Yamatai Kyushu Theory: Difference between revisions
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Advocates of the Kyushu theory of the Yamataikoku include [[Arai Hakuseki]], [[Shiratori Kurakichi]], [[Dairoku Harada]], Taku Tanaka<ref>「海に書かれた邪馬台国」</ref>、古田武彦、鳥越憲三郎、若井敏明<ref>{{Harvard citation no brackets|若井|2010}}</ref>、There are Biten Yasumoto, Toshio Hoga and others. In addition, it is said that research based on domestic materials such as "Kiki" tends not to be taken into consideration, despite the indications of Taro Sakamoto's "The Birth of the Nation" and Hidesaburo Hara, and Toshiaki Wakai said about this tendency before the war. He criticizes the repressed theory of Sokichi Tsuda as being caused by being touted even after the war.<ref>{{Harvard citation no brackets|若井|2010}}</ref>。 |
Advocates of the Kyushu theory of the Yamataikoku include [[Arai Hakuseki]], [[Shiratori Kurakichi]], [[Dairoku Harada]], Taku Tanaka<ref>「海に書かれた邪馬台国」</ref>、古田武彦、鳥越憲三郎、若井敏明<ref>{{Harvard citation no brackets|若井|2010}}</ref>、There are Biten Yasumoto, Toshio Hoga and others. In addition, it is said that research based on domestic materials such as "Kiki" tends not to be taken into consideration, despite the indications of Taro Sakamoto's "The Birth of the Nation" and Hidesaburo Hara, and Toshiaki Wakai said about this tendency before the war. He criticizes the repressed theory of Sokichi Tsuda as being caused by being touted even after the war.<ref>{{Harvard citation no brackets|若井|2010}}</ref>。 |
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== Main specific areas == |
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=== Chikushi Plain === |
Yamamoto-gun theory |
; 山本郡説 |
The Yamamoto-gun theory has been supported for a long time and is based on the fact that Yamamoto-gun has a large population and is likely to be related to the name "Yamato". |
古くから支持されており、人口が多く「ヤマト」の地名に関係しそうな山本郡とする説。 |
Amagi and Asakura theory |
; 甘木・朝倉説 |
The theory of Amagi and Asakura at the Hiratsuka Kawazoe site. |
平塚川添遺跡の甘木・朝倉説。 |
Kurume theory |
; 久留米説 |
The theory that [[Kurume|Kurume]], which is in the Oi County area, is the evil horse country. There is also a theory by Hisao Hoga that the Gionyama burial mound in [[Kurume|Kurume City]] is Himiko's mound.{{Sfn|宝賀|2001|pp=62-95}}。 |
御井郡域である[[Kurume|久留米]]説を邪馬台国とする説。[[Kurume|久留米市]]にある祇園山古墳を卑弥呼の塚とする宝賀寿男の説もある{{Sfn|宝賀|2001|pp=62-95}}。 |
According to the [[Nihon Shoki |
; 八女説 |
According to [[Nihon Shoki|Nihon Shoki]], the 12th [[Emperor Keikō|Emperor Keiko]] visited Yame Prefecture in the autumn of his 18th year on the throne, and as he was marveling at the beautiful mountain range past Mount Fuji, Monkey Oumi, the Lord of Mizunuma Prefecture, mentioned that the goddess Yame Tsuhime was always in the mountains, and that this goddess was the origin of the name of the once existing Yame Province. |
『[[Nihon Shoki|日本書紀]]』によれば、第12代[[Emperor Keikō|景行天皇]]が、在位18年目の秋に八女県を訪れ、藤山を過ぎて美しい連山に感嘆していると、水沼県主猿大海が、八女津媛という女神がいつも山の中にいる旨を述べたとし、この女神がかつて存在した八女国の名の由来であるとしている。 |
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Revision as of 02:36, 29 December 2021
This section outlines one of the theories about the location of Yamataikoku, the Kyushu theory of the Yamataikoku, which places it in the Kyushu region.
