Anime is one of the best things Japan brought to this world. It is a source of great fun and so with no further ado, this is the top 50 anime memes!
1. When you get “Best Waifu” award

2. Ultra Instinct: Mastered

3. The Call of Duty we truly want:

4. True Modern-day problem

5. Be grateful

6. Duel: the only way to get things done

7. Levi don’t like this:

8. Why Gintama is the best anime ever:

9. Care about your hair like Orochimaru.

10. Forever young

11. Remember: Always shout your skill’s name!

12. I’m worry about the future of Hell…

13. Always remind yourself that:

14. Saitama’s power secret:

15. When you friend is trying to show off something which you don’t give a damn.

16. For some reason people really like choking Sasuke lately…

17. Okay now this needs to be stopped…

18. Such innocence

19. The truth hurts 🙁

20. And the “Man of Culture” award goes to…

21. … Sakuta!

22. Smug Megumin best Megumin

23. The Most “Useful Character” in Konosuba:

24. Rate your best girl!

25. Vegeta’s iconic line:

26. A Jojo Reference in a Jojo Reference

27. Who are you expecting?

28. “Nani!?“

29. Tsundere in a nut-shell

30. Japanizing Beam Pt.1:

31. Japanizing Beam Pt.2:

32. Japanizing Beam Pt.3:

33. Who’re fans of Cells At Work?

34. Must Protec!

35. Originality is rare nowadays…

36. How to be a Hero 101:

(Source: Internet)
37. Goblin Sla… Oh wait!

38. When your roommate see your browser history:

39. Goblin Slayer in a nut-shell

40. “Is that a Jojo reference?“

41. Why Face-swap is a bad idea:

42. Kenpachi’s life advice:

43. When you lose in a debate:

44. When someone say “anime is for kids“

45. Overlord in a nut-shell

46. “Woman“

47. “Dodge-ception“

48. Fate Stay Night best quote Pt.1

49. Fate Stay Night best quote Pt.2

50. Fate Stay Night best quote Pt.3

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