Authenticated and exacting re-creations of swords and armor made famous in film, television, literature and fantasy art.
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The Swords of

Through our licensing partnership with Conan Properties, we will be offering you many different items from the new film, Conan the Barbarian 3D .

Our authentic Conan pieces are also available through Albion Europe
The Sword of Conan - currently in development

See the step-by-step recreation process in the Conan 3D Diary

© 2011 Conan Properties International LLC ("CPI"). Conan, Conan the Barbarian, Hyboria, Master's Sword, Father's Sword, Atlantean Sword, Fangs of the Serpent Dagger, Conan Dagger, Subotai's Sword and Valeria's Sword are trademarks or registered trademarks of CPI. All rights reserved.

Please note: Film Swords recreations are NOT intended for use as a weapon.
Any such use voids all warranties and no liability of any kind for such use can be assumed by Film Swords, LLC or its licensors.

Website design copyright � 2003 by Albion Armorers, Inc.
This site and all pages and images contained therein unless otherwise indicated are property of Albion Armorers International, Inc
and cannot be reproduced or used without our express permission.

Site designed by Howard Waddell, maintenance and principal photography by Leif Hansen
FilmSwords LLC is an Albion Armorers International company