Arai Shiraishi proposed the Yamato Province theory in "Kojishi Tsukuaruken", and later proposed the Chikugo Province Yamato County theory in "Gaikokujin no Jisho". In the "Record of Foreign Matters", he explained the [[Chikugo Province|Chikugo Province Since then, the mainstream of academic circles from the Edo period to the present has been divided into two major theories: the "Kinai theory (by Naitō Torajirō and others) and the "Kyushu theory (by Shiratori Kurakichi and others). The Kyushu theory, however, has an evil spirit. The Kyushu theory, however, has a theory that the Yamataikoku moved (the "eastward movement theory") and a theory that it did not move. The "eastward movement" theory says that the Yamataikoku moved to the Kinai region and became the Yamato Kingdom.
There are two theories about the subsequent Evil Horse Kingdom: one is that it was conquered by the Kinai forces, and the other is that it moved eastward and conquered the Kinai.[注釈 1]。In the past, it was the first time that the Japanese government had been involved in the war, and the first time that the Japanese government had been involved in the war.[注釈 2][注釈 3]。
Basic Rationale
The Kyushu theory of the Yamataikoku region is based on the Northern Kyushu wide area theory centered on Itoshima City in Fukuoka Prefecture, Mii County in Fukuoka Prefecture, Dazaifu in Fukuoka Prefecture (Dazaifu, Dazaifu in Fukuoka Prefecture, Usa Jingu in Oita Prefecture, Saitobaru Kofun Cluster in Miyazaki Prefecture, and Kumamoto Prefecture, Kuma District, Kumamoto in Miyazaki Prefecture, and Kuma District, Kumamoto in Kumamoto Prefecture.
The basic arguments for the Kyushu theory of the Evil Horse Kingdom include the following.
- If we consider the distance from Obikata-gun to the Queen's country as an itinerary rather than a straight line, out of the 12,000 ri, we have already used 10,500 ri to get to Itokuni, which is located in Fukuoka Prefecture, and the remaining 1,500 ri (three times the distance of 500 ri from Suiroku to Itokuni, which is located in Karatsu City, Saga Prefecture) is not enough to locate the Evil Horse Kingdom beyond Kyushu.[注釈 4]。
- If we compare the Gounakukoku, which was in conflict with the Yamataikoku, to the power of Kumamoto (Kuma), we can assume that the official of the Gounakukoku, "Goukochi Heigu," is a transliteration of "Kikuchihiko.[注釈 5]。
- In the Wei-Shi-Wan-Jin Den, there are three descriptions of the Yamataikoku as being south of Itokuni and Nukuni, and east of Kaikidoji (latitudinally it corresponds to Okinawa Prefecture). There are also three places where it is said that the Evil Horse Kingdom was located south of Itokuni and Nukuni, and east of Kaikaku Toji (roughly corresponding to Okinawa Prefecture in latitude).
- 「魏志倭人伝」の記述は北部九州の小国を紹介する一方で、畿内説が投馬国に比定する近畿以西の道程に存在したはずの有力な阿岐国(安芸国)、吉備国や出雲国の仔細には全く触れられておらず、伊都国から近畿圏まで含む道程の記述が完全に欠けている。
- 「古事記」、「日本書紀」には、天皇による熊襲討伐など九州征伐が記載されており、景行天皇の頃までは北九州が大和朝廷の勢力圏外にあったと考えられる。またそれに伴って、3世紀の時点で畿内から北九州までを連合国家として治めていたのなら、6世紀に国造が設置されたという近年の研究にも疑問が生じる。また同時代の朝鮮半島は小国並立状態であり、倭国が先行して北部九州から畿内までの広域連合政権を生み出したとは考え難い。
- 魏志倭人伝中で邪馬台国の埋葬方法を記述した『有棺無槨』を甕棺と見なす見解に基づき、北九州地方に甕棺が多数出土していることや、石棺無槨の墳丘墓が多数出現していること。また「無槨」の記述から、槨を持つ畿内の古墳は当てはまらない[注釈 6]。
- 福岡県糸島市の平原遺跡出土の大型内行花文鏡が伊勢神宮の神道五部書に伝わる八咫鏡と同型・同規模であり、天照大御神といった太陽神信仰との関係が考えられること。
- 福岡県久留米市には、宝賀寿男が、規模や副葬品、石棺無槨、主体部および周囲の集団墓(宝賀は殉葬墓ではないかとする)などの状況が『魏志倭人伝』の卑弥呼の墓記載とよく一致するとする[1]祇園山古墳がある。
- 奈良県桜井市所在で最古の定型化した前方後円墳といわれる箸墓古墳を、3世紀後半の築造とし、卑弥呼の冢とする説があるが、卑弥呼死後に男王が即位するも再び混乱したことが記録されており、国内が大混乱していた時期に当時最大の墳丘を持つ古墳を造営することは不可能に近い。また古墳周囲には記録にある殉葬の跡も見られない。また、当時の朝鮮半島など周辺国の墳墓はいずれも一辺30メートル前後の墳丘墓で、倭国だけが飛び抜けて巨大な墳丘墓(箸墓古墳)を築造したとするのは無理がある。また箸墓古墳に年代的に先行するとされるホケノ山古墳の発掘調査を行った橿原考古学研究所による2008年(平成20年)の同古墳の発掘調査報告書では、出土遺物の検討から築造年代を3世紀中頃であると結論しつつ[2][3]、木槨木材の炭素年代測定結果の幅が4世紀前半をも含む範囲であることを報告しているため[4]、3世紀中頃とする年代に疑問を呈する意見がある[5]。
- In addition to the fact that not a single triangular-rimmed divine animal mirror has been unearthed from Chinese or Korean sites, the number of mirrors unearthed nationwide far exceeds the 100 that have been recorded.
