directory of all past Another Perspective columns and
the earliest editions of FishNet USA are available here.
information on who's getting what to control fishing
in U.S. waters, visit the "Big Green Money Machine"
website here.
"One of the more clever things in this most recent bout of
�market research� was the lumping of mining, drilling and fishing together.
This seems to me to be tantamount to asking people how they feel about crimes
committed by �murderers, rapists and shop lifters.� After the recent (and very
possibly still ongoing) BP disaster in the Gulf of Mexico we all have a pretty
accurate idea of what the potential downsides are to drilling in the oceans,
and who hasn�t seen pictures of huge open pit mines (if you are one of the few
who hasn�t, Google �open pit mine� and click on images)? Not in our ocean, huh?
But in U.S.waters can anyone make a rational comparison of the potential
impacts of mining, drilling and fishing?"
again the Pew Trusts, the Conservation Law Foundation
and another handful of anti-fishing organizations are
have embarked on a foundation-funded greenwashing campaign
to close off even more of the the U.S. Exclusive Economic
Zone to fishing. They're attempting it this time by
trying to persuade President Obama to declare a huge
and productive area off New England a National Marine
Monument via presidential fiat. They are relying in
large part on a poll by Edge Research a marketing research
firm. Combining fishing with sea floor mining and
drilling, they are basing much of their campaign on
the fact that their poll revealed that the majority
of the respondents would favor ocean protection. For
the full FishNet piece go to http://www.Fishnet-USA.com/DejaVu.pdf.
"For the past
several years, fanned by what�s going on in modern Russia, there has been a lot
of interest by the media in oligarchs and oligarchies. Defined as �a country, business, etc., that is controlled by a small group of
people� (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary), an oligarchy would seem to be
the antithesis of government as Lincoln envisioned it. But along with the
foregoing, follow some of the links below and then consider the influence Pew
has in or over the domestic fisheries management system (and on fisheries
management in other countries as well). And consider as well that thirteen
people wield all that power. Of those thirteen people seven are in the
founder�s family and at least twelve have significant ties to Sun Oil/Sunoco
and/or the private bank that was formed to administer the trusts established
with Sun Oil/Sunoco stock. You decide!
To the extent
that multi-billion dollar foundations such as Pew continue to have their way by
mounting campaigns that any of the affected groups can�t afford to effectively
counter, and by exerting influence in Washington that few in the private sector
are capable of, the folks at the St. Augustine Lighthouse Museum who think the
people can�t change government will be justified. And the rest of us, those of
us who know that Lincoln had it right at Gettysburg, will be increasingly
most of the past two decades the Pew Charitable Trusts
have been playing an increasingly dominant role in how
- and to what end - our fisheries are managed in the
U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (and in the fisheries of
other nations as well). Backed by a multi-billion dollar
endowment, the Trusts and their thirteen member Board
have directly or indirectly (through many millions of
dollars in grants to selected "fishermens"
organizations, ENGOs, academic institutions, on their
own and with "hired help") impacted fishery
after fishery, and those impacts have largely been negative.
In Who's really in charge of U.S. fisheries? at
For By the People.pdf I
examine the relationship between the Pew Trusts and
fisheries and ocean governance.
"It doesn�t matter that overfishing in U.S. waters is no
longer a concern. It doesn�t matter that increasing ocean temperatures are
affecting the �sustainability� of our fisheries to a much greater extent that
overfishing ever has. It doesn�t matter that they are increasingly focused on
what are nothing more than token fishing issues like saving deepwater corals,
saving forage fish, completely eliminating bycatch or protecting huge areas of
natural ocean through Marine Protected Areas (which are generally protected
only from fishing). The sum total is fewer fish landed and at greater cost to
the fishermen every year.... The bucks keep rolling in, the misinformation those bucks buy
continues to influence the public and the non-coastal politicians, the lawsuits
those bucks fund continue to put our fishermen out of business, the
anti-fishing bureaucracies continue to grow and the anti-fishing salaries
continue to increase."
In Their careers and their futures
depend on attacking fishermen and fishing. What more can we expect from them?
I address the
ever more trivial exercises that anti-fishing organizations
and individuals are pursuing in order to keep their
Blame it all on fishing band wagon rolling along
and to keep their coffers overflowing. That's a natural
condition for a successful bureaucracy to be in, because
few of the people involved would be willing to call
it a day while there was still money to be grubbed,
regardless of how irrelevant their original mission
has become. The full FishNet is at http://www.fishnet-usa.com/Living
down to expectations.pdf
"If the populations of most marine
mammals and other highly efficient predators such as spiny dogfish have
increased significantly over the past decade or three it�s obvious their
predation, the largest part of natural mortality, inflicted on their prey
species would have increased correspondingly. Yet is this factored into
fisheries management programs? It appears not. It appears as if, as is
apparently the case in New England, controlling fishing mortality is the only
�effective� method (which really means �is the only easily available method�)
by which managers assume that they can affect total mortality. Fisheries
managers have to do something, because the whole fisheries management system is
predicated on managing or on appearing to manage fisheries. So the natural
mortality of a stock increases because of increasing predation and at this
point, given research funding limits as well as limits on what we know about
predation, the only way that the managers can compensate, which they are required
to do by federal legislation and forced to do by a handful of mega-foundation
funded ENGOs with huge bank accounts and droves of lawyers, is by reducing
fishing mortality. What comes immediately to mind is a snake busily at work
eating its own tail."
the FishNet Dogfish
and seals and dolphin, oh my!
I consider predation by several groups of voracious
marine animals on our most valuable fisheries and the
fact that neither our management system system nor federal
laws allow it to be handled effectively, in fact making
any claims that we are advancing towards true Ecosystem
Based Management at best mistaken and at worst
purposefully misleading. It's posted here in Adobe Acrobat
format at http://www.fishnet-usa.com/Dogfish
and seals and dolphin.pdf. |