2nd International ICST Workshop on the Value of Security through Collaboration

Research Article

A History-Based Framework to Build Trust Management Systems

  • @INPROCEEDINGS{10.1109/SECCOMW.2006.359580,
        author={Samuel Galice and Veronique Legrand and Marine Minier and John  Mullins and Stephane   Ubeda},
        title={A History-Based Framework to Build Trust Management Systems},
        proceedings={2nd International ICST Workshop on the Value of Security through Collaboration},
  • Samuel Galice
    Veronique Legrand
    Marine Minier
    John Mullins
    Stephane Ubeda
    Year: 2007
    A History-Based Framework to Build Trust Management Systems
    DOI: 10.1109/SECCOMW.2006.359580
Samuel Galice1, Veronique Legrand1, Marine Minier1, John Mullins1,*, Stephane Ubeda1
  • 1: CITI Laboratory - INRIA ARES project - INSA Lyon, Villeurbanne Cedex - France
*Contact email: [email protected]


In the context of ambient networks where each small device must trust its neighborhood rather than a fixed network, we propose in this paper a trust management framework based upon social patterns. As in human interactions model, our proposal build trust using history elements of past interactions with a local reputation model. The main features of our framework is the non transitivity of the trust bond and the non transferability of the history. The elements of history are also cryptographically proved as a criterion to enforce the trust notion. This gives a general framework that permits the implementation of various trust models