- That the goods and rank presented by Wei to the queens were Most favoured nation treatment comparable to the Otsuki clan state in the west, and unlikely to have been presented to a small lord.[注釈 7]。
- It is also important to note that the number of people in the country is not necessarily the same as the number of people in the country. However, it is unlikely that the envoy checked the number of houses in all of Japan, and the number of houses listed cannot necessarily be determined to be accurate, as it is thought to include hearsay from the Japanese.
- The existence of kofun tumuli and settlements in the Chugoku and Kinki regions that are much larger than those in Kyushu. However, since the Kyushu theory does not adopt Himiko's era as the theory of the beginning of the Kofun period, this is not an argument against it.
- It is based on the old theory that the construction of the tumulus began after the 4th century, but this theory was proposed by Sahara Makoto and others in 1966, and Sahara himself withdrew it in 1975, and the 3rd century theory is now widely supported. However, based on the above-mentioned report on the Hokenoyama burial mound, there have been discussions to revise the start of this theory.
- 三角縁神獣鏡を、呉の鏡または呉の工人の作であり、呉の地が西晋に征服された280年以降のものとする説もある。しかし、様式論からは呉の作ではないとされ、少なくとも銘文にある徐州を呉の領域であるなどとはいえない[注釈 8]。これらを280年以降の製造と考えると、紀年鏡に記される年号が何ゆえに三国時代の235年から244年に集中しているのか、整合的な理解が難しい。また、九州説論者の見解では、いわゆる「卑弥呼の鏡」は後漢鏡であるとするが、弥生時代の北九州遺跡から集中して出土する後漢鏡は、中国での文字資料を伴う発掘状況により、主として1世紀に編年され、卑弥呼の時代には届かないのも難点のひとつである。2世紀のものは量も少ない上、畿内でもかなり出土しており、北九州の優位性は伺えない。ただし畿内と北九州を別勢力と見た場合、優位性だけで位置を断定できない。
- 近畿地方から東海地方にかけて広まっていた、銅鐸による祭祀を行っていた銅鐸文明を、「魏志倭人伝」に記載された道具であり、『日本書紀』にも著される矛(剣)、鏡、勾玉の、いわゆる三種の神器を祭祀に用いる「銅矛文明」が滅ぼしたとされる説がある。しかし、発掘される遺跡の増加に伴い、「銅鐸文化圏」の地域で銅矛や銅剣が、吉野ヶ里遺跡のような「銅矛文化圏」内で銅鐸や銅鐸の鋳型が出土するといったことが増えたことから、今では否定的に見られている。また、「倭人伝」の記載は、祭祀について触れられたものではないこと、6世紀以前は3種ではなく、多種多様な祭器が土地それぞれで使用されていたことも九州説では重要視されない理由として挙げられる。
Shortest distance theory
The concept of "short ri" has been proposed for the distance problem. Short ri" is a theory that one ri in shakkan method is not about 434m but about 75-90m (76-77m in concept) (Shu髀算経/一寸千里法).[注釈 9]。In the Book of Records, it is said that the distance from Gouja Korea to Tsushima is 1,000 ri, and from Tsushima to Iki Island is 1,000 ri, but the actual distance is also about 70 km each, supporting that the short ri was adopted. In fact, the distance from Obikata-gun to Gujin Korea is 7,000 square miles, as stated in the Book of Records. This is the first time that we have seen such an event. In addition, if this short distance is adopted, Himiko's burial mound, which had a diameter of 100 paces, would have a diameter of about 30 meters, which is a refutation of the theory that the burial mound of Himiko is the Hashihaka Kofun.
