
Literatures, Cultures, and Language Studies

April 2024 Newsletter



Please join award-winning journalist Nabila Ramdani as she discusses her new book, Fixing France: How to Repair a Broken Republic.

Wednesday, April 10, 4:00-5:00pm in ICC 425.

Open to the public. Book signing will follow.

Click here to reserve a space!

Congratulations to our student participants in the Great Women Writers event!

This event, organized by the fabulous Professor Irina Denischenko of the Slavic Department, featured readings from 8 different languages (including Modern Greek for the first time!), with 23 undergraduate students, 10 faculty members, and 1 graduate student participating.

 The winners of our audience choice awards this year are:

  • Bryanna Penn (right), who represented modern Korean, received the best treatment of this year's theme "translation and mother tongue" award for excerpts from Han Kang's Greek Lessons. This award comes with a $50 gift certificate to Bridge Street Books.

  • Demi Pappas, Vasiliki Vlastaras & Marietta Goulandri (center), who represented modern Greek, received the award for a reading that most challenges preconceived notions for excerpts from Dido Sotiriou's Farewell Anatolia. This award comes with a $50 gift certificate to Bridge Street Books.

  • Madison Gearin (left) & Flynn Gray, who represented Turkish, received our highest honor, the best overall performance award for their reading of excerpts from Aslı Erdoğan's The City in Crimson Cloak. This award comes with a $100 cash prize.

Congratulations to our Faculty and Staff!

Professor Charles McNelis (Department of Classics) was awarded the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. (left)

Teaching Professor Donatella Melucci (Department of Italian) was awarded the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. (center)

Courtney Feldman (Administrative Officer, Department of German) was awarded the Distinguished Service Staff Award (right)