Upload log
Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the gallery of new files for a more visual overview.
- 15:53, 3 April 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Eingangautosodomy.JPG (Demonstration of autosodomy yoga/sexual practice, by Al Eingang. Attribution to Al Eingang/http://www.solosuck.com required. Copyright release request and response as below. From : Al Eingang <al@solosuck.com> Sent : Sunday, 1 April 2007 1:08:42 PM S)
- 02:56, 28 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Arabslaverwomen.jpg (From www.frontline.org.za Copyright released/explained by the following email message: ... From : Frontline Fellowship <info@frontline.org.za> Sent : Tuesday, 27 March 2007 1:57:26 PM To : <Dy90@hotmail.com> Subject : LETTER to DAVID YORK from DR)
- 17:33, 23 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:FrancisBok.jpg (Source: http://www.uua.org/ga/ga03/images/2051f.jpg Francis Bok, author and former Sudanese slave. Slavery abolition activist. {{attribution}} Copyright permission granted by Deborah Weiner <DWeiner@uua.org> on upload date as follows: "That photograph was)
- 09:07, 21 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Hamoud bin Mohammed2.JPG (Hamoud bin Mohammed (born 1853-July 18, 1902) Sultan of Zanzibar 1896-1902 Hamoud complied with British demands that slavery be banned in Zanzibar and that all the slaves be freed. For this he was decorated by Queen Victoria and his son and heir, Ali bin)
- 08:49, 21 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Hamoud bin Mohammed.jpg (Hamoud bin Mohammed (born 1853-July 18, 1902) Sultan of Zanzibar 1896-1902 Hamoud complied with British demands that slavery be banned in Zanzibar and that all the slaves be freed. For this he was decorated by Queen Victoria and his son and heir, Ali bin)
- 08:12, 21 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:GustaveDore.jpg (Abraham Casts out the Egyptian slave-woman, Hagar, with their firstborn son, Ishmael Gustave Dore - 1832-1883 Source http://www.mythinglinks.org/NearEast~3monotheisms~Islam.html )
- 14:11, 18 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Arabslavers.jpg (Image accessible here: http://uk.encarta.msn.com/media_461543653_761572628_-1_1/Arab_Slave_Traders.html Public domain image more than 100 years since creation, therefore further sourcing not required. Arab Slave Traders A 19th-century engraving depictin)
- 10:54, 18 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Sudanslaves.jpg (Sudanese slaves await redemption in Madhol, Sudan, in December 1997. An Arab trader sold 132 former slaves, women and children, for $13,200 (in Sudanese money) to a member of Christian Solidarity International. (AP Photo) {{fair use|Slavery in sudan|Islam)
- 10:52, 18 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Arabslavers1866.jpg (Arab slave traders along the Ruvuma River, East Africa, 1866, axe a straggler. )
- 10:50, 18 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Arabslaverwomen.jpg (Arab slave traders capturing women, 19th century.)
- 14:42, 17 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Slavezanzibar.jpg ({{attribution}} c.1890 Slavery in Zanzibar. A glass lantern slide Inscribed: 'An Arab master's punishment for a slight offence. The log weighed 32 pounds, and the boy could only move by carrying it on his head.' Unknown photographer, c. 1890. © National)
- 14:39, 12 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Team06.JPG (Mike Gravel campaign team Copyright released by Mike Gravel for President 2008 (www.gravel2008.com) {{attribution}})
- 14:37, 12 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelcouple.JPG ({{attribution}} Copyright released by Mike Gravel for President 2008 (www.gravel2008.us) Mike Gravel with Whitney Gravel (and Ginger))
- 08:16, 12 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:GhulanHaider11andFaizMohammed40NUmber2.jpg ({{attribution}} Sourced from http://www.wikiislam.com/wiki/Image:GhulanHaider11andFaizMohammed40NUmber2.jpg)
- 18:41, 3 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelsign.JPG ({{attribution}} Mike Gravel signature Copyright released by Gravel08 Presidential Campaign www.gravel08.us)
- 17:48, 3 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Graveld.JPG ({{attribution}} Mike Gravel (2008 Presidential Candidate) and Granny D Copyright released by Gravel2008 Presidential Campaign www.gravel2008.us)
- 15:00, 3 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Mikegranny.jpg ({{attribution}} Former Senator Mike Gravel with Granny D, pictured 2007 Copyright released by Gravel08 Presidential campaign www.gravel2008.us)
- 14:52, 3 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Mikegravelatdnc.jpg (Mike Gravel(D) - US Presidential Candidate Copyright release granted by Gravel2008 Campaign www.gravel2008.us {{attribution}})
- 14:30, 3 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Graveldnc07.jpg (Mike Gravel (D), 2008 US Presidential candidate. Pictured in February 2007. {{Attribution}} Copyright released by the owner - Gravel 2008 Presidential campaign. www.gravel2008.us)
- 14:48, 2 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelwinter.JPG ({{fair use|Political views of Mike Gravel}} Copyright authorisation granted by www.gravel2008.us Former Senator Mike Gravel addressing the DNC Winter Convention, February 2007. Copyright authorisation granted by the Gravel 2008 Presidential Campaign.)
