYSA |
Any system may be
thought of as containing subsystems and as being a subsystem of
a larger system. |
Given a system,
identify subsystems and a larger encompassing system (e.g., the
heart is a system made up of tissues and cells, and is part of the
larger circulatory system). |

6-8 SYSC |
The output of one system can become the input of another system. |
Give an example of how output of matter or energy from a system can become input for another system (e.g., household waste goes to a landfill).
Represent a problem situation,
describe the process used to solve the problem, and verify the reasonableness
of the solution.
Communicate the answer(s) to
the question(s) in a problem, using appropriate representations, including
symbols and informal and formal mathematical language. |
Open System/Closed System

6-8 SYSD |
In an open system, matter flows
into and out of the system. In a closed system, energy may
flow into or out of the system, but matter stays within the system. |
Given a description of a system, analyze and defend whether it is open or closed. |
Input/Output Matter/Energy

6-8 SYSE |
If the input of matter or energy is the same as the output, then the amount of matter or energy in the system won’t change; but if the input is
more or less than the output, then the amount of matter or energy in the system will change. |
Measure the flow of matter into and out of an open system and predict how the system is likely to change (e.g., a bottle of water with a hole in the bottom,
an ecosystem, an electric circuit).
Make and test conjectures
based on data (or information) collected from explorations and experiments. |
Complex? Use Systems.

6-8 SYSF |
The natural and designed
world is complex; it is too large and complicated to investigate and
comprehend all at once. Scientists and students learn to define small
portions for the convenience of investigation. The units of investigation can be referred to as ―systems. |
Given a complex societal
issue with strong science and technology components (e.g.,
overfishing, global warming), describe the issue from a systems point
of view, highlighting how changes in one part of the system are likely
to influence other parts of the system. |

6-8 INQA |
Scientific inquiry involves
asking and answering questions and comparing the answer with what
scientists already know about the world. |
Generate a question that can be answered through
scientific investigation. This may involve refining or refocusing a
broad and ill-defined question. |
Best Solution?

6-8 APPF |
Solutions must be tested to determine whether or not they will
solve the problem. Results are used to modify the design, and the best solution must be communicated persuasively. |
Test the best solution by
building a model or other representation and using it with the
intended audience. Redesign as necessary.
Present the recommended design using models or drawings and an engaging presentation.
Communicate the answer(s) to
the question(s) in a problem, using appropriate representations, including
symbols and informal and formal mathematical language. |
Investigate Environmental Issues

6-8 LS2E |
Investigations of environmental
issues should uncover factors causing the problem and relevant scientific concepts
and findings that may inform an analysis of different ways to address the
issue. |
a local environmental issue by defining the problem, researching possible
causative factors, understanding the underlying science, and evaluating the
benefits and risks of alternative solutions.
resource uses that reduce the capacity of ecosystems to support various
populations (e.g., use of pesticides, construction). |
Water Quality Collecting Water |
Steward Badge! |
Captain Badge |
Time Keeper Badge |
Governor Badge |
Level 8 Achievements

Describe the functions performed by living things. What are the characteristics of living things? |

You can find and focus on microorgansisms using the compound microscope at 40x, 100x and 400x magnification. You understand the field of view, focal plane, and how to move the slide. You can also use the digital microscope at 10x and 60x magnifications, take photos and make videos of the microorganisms. |

6-8 LS1A |
All organisms are
composed of cells, which carry on the many functions needed to sustain
life. |
Draw and describe
observations made with a microscope showing that plants and animals are
made of cells, and explain that cells are the fundamental unit of
Describe the functions performed by cells to sustain a
living organism (e.g., division to produce more cells, taking in nutrients,
releasing waste, using energy to do work, and producing materials the organism needs). |
One-celled Organisms

6-8 LS1B |
One-celled organisms must
contain parts to carry out all life functions. |
Draw and describe
observations made with a microscope showing that a single-celled organism (e.g., paramecium) contains parts used for all life functions. |
Multicellular Organisms

6-8 LS1C |
Multicellular organisms have
specialized cells that perform different functions. These cells join
together to form tissues that give organs their structure and enable
the organs to perform specialized functions within organ systems. |
Relate the structure of a
specialized cell (e.g., nerve and muscle cells) to the function that
the cell performs.
Explain the relationship between tissues that make up
individual organs and the functions the organ performs (e.g., valves
in the heart control blood flow, air sacs in the lungs maximize
surface area for transfer of gases).
Describe the components and functions of the
digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems in humans and how
these systems interact. |
Plant vs Animal Cells

6-8 LS1D |
Both plant and animal cells
must carry on life functions, so they have parts in common,
such as nuclei, cytoplasm, cell membranes, and mitochondria.
But plants have specialized cell parts, such as chloroplasts for
photosynthesis and cell walls, which provide plants their overall structure. |
Use labeled diagrams or models to illustrate similarities and differences between plant and animal cell
structures and describe their functions (e.g., both have nuclei,
cytoplasm, cell membranes, and mitochondria, while only plants
have chloroplasts and cell walls). |
Classifying Organisms

