Paper 2022/1301

On the Invalidity of Lin16/Lin17 Obfuscation Schemes

Hu Yupu, Xidian University
Dong Siyue, Xidian University
Wang Baocang, Xidian University
Dong Xingting, Guilin University of Electronic Technology

Indistinguishability obfuscation (IO) is at the frontier of cryptography research. Lin16/Lin17 obfuscation schemes are famous progresses towards simplifying obfuscation mechanism. Their basic structure can be described in the following way: to obfuscate a polynomial-time-computable Boolean function $c(x)$, first divide it into a group of component functions with low-degree and low-locality by using randomized encoding, and then hide the shapes of these component functions by using constant-degree multilinear maps (rather than polynomial degree ones). In this short paper we point out that Lin16/Lin17 schemes are invalid. More detailedly, they cannot achieve reusability, therefore they are not true IO schemes, but rather garbling schemes which are one-time schemes. Besides, this short paper presents more observations, to show that component functions cannot be overly simple.

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Attacks and cryptanalysis
Publication info
Indistinguishability obfuscation Multilinear maps Yao's garbling Randomized encoding
Contact author(s)
yphu @ mail xidian edu cn
359442088 @ qq com
bcwang79 @ aliyun com
xtdong67 @ 163 com
2022-10-19: withdrawn
2022-09-30: received
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