- 09:16, 2 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelforeign.JPG ({{fair use|Mike Gravel presidential campaign, 2008}} Screenshot of foreign policy address to New Hampshire Institute of Politics www.gravel08.us Presidential campaign )
- 07:41, 2 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelnevada.JPG (Origination www.c-span.org screenshot {{Fair use in|Mike Gravel presidential campaign, 2008}} Rationale: use is for documenting the subject's participation in an electoral forum Use is not commercial. No prejudice to commercial interests of copyright ow)
- 01:28, 2 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Indonesia Australia Locator.png (((I created this myself)))
- 01:26, 2 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:GravelSite.JPG ({{attribution]] Gravel for President 2008 Webmaster (Michael Grant, mgrant@gravel2008.us) gave license on 28 February 2007)
- 00:54, 2 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelstrip4.JPG (Gravel for President 2008 Campaign www.gravel2008.us License granted by Michael Grant (Webmaster, mgrant@gravel2008.us) on 28 Feb 2007 {{attribution}})
- 00:48, 2 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:MikeGravel.jpg ({{Attribution}} Source: www.gravel2008.us (Mike Gravel for President Campaign) License granted by Michael Grant (webmaster) on 28 February 2007)
- 05:33, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelyoutube.JPG ({{cc-by-sa-2.5|Attribution details}} Source: YouTube.com screenshot Copyright owner: Gravel 2008 Presidential Campaign)
- 03:51, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:GravelNPC.jpg ( {{cc-by-sa-2.5}})
- 03:09, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:GravelNPC.jpg ( {{cc-by-sa-2.5}})
- 03:07, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:MikeGravel.jpg ( {{cc-by-sa-2.5}})
- 03:06, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelstrip4.JPG ( {{cc-by-sa-2.5}})
- 03:05, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelstrip3.JPG ( {{cc-by-sa-2.5}})
- 03:05, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:GravelSite.JPG ( {{cc-by-sa-2.5}})
- 03:04, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelpodium.jpg ( {{cc-by-sa-2.5}})
- 03:02, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelorator.jpg ( {{cc-by-sa-2.5}})
- 03:01, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:GRAVELBUMP.gif ( {{cc-by-sa-2.5}})
- 02:57, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelstrip4.JPG ( {{cc-by-sa-2.5}})
- 02:35, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelstrip4.JPG ({{attribution}} Gravel for President 2008)
- 02:24, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelstrip3.JPG ({{attribution}} Gravel '08 Campaign)
- 02:12, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:GravelStrip2.JPG ({{attibution}} Gravel08 Presidential Campaign)
- 01:43, 1 March 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:GravelSite.JPG ({{attribution}} Attribute to Gravel08 Presidential Campaign Screenshot of the Candidate's Website from March 2007)
- 17:04, 28 February 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelorator.jpg ({{Fair use in|Mike Gravel presidential campaign, 2008}})
- 17:03, 28 February 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:Gravelpodium.jpg ({{Fair use in|Mike Gravel presidential campaign, 2008}})
- 17:02, 28 February 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:GravelNPC.jpg ({{Fair use in|Mike Gravel presidential campaign, 2008}})
- 16:58, 28 February 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:GravelNPC.jpg (Mike Gravel for President 2008. ((attribution)) Attribution for Democracy in Action P008 required.)
- 02:18, 28 February 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:MikeGravel70s.jpg ({{Attribution}} Mike Gravel. Senator for Alaska, 1969-1981. Courtesy US Senate.)
- 02:03, 28 February 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:MikeGravel.jpg ({{Attribution}} Mike Gravel. Former Alaska Senator and Democratic Candidate for President of the United States, 2008. Courtesy www.gravel08.us)
- 07:14, 26 February 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:106.jpg ({{Attribution}} National Archives of Australia)
- 06:26, 26 February 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:106.jpg (John Gorton and Suharto. Respective Heads of Government in Indonesia and Australia. 1968. Source: National Archives of Australia)
- 01:41, 22 February 2007 DavidYork71 talk contribs uploaded File:AusIndo location.png (Map shows respective locations of Indonesia(green) and Australia(orange). Created by me and licensed for use in Wikimedia.)