6-8 LS1E |
In classifying organisms,
scientists consider both internal and external structures and
behaviors. |
Use a classification key to
identify organisms, noting use of both internal and external
structures as well as behaviors. |

6-8 LS2A |
An ecosystem consists
of all the populations living within a specific area and the nonliving factors they interact with. One geographical area may contain many ecosystems. |
Explain that an ecosystem is a defined area that contains populations of organisms and nonliving factors.
Give examples of ecosystems (e.g., Olympic National Forest, Puget Sound, one square foot of lawn) and describe their boundaries and contents. |
Energy Flows Through Ecosystems

6-8 LS2B |
Energy flows through an ecosystem from producers (plants)
to consumers to decomposers. These relationships can be
shown for specific populations in a food web. |
Analyze the flow of energy in a local ecosystem,
and draw a labeled food web showing the relationships among all
of the ecosystem’s plant and animal populations. |

6-8 LS2C |
The major source of energy for ecosystems on Earth’s surface is sunlight. Producers
transform the energy of sunlight into the chemical energy of
food through photosynthesis. This food energy is
used by plants, and all other organisms to carry on life processes.
Nearly all organisms on the surface of Earth depend on this energy source. |
Explain how energy from the Sun is transformed through photosynthesis to produce chemical energy in food.
Explain that producers are the only organisms that make their own
food. Animals cannot survive without producers because animals get
food by eating producers or other animals that eat producers. |
Ecosystems Change

6-8 LS2D |
Ecosystems are continuously changing. Causes of these changes
include nonliving factors such as the amount of light, range of temperatures,
and availability of water, as well as living factors such as the
disappearance of different species through disease, predation, habitat destruction and overuse of resources or the introduction of new species. |
Predict what may happen to an ecosystem if nonliving factors change (e.g., the amount of light, range of temperatures, or
availability of water or habitat), or if one or more populations are
removed from or added to the ecosystem. |
Investigate Environmental Issues

6-8 LS2E |
Investigations of environmental
issues should uncover factors causing the problem and relevant scientific concepts
and findings that may inform an analysis of different ways to address the
issue. |
a local environmental issue by defining the problem, researching possible
causative factors, understanding the underlying science, and evaluating the
benefits and risks of alternative solutions.
resource uses that reduce the capacity of ecosystems to support various
populations (e.g., use of pesticides, construction). |
Diversity of Life

6-8 LS3A |
The scientific theory of evolution underlies the study of biology and explains both the diversity of life on Earth and similarities of all organisms at the
chemical, cellular, and molecular level. Evolution is
supported by multiple forms of scientific evidence. |
Explain and provide evidence of how biological evolution accounts for the diversity of species on Earth today. |
Mendelian Genetics

6-8 LS3B |
Every organism contains
a set of genetic information (instructions) to specify its traits.
This information is contained within genes in the chromosomes in
the nucleus of each cell. |
Explain that information on how cells are to grow and function is contained in genes in the chromosomes of each cell nucleus and that during the process of reproduction the genes are passed
from the parent cells to offspring. |

6-8 LS3C |
Reproduction is essential for
every species to continue to exist. Some plants and animals reproduce
sexually while others reproduce asexually. Sexual reproduction leads
to greater diversity of characteristics because offspring
inherit genes from both parents. |
Identify sexually and
asexually reproducing plants and animals.
Explain why offspring that result from sexual
reproduction are likely to have more diverse characteristics than
offspring that result from asexual reproduction. |
Half and Half

6-8 LS3D |
In sexual reproduction the
new organism receives half of its genetic information from each
parent, resulting in offspring that are similar but not identical to either
In asexual reproduction just
one parent is involved, and genetic information is passed on nearly
unchanged. |
Describe that in sexual reproduction the offspring
receive genetic information from both parents, and therefore differ
from the parents.
Predict the outcome of specific genetic crosses
involving one characteristic (using principles of Mendelian genetics).
Explain the survival value of genetic variation. |

6-8 LS3E |
Adaptations are physical or behavioral changes that are
inherited and enhance the ability of an organism to survive and
reproduce in a particular environment. |
Give an example of a plant or
animal adaptation that would confer a survival and reproductive
advantage during a given environmental change. |
Complex? Use Systems.

6-8 SYSF |
The natural and designed
world is complex; it is too large and complicated to investigate and
comprehend all at once. Scientists and students learn to define small
portions for the convenience of investigation. The units of investigation can be referred to as ―systems. |
Given a complex societal
issue with strong science and technology components (e.g.,
overfishing, global warming), describe the issue from a systems point
of view, highlighting how changes in one part of the system are likely
to influence other parts of the system. |

6-8 INQA |
Scientific inquiry involves
asking and answering questions and comparing the answer with what
scientists already know about the world. |
Generate a question that can be answered through
scientific investigation. This may involve refining or refocusing a
broad and ill-defined question. |
Experimental Scientist |
Research Scientist |
Botanist |
Olympic Odyssey Quest |


Dissection! |
Captain Badge |
Time Keeper Badge |
Governor Badge |