2 results sorted by ID
Possible spell-corrected query: Matsui’s bounding conditions
New method for combining Matsui’s bounding conditions with sequential encoding method
Senpeng Wang, Dengguo Feng, Bin Hu, Jie Guan, Kai Zhang, Tairong Shi
Secret-key cryptography
As the first generic method for finding the optimal differential and linear characteristics, Matsui's branch and bound search algorithm has played an important role in evaluating the security of symmetric ciphers. By combining Matsui's bounding conditions with automatic search models, search efficiency can be improved. In this paper, by studying the properties of Matsui's bounding conditions, we give the general form of bounding conditions that can eliminate all the impossible solutions...
Accelerating the Search of Differential and Linear Characteristics with the SAT Method
Ling Sun, Wei Wang, Meiqin Wang
Secret-key cryptography
The introduction of the automatic search boosts the cryptanalysis of symmetric-key primitives to some degree. However, the performance of the automatic search is not always satisfactory for the search of long trails or ciphers with large state sizes. Compared with the extensive attention on the enhancement for the search with the mixed integer linear programming (MILP) method, few works care for the acceleration of the automatic search with the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) or...
As the first generic method for finding the optimal differential and linear characteristics, Matsui's branch and bound search algorithm has played an important role in evaluating the security of symmetric ciphers. By combining Matsui's bounding conditions with automatic search models, search efficiency can be improved. In this paper, by studying the properties of Matsui's bounding conditions, we give the general form of bounding conditions that can eliminate all the impossible solutions...
The introduction of the automatic search boosts the cryptanalysis of symmetric-key primitives to some degree. However, the performance of the automatic search is not always satisfactory for the search of long trails or ciphers with large state sizes. Compared with the extensive attention on the enhancement for the search with the mixed integer linear programming (MILP) method, few works care for the acceleration of the automatic search with the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) or...