Supporting the Fondation Napoléon

The Fondation Napoléon is a registered charity (Reconnue d’utilité publique by a decree dated 12 November, 1987). As such it is an active participant in the preservation of Napoleonic heritage and in the promotion of historical knowledge and the understanding of the two French empires.

Supporting us also gives rise to tax benefits (for taxpayers in France – for US taxpayers, please contact us).

Whether you are a private individual or a company, your donations to the Fondation go through simple procedures and result in tax benefits.

If you are a private individual PAYING TAX IN FRANCE

For individuals paying tax in France, donations known as ‘manual donations’, meaning direct payments to the Fondation Napoléon in cash, cheque or bank transfer, result in an income tax reduction of 66% of the amount of the donations, with donations limited to 20% of the donor’s taxable annual revenue. If the amount of the donation exceeds this limit, there is the possibility of spreading the tax benefit over five years. The Fondation Napoléon provides a tax receipt which should be sent with your tax return.

For example:
You give us €1,000 for one of our projects. You can deduct €660 from your income tax. 

  • Donations made as part of the IFI (ex-ISF) property tax result in an income tax reduction of 75%. Over the year in question, the IFI (ex-ISF) tax deduction is capped at €50,000. The Fondation Napoléon will provide donors with a tax receipt, which should be included with the IFI (ex-ISF) property tax declaration.

For example:
a donation of €1,000 leads to an IFI (ex-ISF) property tax saving of €750.

►► You can only choose one type of deduction for one donation. Please let us know on each donation which deduction you require.

That being said, in situations of multiple donation, it is possible to combine the two types of tax benefit.

For example:
for two donations of €1,000 for any one of our appeals, you can deduct € 660 as part of your regular tax declaration, and for the second, €750, as part of your IFI (ex-ISF) property tax declaration.

(updated 4 January 2025)

If you are a company

You can benefit from an income tax reduction equivalent to 60% of the donation amount, with a limit €5 per €1000 of pre-tax turnover. Donating is an elegant way to include social responsibility in your company’s image, and to place your organisation in the heart of culture and learning.
By donating, you are contributing to all of the Fondation Napoleon’s activities.


 You can also ask us to use your donation specially to help a particular activity we are engaged in, meaning you would be working alongside us on one of the following projets of your choice:

“Napoléon 2026” Getting young people to know and love Napoleonic History (link in French)
“Napoléon 2026” is an ambitious project, aimed at making the Napoleonic historical periods better known to young people – school-age and university-level students as well the general public from the ages of 10 to 30.
Participation in this appeal is a way of coming together to meet the younger generation who merit our attention.


3 BibliothNumerique

Development of the Fondation Napoléon’s digital library

At the start of 2010, the Fondation Napoléon put the first volumes of its digital library online. These volumes come from the Fondation’s collection, and include rare works, reference books, almanachs, maps, and previously unfindable documents are made available for free to the public in a section of the website.


Logo of the Saint Helena Napoleonic Heritage Ltd

Help the Saint Helena Napoleonic Heritage

In order to continue the collective work already well underway with the restoration and reorganisation of the French Domains of St Helena, the Fondation Napoléon and Saint Helena Napoleonic Heritage (the non-profit organisation responsible for the management of the Domains’ operations), are continuing to seek funds to finance the day-to-day repair work as well as for future major restorations, including the roof of the Emperor’s apartments at Longwood House, which will have to be replaced in the medium term.

Development of higher education with the ‘Chaire Napoléon’

In 2014, the Fondation Napoleon set up a ‘Chaire Napoléon’ at the Institut Catholique d’Etudes Supérieures in La Roche-sur-Yon (France). As well as running a course on the Consulate and the Empire for second-year History undergraduates, the ‘Chaire Napoléon’ organises lectures and study days for the general public and is also enriching the Napoleonic content of the University Library.

Contact and further information

Fondation Napoléon

“Supporting the Fondation Napoléon”
7 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
75005 Paris
Tel.: +33 (0)1 56 43 46 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 56 43 46 01
E-mail: Alexandra Mongin