Advocates of the Kyushu theory of the Yamataikoku include Arai Hakuseki, Shiratori Kurakichi, Dairoku Harada, Taku Tanaka[6]、古田武彦、鳥越憲三郎、若井敏明[7]、There are Biten Yasumoto, Toshio Hoga and others. In addition, it is said that research based on domestic materials such as "Kiki" tends not to be taken into consideration, despite the indications of Taro Sakamoto's "The Birth of the Nation" and Hidesaburo Hara, and Toshiaki Wakai said about this tendency before the war. He criticizes the repressed theory of Sokichi Tsuda as being caused by being touted even after the war.[8]。
Main specific areas
Chikushi Plain
Yamamoto-gun theory
The Yamamoto-gun theory has been supported for a long time and is based on the fact that Yamamoto-gun has a large population and is likely to be related to the name "Yamato".
Amagi and Asakura theory
The theory of Amagi and Asakura at the Hiratsuka Kawazoe site.
Kurume theory
The theory that Kurume, which is in the Oi County area, is the evil horse country. There is also a theory by Hisao Hoga that the Gionyama burial mound in Kurume City is Himiko's mound.[1]。
According to the [[Nihon Shoki
According to Nihon Shoki, the 12th Emperor Keiko visited Yame Prefecture in the autumn of his 18th year on the throne, and as he was marveling at the beautiful mountain range past Mount Fuji, Monkey Oumi, the Lord of Mizunuma Prefecture, mentioned that the goddess Yame Tsuhime was always in the mountains, and that this goddess was the origin of the name of the once existing Yame Province.
In Ding You, he arrived at Bainu County. Then, he crossed Vine Mountain and looked south to Asuka Point, and the imperial edict said, "The mountain is overlapping and beautiful. If the gods have their mountains," he said. That is why the name of Hachimoku was given.
In the Bungo Province Fudoki, there is an anecdote that when Emperor Keiko visited Hita County in Toyo Province (an area adjacent to Yame City in Fukuoka Prefecture), he talked with a goddess named Hisatsuhime, who was disguised as a human, and there is a theory that this princess is also Himiko.
Fukuoka Prefecture
=== Fukuoka Plain theory
This is a theory that the Fukuoka Plain, where Nakkoku is thought to have been located, was also adjacent to the Evil Horse Kingdom. There are many different theories. There is also a theory that the route radiated from Itokuni and Nukoku.
The Hakata theory
Western Kyushu
Saga Plain theory
The Saga Plain theory is a theory that the route from Karatsu to the Saga Plain is along the Matsuura River or along the current Japan National Route 323. It also includes the Yoshinogari site, and is widely accepted as the Yoshinogari theory.
Sasebo theory
Northeast coast of Kyushu
Usa theory
The Usa theory refers to the area around Usa Shrine, the main shrine of Hachiman Shrine, as the Evil Horse Kingdom. The Usa clan (Usa Kunizou), who cooperated with Emperor Jimmu during Jimmu's Eastern Expedition, exist in this area.
Kyoto-gun theory
A theory that the area is around present-day Yukuhashi City and Karita Town.
Kagoshima Prefecture
The Eastward Expansion Theory
Eastern Expedition Theory
Whether or not one accepts Jimmu's Eastern Expedition as historical fact, research based on domestic sources such as the Kiki suggests that the Dynasty (Jimadai Kingdom) established in Kyushu moved eastward to the Kinai region. There is a theory that the Dynasty (the Yamatai Kingdom), which was established in Yamatai, moved eastward to Kinai. There are two types of theories: those that link this eastward movement to myths such as Jimmu's Eastern Expedition and Descent of the Sun, and those that say it has nothing to do with Kiki myth. There are also many theories about the timing and form of the relocation to the east in relation to the Kyushu dynasty theory (see #Other theories).
