LOGO MARANATHA Mikey Brown from Maranatha Christian Academy (KS) hits 70-ft shot to send game into OT. (Radio call by Pat Strathman 93.7 FM/1470 AM KAIR)Mikey Brown from Maranatha Christian Academy (KS) hits 70 foot shot to send game into OT. ... Tap Bob's Blitz. *Subscribe or have Bob's Blitz emailed to you every morning. Just click the 'BB' logo below: ... ... world, unashamedly rejecting the current perverted world order, ad crying out for the Kingdom of God. God shall avenge His elect, who cry out day and night to Him, and Know, that He will avenge them speedily! Maranatha! ... Email (required) ( LOGO MARANATHA maranatha. FOR THOSE WHO ARE PUFFED UP BY EARTHLY KNOWLEDGE AND NEVER GLORIFY GOD FOR THEIR KNOWLEDGE, IT WILL TURN TO UTTER STUPIDITY IF YOU FAIL TO MAKE THE RAPTURE!!! ON THE ... The banner simply said “Maranatha!”. I remembered that banner! It had a flying dove, carrying an olive branch in its beak! Coincidence Number 5: THE LOGO FOR MARANATHA! RECORDS WAS A FLYING DOVE WITH AN ...