12 results sorted by ID
Possible spell-corrected query: must language
LEA Block Cipher in Rust Language: Trade-off between Memory Safety and Performance
Sangwon Kim, Siwoo Eum, Minho Song, Hwajeong Seo
Cryptography implementations of block cipher have been written in C language due to its strong features on system-friendly features. However, the C language is prone to memory safety issues, such as buffer overflows and memory leaks. On the other hand, Rust, novel system programming language, provides strict compile-time memory safety guarantees through its ownership model. This paper presents the implementation of LEA block cipher in Rust language, demonstrating features to prevent...
Optimized Computation of the Jacobi Symbol
Jonas Lindstrøm, Kostas Kryptos Chalkias
The Jacobi Symbol is an essential primitive in cryptographic applications such as primality testing, integer factorization, and various encryption schemes. By exploring the interdependencies among modular reductions within the algorithmic loop, we have developed a refined method that significantly enhances computational efficiency. Our optimized algorithm, implemented in the Rust language, achieves a performance increase of 72% over conventional textbook methods and is twice as fast as the...
Fastcrypto: Pioneering Cryptography Via Continuous Benchmarking
Kostas Kryptos Chalkias, Jonas Lindstrøm, Deepak Maram, Ben Riva, Arnab Roy, Alberto Sonnino, Joy Wang
In the rapidly evolving fields of encryption and blockchain technologies, the efficiency and security of cryptographic schemes significantly impact performance. This paper introduces a comprehensive framework for continuous benchmarking in one of the most popular cryptography Rust libraries, fastcrypto. What makes our analysis unique is the realization that automated benchmarking is not just a performance monitor and optimization tool, but it can be used for cryptanalysis and innovation...
High-assurance zeroization
Santiago Arranz Olmos, Gilles Barthe, Ruben Gonzalez, Benjamin Grégoire, Vincent Laporte, Jean-Christophe Léchenet, Tiago Oliveira, Peter Schwabe
In this paper, we revisit the problem of erasing sensitive data from memory and registers when returning from a cryptographic routine. While the problem and related attacker model are fairly easy to phrase, it turns out to be surprisingly hard to guarantee security in this model when implementing cryptography in common languages such as C/C++ or Rust. We revisit the issues surrounding zeroization and then present a principled solution in the sense that it guarantees that sensitive data is...
FUSE – Flexible File Format and Intermediate Representation for Secure Multi-Party Computation
Lennart Braun, Moritz Huppert, Nora Khayata, Thomas Schneider, Oleksandr Tkachenko
Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) is continuously becoming more and more practical. Many optimizations have been introduced, making MPC protocols more suitable for solving real-world problems. However, the MPC protocols and optimizations are usually implemented as a standalone proof of concept or in an MPC framework and are tightly coupled with special-purpose circuit formats, such as Bristol Format. This makes it very hard and time-consuming to re-use algorithmic advances and implemented...
FLUTE: Fast and Secure Lookup Table Evaluations (Full Version)
Andreas Brüggemann, Robin Hundt, Thomas Schneider, Ajith Suresh, Hossein Yalame
Cryptographic protocols
The concept of using Lookup Tables (LUTs) instead of Boolean circuits is well-known and been widely applied in a variety of applications, including FPGAs, image processing, and database management systems. In cryptography, using such LUTs instead of conventional gates like AND and XOR results in more compact circuits and has been shown to substantially improve online performance when evaluated with secure multi-party computation. Several recent works on secure floating-point computations and...
Owl: Compositional Verification of Security Protocols via an Information-Flow Type System
Joshua Gancher, Sydney Gibson, Pratap Singh, Samvid Dharanikota, Bryan Parno
Cryptographic protocols
Computationally sound protocol verification tools promise to deliver full-strength cryptographic proofs for security protocols. Unfortunately, current tools lack either modularity or automation.
We propose a new approach based on a novel use of information flow and refinement types for sound cryptographic proofs. Our framework, Owl, allows type-based modular descriptions of security protocols, wherein disjoint subprotocols can be programmed and automatically proved secure separately....
LURK: Lambda, the Ultimate Recursive Knowledge
Nada Amin, John Burnham, François Garillot, Rosario Gennaro, Chhi'mèd Künzang, Daniel Rogozin, Cameron Wong
Cryptographic protocols
We introduce Lurk, a new LISP-based programming language for zk-SNARKs. Traditional approaches to programming over zero-knowledge proofs require compiling the desired computation into a flat circuit, imposing serious constraints on the size and complexity of computations that can be achieved in practice. Lurk programs are instead provided as data to the universal Lurk interpreter circuit, allowing the resulting language to be Turing-complete without compromising the size of the resulting...
Bool Network: An Open, Distributed, Secure Cross-chain Notary Platform
Zeyuan Yin, Bingsheng Zhang, Jingzhong Xu, Kaiyu Lu, Kui Ren
With the advancement of blockchain technology, hundreds of cryptocurrencies have been deployed. The bloom of heterogeneous blockchain platforms brings a new emerging problem: typically, various blockchains are isolated systems, how to securely identify and/or transfer digital properties across blockchains? There are three main kinds of cross-chain approaches: sidechains/relays, notaries, and hashed time-lock contracts. Among them, notary-based cross-chain solutions have the best...
Spartan: Efficient and general-purpose zkSNARKs without trusted setup
Srinath Setty
Cryptographic protocols
This paper introduces Spartan, a new family of zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zkSNARKs) for the rank-1 constraint satisfiability (R1CS), an NP-complete language that generalizes arithmetic circuit satisfiability. A distinctive feature of Spartan is that it offers the first zkSNARKs without trusted setup (i.e., transparent zkSNARKs) for NP where verifying a proof incurs sub-linear costs—without requiring uniformity in the NP statement’s structure....
