3rd International Workshop on Guaranteed Optical Service Provisioning

Research Article

Routing Fault-Tolerant Sliding Scheduled Traffic in WDM Optical Mesh Networks

  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.1109/BROADNETS.2008.4769068,
        author={Chava Vijaya Saradhi and Mohan Gurusamy and Radoslaw Piesiewicz},
        title={Routing Fault-Tolerant Sliding Scheduled Traffic in WDM Optical Mesh Networks},
        proceedings={3rd International Workshop on Guaranteed Optical Service Provisioning},
        keywords={Routing and wavelength assignment; sliding scheduled traffic; fault-tolerance; time conflict resolving window division algorithm.},
  • Chava Vijaya Saradhi
    Mohan Gurusamy
    Radoslaw Piesiewicz
    Year: 2010
    Routing Fault-Tolerant Sliding Scheduled Traffic in WDM Optical Mesh Networks
    DOI: 10.1109/BROADNETS.2008.4769068
Chava Vijaya Saradhi1,*, Mohan Gurusamy2,*, Radoslaw Piesiewicz1,*
  • 1: Department of Broadband and Wireless, Create-Net, Povo-Trento 38100, Italy
  • 2: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering2 National University of Singapore, Singapore
*Contact email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


This paper deals with the problem of routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) of fault-tolerant sliding scheduled lightpath demands (FSSLDs) in WDM optical mesh networks. Sliding scheduled traffic model allows the service provider and end-users to negotiate the starting time and ending time of the demands. We have developed a time conflict resolving algorithm that exploits the time disjointness that could exist among FSSLDs by rearranging the demands and then dividing them into timeindependent windows. We then present, two RWA algorithms to efficiently route scheduled lightpath demands from timeindependent windows. The proposed algorithms schedule both primary and end-to-end protection routes and also assign wavelengths for the duration of the demands. Extensive simulations are conducted on ARPANET, NSFNET, USANET, and Mesh 8×8, 10×10, 12×12 networks. By rearranging the demands and exploiting time-disjointness across demands, the proposed algorithms can reuse the wavelengths and hence reduces the amount of global resources required and blocking probability.