UC San Diego a Key Part of New Project Led by General Atomics to Advance Fusion Energy

The University of California San Diego is part of a new research partnership led by San Diego-based General Atomics that was recently awarded funding by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The project, called the Target Injector Nexus for Experimental Development (TINEX), aims to overcome critical obstacles in developing and scaling up inertial fusion power plants. It is one of six awards, collectively totalling $107 million, made by the DOE as part of the Fusion Innovative Research Engine (FIRE) Collaboratives.

February 13, 2025

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Nuclear fusion could one day be a viable clean energy source

The way scientists think about fusion changed forever in 2022, when what some called the experiment of the century demonstrated for the first time that fusion can be a viable source of clean energy.

January 10, 2025

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Measuring in-situ ablation depth in aluminum.

Researchers used previously obtained x-ray diffraction data to determine the in-situ ablation depth of an aluminum sample. The study, led by Sophie Parsons, a UCSD graduate student participating in LLNL’s Academic Cooperation Program, utilized X-ray diffraction data that was previously collected by LLNL scientists Mike Armstrong, Harry Radousky and Jon Belof during laser experiments in 2016. Parsons, along with her LLNL mentors Radousky and Armstrong, analyzed this data to extract new information from the solid phases of aluminum, whereas previous analyses had only accounted for the point at which the laser shot melted the sample.

December 4, 2024

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Joohwan Kim's recent publication chosen for the featured article of AIP Advances.

A recent publication by Joohwan Kim, "Computational study of laser-produced plasma, EUV generation, and the impact of magnetic fields", has been chosen for the featured article of AIP Advances, prominently displayed on the journal’s homepage. It is also highlighted as published in AIP’s Scilight ( Read the news) . The study found that the dynamics of laser-produced plasmas are highly dependent on the strength and direction of the magnetic field, resulting in an anisotropic plasma confinement and enhancement in EUV generation. This work was supported by ASML.

June 21, 2024

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Michael Pokornik won the "Best Poster" award at SSAP Symposium

At the 2024 Stewardship Science Academic Programs (SSAP) Symposium, graduate student, Michael Pokornik, was awarded the coveted prize of “Best Poster” through a highly competitive process.

February 21, 2024

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UC San Diego is Part of DOE Grant to Establish Inertial Fusion Energy Hub

The U.S. Department of Energy has awarded a four-year, $16 million grant to a multi-institutional team led by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and including the University of California San Diego to establish a national Inertial Fusion Energy (IFE) Science & Technology Accelerated Research for Fusion Innovation & Reactor Engineering (STARFIRE) Hub.

February 7, 2024

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Watching aluminum's reaction under extreme pressure

A team of researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and University of California, San Diego (UCSD) conducted experiments to see how aluminum reacts to a laser under extreme pressure when a tamper material is used on picosecond (ps) time scales.

November 27, 2023

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UC San Diego’s Center of Excellence Receives $12.5 Million from DOE

The Center for Matter Under Extreme Conditions received $12.5 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy to maintain one of nine national centers for excellence at UC San Diego. The funds support advancing one of the most complex areas of science while training the next generation of high-energy density scientists.

June 22, 2023

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A recent publication by Mathew Polek, "Experimental and theoretical comparison of ion properties from nanosecond laser-produced plasmas of metal targets", was featured on the front cover of Journal of Applied Physics and on AIPP showcase on Kudos. The study explores the processes occurring within a laser produced plasma through experimental measurements of ion properties and analytical modeling. This work was supported by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

May 28, 2023

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Published results of an experiment on the effect of insulator surface on the pinch dynamics and x-ray production of a Ne-filled dense plasma focus has been selected as Journal of Applied Physics Editor's pick.

May 13, 2021

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CER Partners with Johns Hopkins University to Develop New Center, the Materials Science in Extreme Environments University Research Alliance (MSEE URA)

April 22, 2020

The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is awarding nearly $30 million over five years to establish the Materials Science in Extreme Environments University Research Alliance (MSEE URA), a center directed by Tim Weihs of Johns Hopkins University. The alliance of 18 institutions includes four permanent universities, each with a technical expert who will work collaboratively with Weihs to manage the consortium. Among these experts, CER's Farhat Beg will serve as a lead in photon-material interactions.

Press release

Experiment shows laser-driven proton beam makes warm, dense samples with surprising material dependence

December 03, 2018

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Professor Farhat Beg named AAAS Fellow

November 28, 2018

Press release

NNSA Awards New Center of Excellence to be led by Professor Farhat Beg

October 17, 2018

Press release

UC San Diego experimental team featured in Jupiter Laser Facility spotlight

June 4, 2018

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Ph. D. Candidate Rui Hua awarded poster prize at OLUG Workshop

April 27, 2018

Workshop Program

UC San Diego Center for Energy Research, LPPFusion to Collaborate on Fusion Energy Research

October 5, 2017

Press Release

PhD Graduate Tammy Ma awarded prestigeous Presidential Early Career Award

February 18, 2016

Press Release

HEDP research on visualization of energy deposition in Fast Ignition published in Nature Physics journal

January 14, 2016

Nature Physics Article

Jonathan Peebles wins poster presentation award at 2016 SSAP Annual Review Symposium

February 18, 2016

PhD Graduate Tammy Ma featured in CNN mini-documentary Pioneers

December 06, 2015

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Farhat Beg appointed Director of the Center for Energy Research

December 2015

CER Website

Farhat Beg chairs 5th International Conference on High Energy Density Physics

August 23 2015

UC San Diego and LLNL collaborate on study of Matter Under Extreme Conditions

March 05 2015

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