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2 results sorted by ID

2024/882 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-03
Lattice-based Fault Attacks against ECMQV
Weiqiong Cao, Hua Chen, Jingyi Feng, Linmin Fan, Wenling Wu
Attacks and cryptanalysis

ECMQV is a standardized key agreement protocol based on ECC with an additional implicit signature authentication. In this paper we investigate the vulnerability of ECMQV against fault attacks and propose two efficient lattice-based fault attacks. In our attacks, by inducing a storage fault to the ECC parameter $a$ before the execution of ECMQV, we can construct two kinds of weak curves and successfully pass the public-key validation step in the protocol. Then, by solving ECDLP and using a...

2007/003 (PDF) (PS) Last updated: 2007-01-04
The Energy Cost of Cryptographic Key Establishment in Wireless Sensor Networks
Johann Groszschaedl, Alexander Szekely, Stefan Tillich

Wireless sensor nodes generally face serious limitations in terms of computational power, energy supply, and network bandwidth. Therefore, the implementation of effective and secure techniques for setting up a shared secret key between sensor nodes is a challenging task. In this paper we analyze and compare the energy cost of two different protocols for authenticated key establishment. The first protocol employs a ``light-weight'' variant of the Kerberos key distribution scheme with 128-bit...

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