Shiratori Kokichi, Watsuji[9] However, in the Post-war period, the use of Japanese mythology as a source material was avoided in history and history education. However, this theory continued to develop after the war, mainly at the University of Tokyo.
Masao Kume proposed the two dynasties side by side theory, which envisaged the Queen Country of Tsukushi (the main capital) with a distance of 10,000 miles between itself and the Queen Country, and the Queen Country of Kinai (the sub-capital) with a distance of 30 days by sea (20 days by water from the south to the south, and then 10 days by water from the south to the Yamataikoku). It is also important to note that there is a large amount of information on the history of the Japanese Empire in Japan. In addition to the above, it is important to note that there are many other factors that may affect the success of this project. In addition to the above, there are many other interesting facts about the history of Japan.
Shuichi Kuriyama, Katsumi Kuroita, Tomojiro Hayashiya, Tadao Iijima, Kiyoshi Wada.[10]、榎一雄[11]、橋本増吉、植村清二、市村其三郎、坂本太郎[12]、井上光貞[13]、Koichi Mori, Naruo Nakagawa, Kenichi Tanigawa, Takeo Kaneko[disambiguation needed]、Nunome Junro, Yasumoto Minori, Okuno Masao and others are the discussants.
Minority levy
However, throughout the history of Northeast Asia, there has been no other example of an entire country being moved unless there was a national crisis, and from the standpoint of clan movements, geography, and science, there was no such thing as an eastward movement on a national scale. The reason for the expedition, which is a weakness of the above theory, is that it was the result of a search for a new land by kings, which is common in the history of Northeast Asia.
Hisao Takaraga, Michiyuki Adachi, and others are discussants.
A different theory
One theory proposed by Takehiko Furuta is the Kyushu dynasty theory, which states that until the end of the 7th century there was a dynasty representing Japan (Dazaifu was the Capital city) in Kyushu. (Japan)]] and that Yamatai was the predecessor of the Kyushu dynasty, and that the Kyushu dynasty was later established, but was destroyed in the Battle of Baekgang Battle of Baekgang. In the past, there have been those who argue that Kyushu is comparable to the Five Kings of Wa from Yamataikoku to Five Kings of Wa, from Tsurumine Boshin to Post-war, including Naganuma Kenkai.
However, this theory is currently being criticized by several scholars of Oriental and Japanese history, including Mitsusada Inoue, Kazuo Enoki, and Yukihisa Yamao.
- ^ 前者は記紀に見える景行・成務・仲哀朝における北九州征伐を想定する。後者の東遷説は神武東征をその事実の反映と見る立場が多いが、『隋書』の記述がすでに現存する記紀神話とは相当異なっている可能性があるとして、神話を根拠とすることは受け入れがたいとする意見もある。
- ^ In the latter half of the Edo period, scholars of Japanese studies proposed the theory of "false arrogance" (the theory that Kyushu forces presumed to have presided over the Imperial Court. These include Hon'i Nobunaga's "Onokebisu Gaikoku", Tsurumine Boshin's "Sogoku Gaikoku Ko", and Kondo Yoshiki's "Seihan Gensetsu".)
- ^ 現代では古田武彦などによる九州王朝説がある(日本列島を代表する王朝は一貫して九州にあり、白村江の戦い以降、衰亡したとする説。史学雑誌に論文が掲載されるなど学界で注目を集めたこともある。)。
- ^ 三宅米吉は、12,000里は里程のわかっている不弥国までの距離であるとし、山田孝雄は、これは一部不明のところのある現実の距離をあわせたものではなく、単に狗邪韓国までの7,000里と倭地の周旋5,000里を合算したものに過ぎないとする。九州王朝説を唱えた古田武彦は、「正確を期するため同じ行程を距離と掛かる日数とで二重に標記している」とする読み方を提唱している。
- ^ 畿内説では狗奴国を毛野または桑名や加納などの東海地方の勢力と考えるにしても、官名に対し特別な解釈を与えないようである。畿内説の内藤湖南は、彼が邪馬台国の時代に近いと考える景行天皇の時代に、朝廷と熊襲が激しく衝突したことから、狗奴国を熊襲、「狗古知卑狗」を菊池彦に当てている。そうすると、ここでは方角が正しいことになるが、彼は、狗奴国に関する記述は旅程記事とは別系統に属するから、問題はないという。『魏略』には「拘右智卑狗」とあるが、古代の日本語は語中に母音が来ることはないから、これは誤字と見てよい。吉備説・出雲説・東四国説では狗奴国を河内の勢力と見ている。
- ^ There is an opinion that the Hokenoyama burial mound, which was built at the same time as the Chopsticks Tomb or even earlier, has a coffin and burial chamber and was built in the first half of the 4th century.
