
Northern cardinal

Northern cardinal

Northern cardinal is the state bird of Virginia.

I have seen them around
Red and black
Strong contrast

Northen cardinals - photo by Giang Dinh
Looking out the window one day
A few of them playing on the redbud tree in our front yard

Time to play with paper, try to find the bird in it

The first version
with wings
(They traveled to New York and Ohio)

Origami Northern Cardinal by Giang Dinh


A few weeks later,
Looking at them again
I am not happy
Still “complicated”
I simplify it
The head itself is enough to say “Northern Cardinal”, I think
The rest should be simple

A few small studies

Northern cardinal origami studies by Giang Dinh

A long tail
Legs or no legs?
(2 skinny legs come from parts of the paper that form the wings in the first version)

Origami Northern Cardinal by Giang Dinh

For now I keep the legs
They lift the bird up and make it lighter.


Here is a rough diagram,
A little gift for you
I hope you will come up with your own variations

Origami Northern Cardinal-rough diagram by Giang Dinh


8 Responses

  1. Reshef Gabay says:

    Awesome, my friend.
    keep on posting

  2. Nice work Giang, I like it very much and I like the winged version too.

  3. Kimlieu says:

    They are so beautiful. I always love cardinals in VA. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Stephen Tran says:

    Absolutely stunning. I am always amaze of how you design your models. Thank you for sharing Anh Giang.

  5. Quynh says:

    Very beautiful, Anh Giang! Your work is always inspiring

  6. Rachel Grenfell says:

    Acabei de conhecer seu trabalho e estou encantada! Maravilhoso! Parabéns!
    Obrigada pelos diagramas.

  7. Jayati Sen says:

    your work, especially on animals is indeed very beautiful! the diagrams help a lot!

  8. sarah says:

    thank you! my family believes cardinals are angels- in creating (my attempt to symbolize spirit) I listen to their being; gaze, think, “their head’ distinguishes their being… also thank you for the ideas for the folding 🙂