Noise Explorer: Fully Automated Modeling and Verification for Arbitrary Noise Protocols
Nadim Kobeissi, Georgio Nicolas, Karthikeyan Bhargavan
Cryptographic protocols
The Noise Protocol Framework, introduced recently, allows for the design and construction of secure channel protocols by describing them through a simple, restricted language from which complex key derivation and local state transitions are automatically inferred. Noise "Handshake Patterns" can support mutual authentication, forward secrecy, zero round-trip encryption, identity hiding and other advanced features. Since the framework's release, Noise-based protocols have been adopted by...
Secure top most significant genome variants search: iDASH 2017 competition
Sergiu Carpov, Thibaud Tortech
One of the 3 tracks of iDASH Privacy & Security Workshop 2017 competition was to execute a whole genome variants search on private genomic data. Particularly, the search application was to find the top most significant SNPs (Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms) in a database of genome records labeled with control or case.Privacy and confidentiality of genome data had to be ensured using Intel SGX enclaves. The typical use-case of this application is the multi-party computation (each party...
Cryptography implementations of block cipher have been written in C language due to its strong features on system-friendly features. However, the C language is prone to memory safety issues, such as buffer overflows and memory leaks. On the other hand, Rust, novel system programming language, provides strict compile-time memory safety guarantees through its ownership model. This paper presents the implementation of LEA block cipher in Rust language, demonstrating features to prevent...
The Jacobi Symbol is an essential primitive in cryptographic applications such as primality testing, integer factorization, and various encryption schemes. By exploring the interdependencies among modular reductions within the algorithmic loop, we have developed a refined method that significantly enhances computational efficiency. Our optimized algorithm, implemented in the Rust language, achieves a performance increase of 72% over conventional textbook methods and is twice as fast as the...
In the rapidly evolving fields of encryption and blockchain technologies, the efficiency and security of cryptographic schemes significantly impact performance. This paper introduces a comprehensive framework for continuous benchmarking in one of the most popular cryptography Rust libraries, fastcrypto. What makes our analysis unique is the realization that automated benchmarking is not just a performance monitor and optimization tool, but it can be used for cryptanalysis and innovation...
In this paper, we revisit the problem of erasing sensitive data from memory and registers when returning from a cryptographic routine. While the problem and related attacker model are fairly easy to phrase, it turns out to be surprisingly hard to guarantee security in this model when implementing cryptography in common languages such as C/C++ or Rust. We revisit the issues surrounding zeroization and then present a principled solution in the sense that it guarantees that sensitive data is...
Secure Multi-Party Computation (MPC) is continuously becoming more and more practical. Many optimizations have been introduced, making MPC protocols more suitable for solving real-world problems. However, the MPC protocols and optimizations are usually implemented as a standalone proof of concept or in an MPC framework and are tightly coupled with special-purpose circuit formats, such as Bristol Format. This makes it very hard and time-consuming to re-use algorithmic advances and implemented...
The concept of using Lookup Tables (LUTs) instead of Boolean circuits is well-known and been widely applied in a variety of applications, including FPGAs, image processing, and database management systems. In cryptography, using such LUTs instead of conventional gates like AND and XOR results in more compact circuits and has been shown to substantially improve online performance when evaluated with secure multi-party computation. Several recent works on secure floating-point computations and...
Computationally sound protocol verification tools promise to deliver full-strength cryptographic proofs for security protocols. Unfortunately, current tools lack either modularity or automation. We propose a new approach based on a novel use of information flow and refinement types for sound cryptographic proofs. Our framework, Owl, allows type-based modular descriptions of security protocols, wherein disjoint subprotocols can be programmed and automatically proved secure separately....
We introduce Lurk, a new LISP-based programming language for zk-SNARKs. Traditional approaches to programming over zero-knowledge proofs require compiling the desired computation into a flat circuit, imposing serious constraints on the size and complexity of computations that can be achieved in practice. Lurk programs are instead provided as data to the universal Lurk interpreter circuit, allowing the resulting language to be Turing-complete without compromising the size of the resulting...
With the advancement of blockchain technology, hundreds of cryptocurrencies have been deployed. The bloom of heterogeneous blockchain platforms brings a new emerging problem: typically, various blockchains are isolated systems, how to securely identify and/or transfer digital properties across blockchains? There are three main kinds of cross-chain approaches: sidechains/relays, notaries, and hashed time-lock contracts. Among them, notary-based cross-chain solutions have the best...
This paper introduces Spartan, a new family of zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge (zkSNARKs) for the rank-1 constraint satisfiability (R1CS), an NP-complete language that generalizes arithmetic circuit satisfiability. A distinctive feature of Spartan is that it offers the first zkSNARKs without trusted setup (i.e., transparent zkSNARKs) for NP where verifying a proof incurs sub-linear costs—without requiring uniformity in the NP statement’s structure....
The Noise Protocol Framework, introduced recently, allows for the design and construction of secure channel protocols by describing them through a simple, restricted language from which complex key derivation and local state transitions are automatically inferred. Noise "Handshake Patterns" can support mutual authentication, forward secrecy, zero round-trip encryption, identity hiding and other advanced features. Since the framework's release, Noise-based protocols have been adopted by...
One of the 3 tracks of iDASH Privacy & Security Workshop 2017 competition was to execute a whole genome variants search on private genomic data. Particularly, the search application was to find the top most significant SNPs (Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms) in a database of genome records labeled with control or case.Privacy and confidentiality of genome data had to be ensured using Intel SGX enclaves. The typical use-case of this application is the multi-party computation (each party...