- ^ The Kyushu theory says that the treatment was intended to put pressure on Wu. The aforementioned Takehiko Furuta says that the treatment was given to him for his achievement in quickly switching from the Gongsun regime to Wei.
- ^ It is generally considered to be the domain of Cao Wei.
- ^ In a conversation with Shigeru Tanimoto in "Correcting the 'Distortions' of Ancient History," Takehiko Furuta says, "When I wrote 'There Was No 'Evil Horse Kingdom,' I thought it was 75-90 meters, but now I am thinking in terms of 76-77 meters.
- ^ a b 宝賀 2001, pp. 62–95.
- ^ 岡林, 水野 & 北山 2008, pp. 289–291.
- ^ "ホケノ山古墳と箸墓古墳". 橿原考古学研究所附属博物館 (in Japanese). Retrieved 2019-10-28.
- ^ 奥山 2008, pp. 191–192.
- ^ "『ホケノ山古墳の年代について』". 邪馬台国の会 (in Japanese). Retrieved 2019-10-28.
- ^ 「海に書かれた邪馬台国」
- ^ 若井 2010
- ^ 若井 2010
- ^ The Ancient Culture of Japan, 1919
- ^ 1956 "Ancient Japan from the Perspective of Oriental History"
- ^ The "Evil Horse Kingdom," published in 1960, and the Hyuga origin theory.
- ^ However, Dr. Sakamoto later endorsed the views of Dr. Taku Tanaka in his book, "The Evil Horse Kingdom Written in the Sea" in the January 1979 issue of the Journal of Shinto History, and praised it as "an extremely powerful basis for the theory of Chikugo Yamato-gun in the Evil Horse Kingdom.
- ^ In "History of Japan 1: From Myth to History" published in 1960, he stated that the eastward shift of the Evil Horse Kingdom was the most natural interpretation.
- 久米雅雄ほか (1986-01). 歴史における政治と民衆 : 北山茂夫追悼日本史学論集. 日本史論叢会.
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(help); Text "和書" ignored (help)久米雅雄ほか (1986-01). 歴史における政治と民衆 : 北山茂夫追悼日本史学論集. 日本史論叢会.{{cite book}}
: Check date values in:|date=
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(help); Text "和書" ignored (help) - 宝賀寿男 (2001-12-20). "卑弥呼の冢補論-祇園山古墳とその周辺-". 季刊・古代史の海. 26. 「古代史の海」の会: 62–96. ISSN 1341-5522.
{{cite journal}}
: Check date values in:|year=
(help); Invalid|ref=harv
(help); Text "和書" ignored (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link) CS1 maint: year (link) - 若井, 敏明 (2010). 邪馬台国の滅亡 大和王権の征服戦争. 吉川弘文館. ISBN 9784642056946.
{{cite book}}
: Invalid|ref=harv
(help); Text "和書" ignored (help) - 奥山, 誠義 (2008-11). "ホケノ山古墳中心埋葬施設から出土した木材の14C年代測定". ホケノ山古墳の研究. 橿原考古学研究所. pp. 191–192. ISBN 9784902777611.
{{cite book}}
: Check date values in:|year=
(help); Invalid|ref=harv
(help); Text "和書" ignored (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link) - 岡林, 孝作; 水野, 敏典; 北山, 峰生 (2008-11). "実年代について". ホケノ山古墳の研究. 橿原考古学研究所. pp. 289–291. ISBN 9784902777611.
{{cite book}}
: Check date values in:|year=
(help); Invalid|ref=harv
(help); Text "和書" ignored (help)CS1 maint: date and year (link) - 田中卓『海に書かれた邪馬台国』(青春出版社)