Fashion Magazine

Next Gen

By Desiree68 @pullyoursocksup

Next Gen
Stumbled across a blog I used to read long ago before I decided to get my shit together and ditched blogging.
Sister Wolf always gives me a giggle with an "oh I knowwww" eye-roll and I thank her for ploughing ahead, harnessing her sadness and re-directing it into a general love-hate relationship with pop culture, online shopping and social media.
Her most recent posts explore ugly dead-animal shoes, pubic hair oil and general cunt-age.
I'm glad she's still going strong.
Next GenNext GenLate 1930s cocktail frock bargain from Adeline's Attic
After a spectacularly unsuccessful six-month job search, I returned to uni this semester to do a post-grad certificate.
Classes finished yesterday and I'm sitting here guzzling coffee and Coke to get me through the weekend and finish all these goddamn assignments.
I'll miss it though, I just will.
Next Gen

What else has been happening?  Well, the house I was renting sold in May and the new owners moved in.

I absolutely could not get a place to live and I'm now living in an ex's garage, the kids upstairs with their father.
I know right?
It's fine.  I'm grateful for the help until I get a job and can move out.
I miss my stuff.  What's left of it.
I gave away pretty much everything to charity in May: furniture, clothes, shoes, books, stuff.
I have a bed, fridge, sofa bed and washing machine left.
It's always nice to have a good clean out isn't it? haaaaa!
Next GenBargains from Audrey Scarlett Vintage
Instagram is my virtual home these days.  
No bollocks, empty platitudes and wasted breath - just brief snippets of fabulous.

As for Anto (The Phoenix)?  

He got extremely sick and was taken away exactly 12 months ago.
He's doing very well now, very stable and completely himself.
No longer prescribed palliative-levels of pain-killers (Fentanyl, Endone, Tramadol, codeine, Jurnista) along with anti-psychotics (Seroquel, Cymbalta, every benzo you know and more).
There are medical practitioners I would quite gladly run over - their actions and inaction destroyed a man, a marriage and a family.

Returning to uni has been a long, tall glass of water.

So has hot yoga. Ha!
I study, sleep, go to yoga.
That's it.  
Such simplicity and peace.
And the fat is starting to melt off my lardy arse. Yay!
Next Gen

How ya been?

Desiree xx

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